Meet me on the battlefield - Vikings - Ivar x Reader

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Ivar scanned the opposing forces that had been amassed by Björn and Lagertha. The anger rising in him, as his bright blue orbs fell on the one person that he was looking for. The shieldmaiden that had come to stand by Ubbe's side. It one thing for him to have been betrayed by his brother; for Ubbe to stand with the woman that had killed their mother, but for her to do it. For (Y/n) to stand against was more than he could take. His hands gripping tighter to the reins of his carriage, as he saw his older brother move a little closer to her.

"Ivar........" A voice said from beside him. The youngest son of Ragnar not needing to look down to know that it was Hvitserk.

"It is Lagertha you want to kill. Your fight is not with (Y/n)........."

"She chose her side, brother. She cares nothing for me......nothing for what we have been through together. She has sworn her allegiance to Björn and Lagertha, just like Ubbe; and she is now as much my enemy as any other that fights with Björn........." Ivar protested. Hvitserk knowing that no matter what he said, his brother's mind was set.

Hvitserk had tried to tell Ivar of what he had learnt when he and Halfdan had traded places. That (Y/n) had managed to join him; that she had had time to tell him that Lagertha had given her no choice but to fight for them. That the shieldmaiden had sworn that she would destroy Ivar; that she would ensure that he would never get to see Valhalla. That not even Hel would accept him into her realm, if she did not stand with them. Hvitserk knowing that (Y/n) would do anything not to see harm come to his younger brother. That she would willingly give her own life so that nothing would happen to Ivar. Yet no matter what Hvitserk had said, Ivar had grown deaf to his words. The youngest Ragnarsson wanting to believe only his own eyes, his own thoughts; his own temper, which just like when he had killed Sigurd, had got the better of him.

"No one kills (Y/n) but me. Understand........?" Ivar growled before placing his helmet on his head. Hvitserk slowly nodding and taking a final breath before the call to advance.


It was not hard to find him, as she moved to the front line. Ivar atop his chariot for all to see. (Y/n) sure that she could see his blue eyes glaring at her, despite the distance between them. She had prepared herself for the fight. Prepared herself for what she knew was to come.........her death; for even though she would not let anyone kill him, she knew that he would kill her. Kill her because he would believe that the one woman that had claimed to truly love him; that had been the only one to support him, no matter what, had turned her back on him.

They had been through so much over the years. She had dealt with her feelings of hurt and anger when she had heard of Ivar's liaison with the whore, Margrethe. Able to show him that it should have been her that he had come to, when she did what the thrall had not been able to, and had made him a man. She had defended him when he had killed Sigurd. Ready to face the disapproval of all the other sons of Ragnar. Yet here she was, after everything, stood on the opposite side of a battlefield from the only boy that she had ever loved. A battlefield that she knew that she would never leave alive.

"(Y/n)......." A voice came from beside her. The shieldmaiden not needing to turn to know that it was Ubbe.

"Please don't, Ubbe. I do not need to hear any platitudes. Any cliched apologies for my situation. We both know what is going to happen. Ivar will want to kill me, as much as he wants to kill Lagertha. And he will kill me, because I will not be able to kill him. But I will ask that you to promise me one thing........"

"Anything, (Y/n)............."

"If you make it through this, tell Ivar that I did not betray him. That I did all this because I love him more than life itself. That I was happy to give my life for him.........."

"(Y/n) don't..........."

"Please Ubbe. Promise me........." She interrupted, as she turned to look at the eldest son of Aslaug. Ubbe nodding slowly; (Y/n) giving him a sad smile and taking a final breath, before the call to charge.


The battle had been a blur, (Y/n)'s sword cutting through anyone that came towards her. In truth, she hadn't cared whether they called themselves her friend or foe; all she knew was that she had to get to Ivar. She had to stand in front him one last time in this realm, before they hopefully met again in Valhalla. To see his eyes and place her hand on his skin, before the Valkyries came for her.

And then, there he was, his carriage at her side. His eyes burning into hers, as he grabbed his crutch before stepping down onto the battlefield; one of his long daggers gripped in his hand.

The world around them had ceased to be. The battle, the bodies, the shouts and the smell of blood no longer existing; now it was just them.......only them. As much as he had wanted to say at this moment, as much as he had been angry, now that she was in front of him, all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her. All he wanted to do was take back Kattegat and make her his queen; yet it had gone too far for that. Ivar sure that if his brother and Lagertha won the day and they knew that (Y/n) had not killed him when she had a chance, that her life would be forfeit. That they would deny her the chance of entering the Golden Halls.

Suddenly he gasped, his eyes growing wide as he realised what she had done. Ivar able to feel her warm blood cover his hand, as she moved her body closer to him. His dagger moving further into her flesh.


"It.......its alright, Ivar. It had to end this way........." (Y/n) dropping her sword and shield so that she could place her hand on his cheek. Blood now trickling from her mouth.

"I could never have killed know that........" She continued. Tears streaming down her cheeks, as she did her best to smile. Ivar trying to catch her as her knees buckled beneath her. The pair instead falling to the floor. Ivar doing his best to cover the wound where his dagger had gone in.

"(Y/n). Don't.......don't leave me.........." The dark prince pleaded. Ivar covered in her blood, as it seeped out of her and soaked into the dirt beneath them.

"I.........I love you Ivar, I always will. Never doubt that. And I will be waiting for you in Valhalla.........." (Y/n) told him, her voice barely above a whisper as she placed her hand around the back of his neck so that she could pull him down for one last kiss.  

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