Puppy love - Peaky Blinders - Arthur x Reader

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I know I am a little early for Valentine's Day, but as I don't have anyone to share such things with, I thought I would write something so I could spend it with one of my favourites.

Dress.........? No, he would probably get the wrong size. Fur coat.......? No, she would say it was too much. Something for her hair.........? No, not enough. Perfume.........? No, she might think that he was telling her that she smelt, or something. Flowers.........? Nah, everyone did flowers. Jewellery........? What about jewellery? She liked jewellery.......but, would she like something that he had chosen........?

"Whatcha doin.......?" A voice suddenly came, interrupting Arthur's thoughts The oldest Shelby turning on his heels to see John smiling back at him.

"What? Ain't a bloke allowed ta look in shop windows around here, without getting his intentions questioned?" Arthur replied, sniffing as he straightened himself and turned away from the store front that was filled with gift for Valentine's Day. Doing his best to seem like he had been doing nothing, as he made his way down the street. John smiling a knowing smile, before pushing himself off the wall and quickly catching up with his older sibling.

"Ya know, if ya after somethin fa (Y/n), I might know what she would like......." John continued, pushing his hands deep into his pockets, as a cold breeze moved quickly passed the pair.

"I don't know what...............what d'ya mean, ya might know what she'd want?" Arthur questioned. He had been about to dispute his brother's comment. He was about to say that he had no idea what he was talking about; but if his brother knew what (Y/n) might like.

Love. Arthur hadn't been looking for it. Hell, he wasn't even sure that he deserved it. But when he had least been expecting it, there it had been right in front of him; hitting him like a bolt out of the blue and knocking him off his feet. In truth, it was all a bit of a foreign concept. When it came to women, well, they were there for fuckin; the whores that shared his bed, meaning nothing to him once he had finished. But then she had come along, (Y/n) had walked into his life and made him question everything. Made him believe things. Made the monsters in his mind, quieten, whenever she was with him. Arthur wanting to be a good man, just for her. The older Shelby not having told either John or Tommy too much about her; Arthur only able to imagine how John in particular, would tease him if he told them that she was a librarian. His younger brother likely to laugh and ask what they could have in common, when Arthur had never actually read a book all the way through. But with the mention of her name, Arthur had to think that somehow his family had found out more about her than he had though. That she was someone important. Arthur reminding himself to ask about that later; but for now............

"So, come on, seein ya seem ta know so fuckin much..........."

"Well......." John began, as he pulled the toothpick from between his lips.

"I'll give ya a clue. Its got four legs, a wet nose and barks at shit............."

"A dog? Ya tellin me that (Y/n) wants a bloody dog.............?"

"I ain't tellin ya anythin. But what I will say is that our Ada says that (Y/n) doesn't feel safe when she's by herself at night. Said she was thinking about getting something ta protect herself. So, either ya get her a gun, ya move in with her, or............"

"A dog..........." Arthur interrupted, finding himself deep in thought. Not liking the idea that (Y/n) didn't feel safe when he wasn't with her. Not liking the notion that someone might hurt her. But as giving her a gun, was not something that he wanted to do; and as he wanted to woo her properly. As he wanted to show her that he didn't just want her for one thing, he would wait a little longer, before taking things to the stage of living with her. Arthur wanting her to really know what she was letting herself in for, before she took that chance on him. So, a dog it would have to be. The older Shelby smiling as he recalled all the times that they had been walking together, and she had stopped to have a conversation with someone, just because of their four-legged friend. But, where he was going to get a dog before tomorrow.............Arthur suddenly leaving his brother without a word, and heading for the Cut; sure, that if anyone might know about someone wanting to dispose of an unwanted litter in the canal, it would be either Charlie, or Curly.


(Y/n) looked out of the window, the sun beginning to set behind the many rows of terrace houses. It was Valentine's Day, and she still hadn't seen Arthur. Alright, they had arranged that he would come to her house for dinner; but she had thought she might get a phone call, at least. The librarian letting out a sigh, before making her way over to one of the chairs next to the softly crackling fire in the hearth.

They had known one another for quite some time now; and despite what she had heard not only about him, but also his family, she would say that she had never been happier. Arthur was a darling of a man; and even though he was haunted by things that he had seen during the war, he had been nothing but a gentleman since they had met; taking her out for walks and picnics. Escorting her to the picture palace, and to some of the best restaurants. (Y/n) feeling quite spoilt since they had been together. But this, this would be their first Valentine's Day. The librarian hoping that he hadn't forgotten. That something hadn't come up.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door; (Y/n) quickly getting to her feet and checking her reflection, before making her way to the wooden ingress. A large smile coming to her lips, as there stood Arthur; the oldest Shelby pulling his cap from his head and smiling right back.

"Arthur. I was afraid that you weren't coming............" (Y/n) said, as she opened the door further, so that he could make his way inside. Her brows furrowing, as he bent down to pick up a large box.

"I wouldn't miss this for all tha tea in China." Arthur replied, kissing her on the cheek, before making his way to the parlour. Carefully placing the box on the floor, and then taking off his coat, before pulling her into his arms.

"I just had ta get ya, ya gift first." He added, looking down at the box, before looking back to (Y/n).

"You got me a gift? Oh, Arthur, you didn't need to................"

"Course I did. Ya my girl. Had ta get ya something special for our first Valentine's Day..............." Arthur interrupted. Laughing as the box suddenly moved, and (Y/n) jumped.

"I think ya better open it. I'm surprised tha little bleeder stayed still this long." (Y/n)'s brows furrowing, as Arthur gestured for her to open his gift. The librarian crouching down, and slowly pulling off the lid. A small black and brown creature with a wet nose and bright eyes jumping straight into her arms, as soon as it saw a glint of light. A sloppy tongue licking at her face, as she fell backward and let out a laugh of pure delight.

"Oh, Arthur. He's beautiful.........." (Y/n) giggled, as the puppy jumped from her arms, and began to move around the room. Its tail wagging as it sniffed its new surroundings.

"What's his name..........?"

"Thought I would leave that ta you. He is yours." Arthur replied, as he helped her up from the floor. The pup now jumping up at (Y/n)'s leg; letting out little noises that to Arthur seemed to suggest that his present was already not happy about her paying the man in her arms attention, and not him.

"Well, maybe we can think about that later. For now, you sit, and I will get you both something to drink. And then when we have had dinner, perhaps I can give you, my gift." (Y/n) replied. Giving Arthur a wink before she left the room. The oldest Shelby taking a seat before looking down at the floppy eared hound.

"Right, you just remember somethin. She might already love you; but I was here first. I don't want ya sweet talkin her when I ain't around. I think we can make a gentleman's agreement, that we can both love her." Arthur said, shaking his head as the furry little creature jumped up next to him and place his head on his lap. Arthur sitting back and smiling, as the smell of dinner wafted into the room; sure, that he could get used to this. And sure, that this first Valentine's Day, would not be their last. 

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