Coffee shop - Gotham - Harvey x Reader

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"STOP!" Jim slamming on the breaks at the sound of his partner calling out. His heart thumping frantically as he looked around for the reason for Harvey's shout.

"Harv, what............?"

"Coffee.........." The older man simply replied, as pointed over to his favourite little shop on the corner. Jim just shaking his head, as his partner got out of the car.

"Harv, we are supposed to be getting to this body.........."

"It's a body, Jimbo, which means it's not going anywhere, and they wont mind if they have to wait a few minutes more for us to turn up. That, and I always prefer to have a full stomach, before I see my first corpse of the day." Harvey told him. Jim telling him that he was fine when Harv asked if he would like to join him in a beverage. Harvey retorting that it was his loss, as this place made the best coffee in the whole of Gotham; before closing the car door and leaving his rather unhappy friend, as he made his way across the street. A smile coming to his lips as the little bell above the door let out a tinkling ring to announce his arrival. His smile getting even broader, as he saw the beautiful woman behind the counter.

What he had told Jim was true, in his opinion, this little coffee shop not only had the best coffee in the city, but also the best pastries. Though they were not the real reasons that Harvey would keep returning to this place. No, the real reason was the woman looking at him right now, her smile as broad as his was.

When he had first found the place, it had been by accident. It looking as though it hadn't been open for long. Harvey deciding to give the new business a chance; and from the moment he had stepped inside that first time, he was glad that he had.

(Y/n), the woman that owned the place, was a breath of fresh air in the dark city; or at least she felt that way to him. Her demeanour, her manner, her personality in complete contrast to everyone else that Harvey had to deal with on a regular basis; and that not just because he was a cop and had to deal with the worst scumbags that Gotham had to offer. No, it was more; it was her kindness, her brightness, her calmness, and it had led Harvey to come back every day. And even when nowhere near the place, he would make a special detour, just so he could take a few minutes to forget about the world and enjoy a conversation that had nothing to do with dead bodies, crazed killers, or big-time crime bosses. And the more that he would come and see the beautiful woman, the more he was finding that he wanted to see her. Wanted to see her outside of her little coffee shop; to learn more about her than what he had gleaned from from their little chats. And that, that was the real reason the Harvey had got Jim to pull over; the Irishman, at that moment, summoning up the courage to finally do what he had been thinking about for a long ask (Y/n) out on a date. The fact that he could get a good coffee and something to eat as well, just a bonus.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite customer." (Y/n) said cheerily, as Harvey made him way over to the counter. The thoughts of corpses, and Jim waiting for him in the car across the street, totally leaving his mind, as he took in her words.

"Favourite customer, huh..........?"

"Of course you are, Harvey. I have a few regular customers, but you are definitely the only one that I see every day. And if I didn't know better, I would think that you were interested in something more than just my coffee." (Y/n) laughed. Harvey, despite himself, feeling a blush come to his cheeks. The seasoned detective taking his hat from his head and brushing his fingers through his hair, as he did his best to settle his nerves.

"So, Harvey, what will it be......the usual............?"

"Er.....yes please, sweetheart; but give me two of your best Danish. I have a feeling that its gonna be a long day." Harvey replied. (Y/n) nodding, before she went about making his coffee.

"The bad guys keeping you busy, again..........?"

"Afraid so............." The detective agreed, as he started messing with some of the things on the countertop. Harvey cursing at himself as all the things that he had thought to say to her in this moment, completely disappeared, to be replaced by things that he was sure would only make him sound creepy, or worse.

"I think the only ones that should be afraid, are bad guys, Harvey. I am sure that you and that partner of yours, do all you can to try and keep us safe. Though I must confess, I find it a little scary to go out at night. Even just locking up and going home by myself, can make me a little nervous............"

"Well, if you like, I could walk you home........." Harvey interrupted. Internally slapping himself for just blurting that out.

"What? Don't be silly. I mean, it's very nice of you to offer; but I am sure that you have far better things to do. And at the end of a long day, the last thing you want to be doing is waiting for me to lock up so you can walk me the few blocks to my apartment.........."

"But if you like, I don't just have to walk you home. We could..........go out for dinner too......maybe........." The detective continued, hoping that that made him sound a little less weird.

"Harvey........are you........are you asking me out on a date tonight........?" (Y/n) enquired, as she turned to look at him, placing his coffee on the counter in front of him.

"And if I was............?"

"If you were.........would say.........that I will be locking up at seven. And you can pick me up then........" (Y/n) replied with a smile, as she leant over the counter and kissed him on the cheek, before taking his hat and putting it back on his head.

"Now, I can only imagine that that poor partner of yours is waiting for you, in the car across the street. So, I will see you later." She continued, handing him his pastries in a paper bag. Harvey nodding before picking up his coffee and heading for the door. The detective giving (Y/n) one last look before heading out of the door. Harvey having a feeling that no matter what, nothing, but nothing, was going to remove the smile that only the lady at his favourite coffee shop, could give him, for the rest of the day.   

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