Love - Vikings - Ivar x Reader

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Love. It is a simple word, four little letters; but together, they mean so much. And though simple, the thing itself, was so hard to find. Or at least it was as far as Ivar was concerned.

It was true that he had the love of his mother; the love of his brothers, well.......maybe not Sigurd, and he had the care of the man that had become like a father to him, since his own had abandoned him and his brothers. Flóki teaching him more about being a man, being a Viking than anyone else in his life. But as far as the love that he wanted so desperately, was concerned, that seemed as out of reach as him being able to walk on his own two legs without any assistance. Ivar coming to believe that this was just another way of the Gods mocking him; it not enough that they had made him a cripple, they had to take that too. His brothers, even Sigurd, able to attract any woman in Kattegat, that they wanted; able to get any slave or freewoman to sneak off with them to some empty room or cabin, so that they could fuck. And though that was not the love that he so desperately wanted, it would be a start. Yet even though he knew that he could demand such things from the slaves, what he actually wanted, was something that had not been had by other men, by his brothers. What he really wanted, was sat in the great hall, enjoying the festivities with her family.

(Y/n). She was the youngest of the three daughters born of a man by the name of Frode. A man that had fought often by the side of Ragnar. The young woman, unlike her older sisters, following in her father's footsteps, proving to be a natural fighter, a true shieldmaiden. And Ivar wanted her, needed her; like the air he breathed, he needed her. Yet after his disaster with Margrethe, he doubted that any woman would want him.

"You are looking at her again, brother." A voice came, shaking the thoughts from Ivar's mind. The young prince emptying his cup, as he turned his eyes to his oldest brother.

"I am not looking at anyone........" Ivar protested, as he held out his cup for one of the thralls to refill.

"Why do you protest, Ivar? (Y/n) is beautiful, intelligent and she's a shieldmaiden; it is only right that a man should look at her." Ubbe said, as he himself turned his attention to the young woman. The oldest son of Aslaug licking his lips.

He had to admit that he would not be averse to knowing the daughter of Frode, and he knew that Hvitserk wasn't, either. Yet they had seen how Ivar would look at her; how he would look at her in a way that they had never seen him look at another woman before, and Ubbe was sure that if anyone could make Ivar happy, could perhaps calm his anger, then it was (Y/n).

"I am not looking at anyone, and most certainly not (Y/n)........." Ubbe rolling his eyes at his brother's protests, before his brother dropped himself from his seat, and dragged himself out of the hall.




"Are you listening at all.........?" (Y/n) watching as Ivar dragged himself out of the hall, before turning her attention to her oldest sister, Adis.

"Yes, of course I was listening.........."

"Then what did I say............?"

"I............" (Y/n) began, as she turned her attention to Adis; knowing that in truth that she hadn't heard a word. Her thoughts having been solely on the dark prince. The young shieldmaiden always believing that despite the fact that Ivar had been born a cripple, he had also been born the most handsome of men. Even more handsome than any of his brothers. That he was, in fact, Balder sent to Midgard. And although she had never said anything, and despite knowing of his temper and his outbursts, she could not deny that she had feelings for the prince. Feelings that she doubted that Ivar would ever return; but still. (Y/n) turning her attention back to her sister for a moment, before pushing her cup into Adis's hand.

"I'll be back soon........" (Y/n) continued, before making her way to the doors of the great hall.


Ivar sighed, as he sat in the sand. He had dragged himself all the way from the hall so that he could be alone; so that he could think. The young prince annoyed at himself for making it so obvious that he liked (Y/n); annoyed at Ubbe for pointing it out. Annoyed that he couldn't do what his brothers could.

"May I join you, my prince........" A voice came. Ivar turning to see (Y/n) making her way over to him. The breath leaving his lungs as she seemed to glow in the moonlight; making her appear even more beautiful. Her smile getting bigger, as Ivar just nodded.

"What are you doing here? You seemed to be having a good time........" Ivar finally managed to say, as he picked up a small stone and threw it into the water.

"I was, but it was getting a little hot in there, and I am sure that it would not be much longer before Adis started acting like she was my mother, again; telling me that I had had enough to drink, and I should be going home. That and I.............."

"What..........?" Ivar interrupted, as (Y/n) hesitated. The two now looking at one another. Neither of them realising how close they were to one another, until this moment.

"I..........I only go to feasts as I know you will be there. And when you left, there seemed to be little point in staying........." Ivar's eyes growing wide at the confession. The prince sure that if it were brighter, he would see a blush on her cheek.

"Why......why would you..........?"

"Oh, Ivar, don't you know.........?" (Y/n) taking a deep breath, before leaning in and placing her lips to his. Ivar's eyes growing even wider, as he took in the fact that the woman he dreamt about every night, was kissing him. Was really kissing him. A smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, as he began to kiss her back; his fingers making their way into her hair.

"I know you may not feel the same........." She began, as they finally moved apart. Her forehead coming to rest on his.

"But.........but I.......I love you, Ivar. I have done for so long. I can't pretend any more. And even though you may laugh at me, even though you may shout at me, call me a fool, I still need to tell you........" (Y/n) continued, as she slowly pulled away from him. Her heart threatening to beat out of her chest, as Ivar just looked at her, not moving, not saying a word.

"(Y/n), wait..........." He called out, as she got to her feet and turned to leave. The young shieldmaiden hesitating, before turning back to look at him. (Y/n) fighting the urge to rush to him, as she saw his head drop.

"I.........I am not a man. I can' should find a man that can give you everything you deserve. I am sure that my brothers........."

"I don't want your brothers, Ivar. I want you. If you could see yourself as I see you, you wouldn't say such things. And just because you cannot do anything with a thrall that has not only slept with each of your brothers, but also any other man that she thinks could elevate her status, that means nothing. In fact, I am glad that you couldn't, because I want to be the only one. The only one that knows what it is to be loved by you............" The shieldmaiden confessed, as she slowly made her way back to him. The breath catching in his throat, as she brought up her skirt, before straddling him. His hands gripping to her hips, and a deep moan leaving his lips as she began to move against him, as she took his hand and moved it under her dress. Her arousal soaking his fingers and making him moan again.

"Let me prove that you are a man. Let me show you how much I love you." Ivar nodding. His eyes closing, as her fingers made light work of the cord that held together his breeches, and he felt himself taken from the material. The prince growling as her arousal now covered not just his fingers. His hands gripping at her hips, as he felt himself twitch, as he felt himself harden. It seeming obvious now that all he had actually needed to make him a man, was love; and now that he had it, he wasn't going to let it go. 

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