Queen - The Hobbit - Bilbo x Thorin x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way through the towering halls of Erebor. Nodding respectfully to the multitude of dwarves that still seemed to arrive every day as she passed. Each one of them bowing equally as respectfully, as she went.

She was on her way, as quickly as she possibly could in her current state, to see the only one in the lonely mountain that still saw her as just (Y/n). That still treated her as who she was, despite her title. She was on her way to see Bilbo. The hobbit that had been her friend for so long.

It wasn't that she didn't love being the Queen under the Mountain. That she didn't adore Thorin. That she didn't love the rest of the company and had come to care for all the others that called Erebor home. It was just that she had never expected to find herself in this position. And that position was being an elf, that was now the queen of the Durin folk and heavily, heavily pregnant with Thorin's heir.

It was a strange way that she had found herself accompanying the dwarves on their quest. She was a wanderer. An elf of no real name. An elleth that had little more than a bow and sword. But when she had come across the dwarves fighting off orc and their mounts, she had taken it upon herself to assist. And after, Gandalf had insisted that she journey with them, much to Thorin's chagrin of course. It obvious that the leader of the group was not enamoured of her kind. Yet as the journey had progressed. As she had helped with fights against all manner of foes, it appeared that the would be King under the Mountain had begun to change his mind about her. (Y/n) often catching him staring at her through the fire. Often finding herself smiling back at the handsome, if a little grumpy, dwarf. The elleth not sure of what to think when the top of her ears would tingle every time he was close. Not sure what to think, when her skin would heat, if his hand brushed over hers. And then it had hit her. As she and Thorin had looked up at the Lonely Mountain from Lake Town, she had realised that she cared for Thorin. In fact, she loved him more than words could say. And when he turned to look at her. When he had taken her hand and asked if he could court her. That he wanted her to be his queen whether they retook Erebor or not. The dwarf reaching up and taking a few lengths of her hair to braid. It was obvious that Thorin felt the same. So, here she was. Wed to her beloved dwarf. A queen. But at this moment, she just wanted to be (Y/n). And the only one that could give her that, was the little hobbit burglar.

Finally, she got to the round door, that had been painted the same colour as that at Bag End. (Y/n) taking a few deep breaths and trying to appease the wildly kicking babe in her belly, before knocking on the door. A smile spreading across her lips, as she saw an all to familiar mop of hair followed by a sweet face.

"(Y/n), you're just in time for tea. Come in..........." Bilbo said cheerily opening the door fully and doing his best not to chuckle as the tall, heavily pregnant elf made her way inside his rooms. The hobbit leading her over to the best seat.

"Are you alright.............? The baby...............?" Bilbo enquired, as he made his way into the kitchen and found some cups.

"The baby is fine. As strong and stubborn as their father already. Though I do wish that they would hurry up and make their appearance. I feel like I am carrying a fully grown troll." (Y/n) chuckled, as she happily accepted the cup from Bilbo.

"And you...............?"

"Me? Well..........I suppose that is why I am here. You are the only one that still treats me just like me. To everyone else I am now the queen. Even the others treat me differently now. Instead of doing what they used to do, and talking to me how they used to, they spend their time bowing and calling me 'Your Grace'. Even Fili and Kili do it. It's not that I can't understand, but it's just so frustrating. Just because I am married to Thorin. Just because I could be carrying the next king, it doesn't mean that I am not still me." (Y/n) sighed, as she took a sip of tea.

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