Yes daddy - Avengers - Tony Stark x Reader

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His hands. Oh, those hands. Rough and calloused from working on his engines and suits. But his touch could be so amazingly gently.

And those lips. Oh, those lips. Strong, demanding, wanting. And the only thing that could rival his kisses, was the smile that he would give her. The smile that told her exactly what he wanted. A smile that told her exactly what her daddy needed.

She couldn't help but watch him whenever she made her way into the labs. Whenever he was tinkering with one of his suits, or the old hot rod that took pride of place in the corner. There was something about the movement of his body. Something that sent an exquisite tingle down her spine with each subtle twist and turn he made. He was truly a superb creation. His body appearing to her like a work of art, sculpted from the finest marble, that even Michelangelo would have been proud to claim. His face, a picture of perfection that not even Da Vinci himself, had been gifted enough to do justice to. His every gesture, every step and shift, filling her ears with music. Music that only the greatest of composures could have written. And though many may compare his physic to that of Steve's or Thor's, and find it wanting. To her, he was like the Hope Diamond. Flawless.

To others, it may seem a strange match. He was Tony Stark. Iron Man. The billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. And she a simple doctor of genetics, that had been brought in to help Bruce. Many believing that the pair could never have too much in common. Yet, from the first moment they had laid eyes on one another, they had known. Felt it in the air. A spark between them that had lit up the sky like a thousand fireworks. A spark of electricity that could put the great god of thunder himself, to shame. And even though their relationship was secret from all the others. From the world. Both of them knew that nothing and no one could come between them. The subterfuge that surrounded their relationship, making each and every meeting. Each and every kiss. Each and every night wrapped up in the other's arms, all that more wonderful. All that more exciting.

Quickly she made her way down to the labs. She had been in Washington over the last few days helping Charles Xavier lobby for mutant rights. Her expertise in her field, often called on by the professor. The geneticist doing her best to explain to a commission that we were all mutants in one way or another. And mutants like Charles and the other X-Men had just diverged more than others. But now she was back in the compound, and all she could think of was seeing him. Of hopefully getting him on his own, and having her daddy punish her for being a bad girl.

"Hi, Bruce. Missed me?" (Y/n) asked with a chuckle, as she walked into the labs. The doctor doing her best to fight back the blush that threatened to creep up from her chest and on to her cheeks, as Bruce and Tony looked up at her. The twinkle in Tony's eyes telling her that he had missed her, as much as she had missed him.

"Oh, hi (Y/n). Nice to have you back. Have any luck in Washington?" Bruce asked as she made her way over to his bench. Her heart beating faster as she felt Tony's eyes burn into her flesh. The doctor knowing that the billionaire was mentally undressing her. That he longed to again see, what lay under the crisp white blouse and neatly pressed black skirt. (Y/n) hoping that he would have something up his sleeve, so that the pair of them could be alone.

"I don't think so, Bruce. We tried our best. But you know what politicians are like..........." (Y/n) began. Her words drifting off into the ether as Tony watched her lean over the desk. His mind filling with all the things that he wanted to do to her. How he wanted to make up for the time that they had been apart.

Tony couldn't help but watch (Y/n) whenever she made her way into the labs. Whenever he was helping Bruce or working on some new research into mutant genetics. There was something about the movement of her body. Something that sent an exquisite tingle down his spine with her every subtle twist and turn. To Tony, (Y/n) was truly a superb creation. Her body appearing to him like a work of art, sculpted from the finest marble, that even the greatest artisans of antiquity, would have been proud to claim as their own. Her face, a picture of perfection that not even Sandro Botticelli himself, had been gifted enough to do justice to. His Venus paling in comparison to the vision before Tony. Her every gesture, every step and shift, filling Tony's ears with music. Music that only Mozart could have written. To him, (Y/n) was like the Star of Africa. Flawless.

He couldn't help but watch her shift as he continued to talk to Bruce. A broad smile spreading across his lips as he noticed her hand carefully move her skirt up, exposing more and more of her legs. Tony no longer able to concentrate on his latest gadget, as the dark material moved higher and higher. The tight cloth, inching dangerously closer to exposing what Tony wanted more than anything to feel himself buried deep inside. He knew that she was doing it on purpose. He knew that she would want him as much as he wanted her. He knew that she was being a bad girl so that her daddy would be forced to punish her for her transgressions. He knew that she would be getting a thrill from doing all this right under Bruce's nose. A thrill out of the power that it gave her over him. And he knew that he couldn't wait any longer to take what was his.

"Bruce. It's that time of day again." Tony suddenly called out, looking at his watch. Bruce and (Y/n) turning their attention to the billionaire. The confused doctor not noticing that (Y/n)'s skirt was now so high, that it was almost shameful.

"What time?" A confused Bruce asked, as he looked at his own watch. Again, not noticing as (Y/n) fingers softy ghosted over the top of her cleavage. Tony knowing that he had to get Bruce out of that lab before he exploded.

"Coffee time. And I don't want the stuff from the kitchen. I would like something special. Something full bodied, with a wonderful smell and taste. A taste that keeps you coming back for more. A coffee that you can't forget." Tony informed Bruce. Though (Y/n) knew that the billionaire was most certainly not talking about a caffeine boasting, dark roast.

"Jeez, Tony. Its only coffee. Where do you want me to get it from then? There's nowhere around here from miles. I..............."

"That's a great idea, Tony. If you go to Ulster Park, Bruce. There is a wonderful little artisan café there that does the most wonderful coffees. I go there all the time." (Y/n) said, hoping to aid Tony in his attempt to get Bruce out of the lab.

"I think I know the one you mean (Y/n). I tell you what, Bruce. Why don't you take the Audi, I'm sure that you can find the directions on the sat nav. It won't take you long." Tony added. As he tried to usher the doctor out of the room without getting him suspicious of the fact that he needed far more than coffee.

"But........but it'll be cold by the time I get back. I............"

"That's an even better idea, Bruce. Three iced coffees to go. See you soon." Tony interrupted. As he finally got Bruce out of the room and locked the door behind him.

"You were being a very naughty girl. You know that don't you?" Tony asked as he turned his attention from the door, to (Y/n). The wicked smile on her lips telling the billionaire that she was more than happy to be a bad girl.

"You know daddy is going to have to punish you for teasing me. For leaving me alone." Tony hummed as he stood before her.

"I know. I deserve to be punished. I'm such a very bad girl. Just tell me what you want me to do. Daddy." (Y/n) replied seductively. Her voice dripping like hot honey. Tony not sure how much longer he could control himself to ensure that they could play their little game.

"Well, to begin with, you can finishing raising your skirt. I want to see all of you." Tony growled, as he dropped himself onto one of the sofas. His breath getting shallower as he watched (Y/n) slowly continue to raise the dark material. His cock growing ever harder as her hands finally revealed what he wanted to see. Her two simple words sending his mind racing.

"Yes daddy."

"Good girl. Now, unbutton your shirt." Tony ordered. The billionaire gulping at the large lump that had formed in his, as (Y/n)'s nibble fingers made light work each button. The crisp white cotton moved so that he could see her flushed flesh beneath.

"Very good. Now, come and sit on daddy's lap. It's time for your punishment. You naughty girl" Tony added. Unable to stop himself from smiling as (Y/n) obediently made her way over to him, before straddling his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. A low moan filling his ears as he brought the palm of his hand down sharply on (Y/n)'s backside.

"And that's just for starters, kitten. Now, show daddy what my bad little girl wants." Tony hummed. His eyes fluttering closed as (Y/n) began to grind her body against his.

"I want my punishment, daddy. I'm ready to be punished all night long." (Y/n) cooed in his ear. The deep growl coming from within Tony, letting her know that this was indeed going to be a long night. And that being her daddy's naughty little girl, was something that she would never grow tired of. 

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