Smile - LotR - Legolas x Reader

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"(Y/n).........Do elves ever smile.......?" Pippin asked quietly, as he and the other hobbits huddled around the only female member of the Fellowship. His eyes looking over to where Legolas was on watch.

"Well, I have certainly seen Lord Elrond smile, when he forgets that he is supposed to be being serious. And I know his twin sons Elladan and Elrohir, definitely smile; but they are peredhel, half-elf, so I think that has something to do with their mannish side. But full elves.........I cannot say that I recall anything. I don't think that means that elves never smile, it is just that they are far more guarded with their emotions than others that inhabit Middle-Earth. It not that they don't feel emotions like joy and happiness; elves tend to feel their emotions very strongly, stronger than any man, hobbit or dwarf I have ever met; its just that they hide them. A part of me thinks that they fear what may happen if they let them out. That it might show that they are not so dissimilar to the rest of us, as some of them like to think. But if you are asking about whether Legolas smiles........I think that maybe he had built up too many walls around his heart, to smile like any of you do. Mirkwood, unlike Rivendell, is not the happiest of places, and the elvenking, his father, Thranduil, well..........from what I have heard, he hasn't smiled in a very long time. Not since he lost his wife, and perhaps........perhaps that sadness has affected Legolas too. Or maybe there have been other things that have broken the prince's heart. Yet maybe he has smiled while in the company of Aragorn, and I was just not there to see it. Though it is a shame that he doesn't. Our elven prince is already a handsome thing; but if he smiled, I am sure that he would be quite the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen." (Y/n) sighed, as she watched the ellon for a few moments more, before turning her attention back to the four hobbits.

"Now, you four. Time to rest. You have nothing to fear with Legolas on watch. He will alert us if he sees or hears anything, long before they are a threat." (Y/n) assured. A smile of her own coming to her lips, as the hobbits bedded down as best they could on the hard ground. That smile slowly fading, as she looked back to the elven prince. Her thoughts going back to when the elf had first come to find Strider.

Just like Aragorn, (Y/n) was Dúnedain; though compared to Strider, she was still quite young, only being fifty to his eighty-seven. And it was during the elf's time with the Ranger's that she had got to know the elven prince; that she had come the prince. Not that she would ever tell him that. Sure, that Legolas would not look upon such a thing favourably. That maybe he would even hate her for her feelings towards him. (Y/n) only able to imagine what he might say. And given that Aragorn had once told her that the prince had loved an elleth that had loved another and it broke his heart, she doubted that Legolas would or could ever love again. Yet that didn't mean that the feelings for him had left her. (Y/n) slowly getting up and walking over to where the elf sat. Hoping that he would allow her to join him.


Legolas had heard every word that (Y/n) had said to the hobbits about elves not smiling. About the reasons behind why he didn't smile. It hadn't surprised him that she was so insightful about elven emotions; the young Dúnedain had always been smart and willing to learn anything and everything. Soaking up all information, like a sponge. Yet what had surprised him, was what she had said about he and his father. How her voice had filled with sadness when she had mentioned them losing his mother; about there being something that had broken his heart. Legolas not appreciating, until that moment, that he hadn't thought about Tauriel in a long time. That he no longer cared to think about her. For despite himself, and what he might believe; there was someone that had mended his heart. Someone that had shown him that what he felt for the Silvan elf, was not the true love that he had thought it was. And that was why he had been so glad to see that (Y/n) had accompanied Aragorn to Rivendell. That just like him, she had sworn herself to protect Frodo. Legolas never realising that he had not smiled for her. So, despite their circumstances; or, because of them, he believed that he had to do it now. To smile and show her how he felt, before the opportunity was taken from him.

"Prince Legolas..........." The prince looking up to see (Y/n) standing over him.


"I was wondering whether you would like some company on your watch. I am afraid sleep eludes me.........." (Y/n) explained. A smile coming to her lips as the handsome ellon nodded. The female ranger taking a seat next to him. The pair sitting there in a comfortable silence.

"I heard what you said to the hobbits........" Legolas finally said. (Y/n) knowing that he probably would have done, but that didn't mean that a blush hadn't just made its way onto her cheeks.

"I hope you didn't think I was being rude. I know I do not know as much about elves as Aragorn; but............."

"You were not being rude at all. In fact, I believe that you understand elven emotions, better than most. Also, you were far kinder about my father than many would be. And as far as I am concerned.........."

"I am sorry, Legolas. I should not have said........."

"It is I that should be sorry, (Y/n). Sorry for not smiling at the beautiful woman that mended my heart without me realising it. Sorry for not telling her how I have come to feel for her. Though I give you my word that I will do my best to smile for her, every chance I get from now on." Legolas told a wide eyed (Y/n), as he slipped his hand into hers, and brought it up to his lips to kiss. The Dúnedain sure that her heart would burst, as the most beautiful smile that she had ever seen, made its way onto the prince's face. Legolas moving to her side, so that he could place his arm around her shoulder. The two looking at one another once more before they turned their attention back to dark land before them. The smiles never leaving them, as they held one another close. 

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