Chess - Peaky Blinders - Alfie x Reader

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Alfie and (Y/n) sat across the table from one another; the board in front of them. It may be a strange way to come to an agreement, but when she had suggested it, he had just thought.......why the hell not; especially after they had been arguing back and forth for some time, and he was becoming more than a little frustrated. Well, he said a little frustrated; but given (Y/n) was currently sat across from him dressed in little more than her underwear, he was in fact a lot frustrated. Alfie just wishing that he could forget about all of this, take her into his arms, and carry her to the bed. Though he knew that if he just gave up and agreed with her, she would probably use it to tease him for the rest of his days. Alfie watching as she picked up one of the white pawns and placed it on a new square.

In truth, he probably should have said no to this. Alfie sure that she wouldn't suggest a game like chess, unless she knew she could win; this was (Y/n) after all. A woman that knew what she wanted, and how to get it; and that was what had attracted him to her in the first place. The baker knowing that he was lost, from the moment that he had met her. That no matter how much he prided himself on being the one in control, when it came to her, most of the time he could never say no. Not that he would say no when she was dressed as she was; in fact, whenever she was dressed like this, he would usually agree with anything and everything she said or asked. Alfie having to admit that he had leant a few things that he didn't even know, after he had agreed to something when she had been in her underwear.

"So........." Alfie began, as he pushed his glasses onto the end of his nose and looked at the board for a moment, before picking up one of his pawns.

"Ya play chess............?"

"Well, I know how the pieces move, if that is what you mean......" (Y/n) countered, as she picked up another one of her pieces, and placed it down in its new position.

"I'm not going to claim that I would beat a grandmaster; but I believe that I can hold my own." She continued, as she waited for Alfie to make his next move. Smiling to herself as the Londoner placed his piece on the board.

"My father was the one that taught me. He said that there were many things that you could learn from chess; strategy, patience, control. He also said that were things that you could learn about your opponents, from how they moved." (Y/n) explained, as she placed another piece in its new position.

"Is that right..........? And what does all this tell ya about me..........?" Alfie asked, as he quickly moved his next piece. His eyes more on her cleavage as she leant forward, than the game at hand. Causing (Y/n) to smile.

"It tells me that you can be aggressive, that you take risks, and are easily distracted by a pair of breasts." (Y/n) told him, as she made her next play. Alfie looking at the board and wondering how he missed it, when she removed one of his pieces from play.

"How did ya............?"

"Easily distracted by a pair of breasts, Alfie. I told you." She chuckled. Alfie letting out a huff, before deciding that he should really take this more seriously.


(Y/n) watched, as Alfie studied the board. A smile pulling at her lips, as he brushed his hand over his beard and pursed his lips in concentration. God, did she love this man. From the moment that she had met him, she knew that she had to have him; that she had to have him, body and soul. The man was a thrill ride; everything he did and said made her heart beat faster, her stomach twist, and her mind race; and that was before he had got her into bed.

She was sure that it had been the best day of her life when he told her that he loved her. They had been laid in bed, his calloused fingers brushing over the skin of her arm, as he held her close; the both of them doing their best to catch their breaths. (Y/n) still taken aback by how gentle and caring he could be, despite what other people may think of him; despite his reputation and how she had seen him act when he was around other people. A smile coming to her lips, as he brough his hand up to her cheek and slowly pulled up her head so that she was looking into his beautiful eyes.

"I fuckin love ya, (Y/n)." He had said. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from giggling at this very Alfie way of saying it; but she knew that he meant it. That she had meant it too, when she had told him that she loved him as well. His lips quickly connecting with hers in the most wonderful of kisses. But despite the fact that she adored everything about the big Londoner; it didn't mean that she was going to let him win.

"It's not gonna work, darlin." Alfie told her, as he did his best to ignore the fact that she was slowly moving her fingers up from her ankle to the top of her stocking. His own fingers reaching for the black bishop and moving it to its new spot.

"What's not going to work........?" (Y/n) enquired innocently, as she popped the first suspender that was holding up her stocking. Quickly making her next move, before she popped the next one, and began to push the sheer stocking down her leg. Holding back her amusement, as she watched Alfie's eyes take in her every movement. The big man gulping at the lump that had just formed in his throat. The gangster just making any move, as his girl repeated the action with the other stocking. Alfie looking between her and the chess board, as she leant across and moved one more of her pieces.........

"Checkmate, Alfie. I win.........." (Y/n) laughed; the laugh turning into an excited squealed as Alfie pushed the table and chessboard out of the way, before pulling her up from the chair and throwing her over his shoulder.

"I'll show ya who tha fuckin winner is." Alfie growled, as he quickly made his way towards the bedroom; dropping her onto the bed before beginning to remove his own clothes. The pair quickly forgetting why they had started the game to begin with; but (Y/n) sure that if chess could lead to this, then perhaps she and Alfie should play more often.  

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