Innocent bystander - Gotham - Harvey x Reader

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(Y/n) sat in the interview room at the GCPD, smiling happily at the older cop that was giving her an exasperated look; (Y/n) being in this position was nothing new, and she was now quite well known to most of the cops in the precinct having made a terrible habit of ending up in this situation.

It wasn't that she was what you would call a bad guy, far from it, it was just that she had seen the worst side of the dark city in which she lived, and she didn't like what she saw, nor did she like what seemed to be the ineptitude of the police, so she, much to the chagrin of a certain coffee, hard liqueur, and Danish loving detective, had a habit of being in the right place at the right time when it came to stopping a certain criminal element.

Harvey pushed his way into the interview room, carrying a hefty file that he and Jim kept on the beautiful vigilante; he couldn't help but shake his head as he saw her smile up at him sweetly. Harvey gave the cop a look, and the older man left the room, laughing to himself as he saw the look on (Y/n)'s face; every man and woman in the precinct seemed to know that (Y/n) had a soft spot for the Irish detective, well everyone that is but Harvey himself.

"Are these really necessary, Harvey?" (Y/n) said, showing Harvey that cuffs that hug on her wrists.

"I mean, its not like you don't know me, plus I didn't do anything." (Y/n) protested, looking at Harvey with a pair of big doe eyes.

"Didn't do anything? (Y/n) that guy has concussion, I'm surprised that he can even remember his own name, and you'll be lucky if he doesn't press charges." Harvey sighed, taking a seat across the table from (Y/n).

"What? That man ran into my fist! There I was, minding my own business when I felt this overwhelming urge to yawn and stretch out my arms, the next thing I know, this guy ran into my fist with such force that he appeared to knock himself out. It wasn't until that poor, sweet, old lady came up and said that this man had just robbed her, that I knew anything of his nefarious activities." (Y/n) explained, as a frustrated Harvey rubbed his temples with his fingers; he knew that (Y/n) meant well, that she had all the best intentions, but it was his job to catch criminals not hers, and he also didn't like the fact that she was always putting herself in danger, at least he and Jim had guns, (Y/n) only had a quick wit, a sharp tongue, and an exceptional grasp of martial arts.

"(Y/n) honey, you have to stop doing this, you are gonna get hurt." Harvey moaned, as (Y/n) rested her elbows on the table and her chin in her cuffed hands.

"Ahhhhh! Harvey, are you worried about me? That is soooooooo sweet of you, I didn't know you cared." (Y/n) sighed happily, as she smiled at the perturbed detective. It didn't seem to matter how many times he or Jim told (Y/n) that she had to be careful, she would end up in this same predicament nearly every week, pleading her innocence, stating that she was merely a victim of circumstance.

As Harvey looked at her, he couldn't help but smile to himself, he didn't know why but the beautiful woman in front of him would always flirt with him, and he had to admit that despite his hardened exterior, he found himself more than flattered by her attentions. She was younger than him by a number of years, as well as highly intelligent and from one of the best, and oldest families in Gotham; (Y/n) was every inch a lady but with a sassy, sexy, step out of line and I'll kick your ass side that Harvey couldn't help but find himself more than attracted to.

Harvey wasn't what you would necessarily describe as a lady's men, Jim yes, but him, no; so for (Y/n) to always be happy to see him, was definitely an ego boost.

"Of course I care (Y/n), Jim and I both care, that's why I hate seeing you in here, this is the last place a lady like you should be, and you most definitely shouldn't have a file this thick." Harvey said, shaking the thick file in front of (Y/n).

"Harvey, sweetie; how many times do I have to tell you, I am an innocent bystander, its not my fault that I always end up in these situations, I must just be jinxed; but there is one good thing about being brought down here and that's that I get to see my handsome detective." (Y/n) grinned, fluttering her eyelashes at the slightly blushing Harvey.

"I also keep hoping that one of these days he might finally realise that I like him, and my flirting is an attempt to get him to take me to dinner, or at least coffee; but I suppose that I will just have to keep coming back until the big bone head gets the message, or do you think that he has finally got it, Harvey?" (Y/n) asked the flustered Harvey, as she leant back in her chair, and placing her cuffed hands behind her head.

Harvey's eyes widened as he looked at (Y/n)'s questioning glances, surly she couldn't mean him, surly she had to mean Jim; he had been in interviews with (Y/n) when Jim had also been there, and she was not averse to flirting with the younger detective, but from the look in her eyes, it seemed obvious that the man that (Y/n) was talking about was him.

"You want me to take you for coffee? Me?" Harvey asked, still not believing that he could be that lucky.

"Well hooray! It seems like the penny has finally dropped. Yes, Harvey Bullock, I would very much like it if you would take me for coffee, and then hopefully dinner and dancing, maybe a movie, and after that, who knows." (Y/n) told him, wriggling her eyebrows as she giggled at the man across the table from her.

Harvey wasn't used to being flustered, but at this present moment in time he felt like he was glowing bright red and he was struggling to swallow the large lump that just formed in his throat.

"Well Harvey, are you going to ask me or not?" (Y/n) hummed, leaning across the table so that her face was right in front of his.

"I, er....... well, would you....... I mean, would you......." Before Harvey could finish, Jim came into the interview room, a big smile on his face as (Y/n) reluctantly moved away from Harvey.

"Hi Jim, am I free to go yet?" (Y/n) asked, Jim chuckling to himself as he saw a flustered Harvey.

"Hi (Y/n), yeah your free to go; that very high priced lawyer of yours has been ripping the Captain a new one, and needless to say, she ain't happy." Jim said, looking down at (Y/n)'s still cuffed hands.

"Harvey, why didn't you take the cuffs off, its not like (Y/n)'s some crazed criminal." Jim asked, reaching over and releasing (Y/n) from the steel bracelets.

"I think that Harvey just likes to see me cuffed, I think that he has one of those quiet kinky sides and he likes to see me helpless." (Y/n) laughed, as Harvey hid his head behind her file.

"Well, its always lovely to see you Jim, but I really must be going, you never know where an innocent bystander might be needed next." (Y/n) said, kissing Jim on the cheek.

"I'll be seeing you real soon, handsome." (Y/n) chuckled over her shoulder as she left the room.

Jim walked over to Harvey and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry Harv, you'll get another chance, knowing (Y/n) she'll be back in in the next couple of days, and then you can ask her out." Jim said, smiling at his startled partner.

"Sorry pal, I heard every word, and if you don't ask that woman out, I'll never let you hear the last of it. Plus, if you do, she might not end up in here so often trying to get your attention." Jim told Harvey, before leaving him by himself in the interview room.

Harvey looked down at the photo of (Y/n) on the front of her file and smiled, next time he would ask their innocent bystander for coffee, the next time she wouldn't leave without getting what she wanted. 

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