Hide and seek - LotR - Thranduil x young Legolas x Reader

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"It's your turn, naneth." Legolas said cheerily, as he did his best to push his mother away from where he and his father were. The king and queen looking at one another and smiling, as their son eagerly tried to continue their game.

Moments like this were rare for the royal family. Moments when Legolas could be like any other elfling. Moments when Thranduil and his lady, could forget about the pressures of ruling, and enjoy time with not only their son; but also one another.

"Fine.............." The queen agreed, as she leant over so that she could push some of her son's long blonde locks, back behind his ear.

"But make sure that your ada doesn't cheat..........." The lady continued, whispering softly to her smiling son. Legolas nodding in agreement, before the pair turned their attention to the tall, slender ellon, that was looking down at the two creatures that he loved most in the world.

Thranduil sometimes could still not believe that the Valar had blessed him in such a way. From the moment that the son of Oropher had laid eyes on (Y/n), the elleth that would become his queen, he had known that he had found his one. That no matter what happened, he could not be apart from her. The elleth, more beautiful than anything that he had seen. More beautiful than his father's kingdom; more glorious than the stars in the night sky. Greater than anything, or anyone that called Middle-Earth, home. The day that he and (Y/n) had been wed, and the birth of his son, being two of the greatest days of his long life. Two days that would always remain in heart of the king. Thranduil though, doing his best not to smile too much, as he saw his exquisite bride give him one of her playful looks.

"Now............." The queen continued, as she stood up straight.

"Both of you, close your eyes and count............" She continued. Legolas quickly making his way over to his father, before turning him so that the king could not see in which direction the queen had gone. Thranduil smiling, as he heard his child begin to count; the king not needing to look, to know where his wife would be going to hide. Well aware that she would be easily found in her favourite spot.


The guards bowed, as the smiling queen made her way past them. The sight, not an unusual one. All that called Mirkwood home, knowing that the lady had always loved to smile; that she was the one that could make the king smile. And when she was able to spend real time with her husband and son, she would smile all the more. Many feeling that the queen's presence in the kingdom, lightened the curse that had fallen across the once bright Greenwood the Great. All more than happy, that Thranduil had taken her as his bride.

Suddenly, she stopped. Her smile growing even broader, as she came upon the place that she loved most in the whole of the kingdom. It had been a long time ago now, but as the queen slowly moved out into the little garden, it all seemed as though it were only yesterday. This was the place that she had first been introduced to the son of Oropher. The place that she had realised that she loved Thranduil, that he was her one. It was the place that he had asked for her hand in marriage; and it was the place that she had told her love, that she was with child. All of the most wonderful moments in her long life, seeming to happen in this one small, yet perfect garden. The queen taking a seat on the edge of the fountain, before allowing her fingers to dip into the cool water.

"I knew I would find you here.............." An equally cool voice came. The queen turning to see her husband making his way over to her.

After Legolas had finished counting, he had raced off, wanting to be the first one to find his mother. Wanting to use the new tracking techniques that he was being taught, to show his father that he could become a captain of the guard, one day. Thranduil just watching him run off, before slowly making his way towards the garden. The king knowing that one day, his son might be able to read his mother, just as well as he could: but until then............

"Am I that predictable, my love...............?" The queen asked, as her husband offered her his hand, and brought her to him. Thranduil wrapping his arms around her, as she rested her head against his chest.

"Not predictable...........sentimental.............."

"And what is wrong with that? I love you, and this little spot reminds me of all the best moments in my life, with you. The day we met, you took my hand, right on this spot, and I knew that I would always love you. We shared our first kiss here. You promised to always be mine, as we sat at that fountain. I can think of nothing wrong with wanting to spend time in a place where all those things happened..............." (Y/n) retorted, as she looked up at her husband. The king simply nodding in agreement, as he placed his palm on her cheek.

"There is nothing wrong with that, my love. Nothing at all. All of it just means that I love you more................" Thranduil said, before leaning down and placing his lips to those of his wife. The years rolling back, as memories of the first kiss they had shared, flooded their thoughts.

"Ada........you found naneth.............!" A small, slightly annoyed voice came, pushing the king and queen apart. Thranduil and (Y/n) doing their best not to laugh at the look on their son's face. It obvious that the prince was not happy that he had not found his mother, first.

"Oh, nin emel.............." (Y/n) said softly, as she pulled away from her husband and made her way over to her son.

"I think that your ada was cheating; so, I would say that you won. So, why don't you go and hide, and your ada and I will come looking for you............" The queen added. Legolas nodding in agreement, before giving his father a look that seemed to suggest that he should not cheat, this time, and then disappearing from the small garden.

"I cheated.............?" Thranduil enquired, as he took his wife back into his arms.

"Of course. Legolas doesn't know that I as sentimental as you do. So, you had an unfair advantage. That, and I thought that while we counted, you and I could share another wonderful moment." (Y/n) explained, as she reached up and placed her fingers in his hair.

"I would like that very much..........." Thranduil replied. The lips of the king and queen connecting again. Both happy to spend these few moments alone together; to create another perfect memory, before they went to find their most perfect creation, in his favourite place. 

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