Opponent - HotD - Aemond x Reader

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Aemond couldn't help but smile as he faced the opponent opposite him; the prince thinking it was ridiculous that a woman thought that she could fight like a man; ridiculous that she thought she could beat him.

He was nothing like his brother, Aemond was disciplined, studious, a warrior; Aegon only fit to drink and whore; to allow his little bastards to wander the worst parts of Flea Bottom. Yet he was still the second born son, with little chance of ruling as he believed he should. For even if anything were to happen to his brother, the next in line, would be Aegon's son by their sister, Jaehaerys. So Aemond had put all his focus on his training. All his passion and anger channelled into becoming the best warrior in Westeros. And that was why he was now facing this woman; Ser Cole stating that he needed a challenge. That the prince had grown far too accustomed to his fighting techniques and style. The Kingsguard telling him that he had to learn to fight anyone and anything; and that obviously included, women. Though where and how Cole had come up with this particular woman, and what he thought she could teach him..........

Aemond coughed, as he looked up at his opponent; doing his best to catch his breath, as he tried to work out what had just happened. Seconds ago, he was standing there, and now he was flat on his back, his sword somewhere.......but where, he did not know. Her blade though. was pointing right at his throat. Her eyes staring at him from under her helm.

"You should be prepared for anything, prince. Your opponents will not normally tell you when they are about to strike. Do not get distracted by your thoughts, they will get you killed. Fix your mind on the here and now. The only thing that matters, is that I am trying to kill you, and you have to stop me." She told him, before taking her blade away from his skin, and walking back to her position. Aemond slowly getting to his feet and grumbling as he dusted himself off. The prince making his way over to the opposite side of the training area to retrieve his sword, before walking back to face her. Yet before he could react, she was on him again. Her sword blocking his, before she brough up her knees to catch him in the stomach, causing him to double over. The flat of her sword connecting with the back of his head, sending Aemond once more to the dirty floor.

"I thought you said he was good, Criston?" He heard the woman scoff, as Aemond rolled onto his back.

"Do not expect your opponents to always fight with honour, prince. Not all will believe that there is some code when it comes to killing. Expect the unexpected. Criston might have taught you a few tricks, but you still fight like a noble. We have to get you to fight like a sellsword." She schooled, before once more leaving Aemond to get to his feet. The prince watching her, as she stood there and waited. His brows furrowing, as he saw her and the Kingsguard, sharing looks.

He was yet to see what his opponent looked like. Cole just announcing that the helmet wearing female was the prince's opponent, as he stepped into the training area. Though if her face looked anything like the rest of her, then he could only imagine that she was beautiful. The tight leather armour that she wore, clinging effortlessly to her hips, thighs and backside, to her waist and bosom. The prince finding himself feeling jealous of Cole, for despite the fact that Kingsguards took an oath, it was obvious that the two knew one another; especially as she had called him Criston. But what hadn't been so obvious, was that as his thoughts had gone to what she may look like, his opponent had moved quickly to his left side, and for the third time, the prince found himself coughing up dust, as he looked up at the sky. Aemond sure that he would feel whatever she had just done to him, in the morning.

"What did you send for me for, Criston?" Aemond managing to push himself up onto his elbows and watch as she made her way over to the Kingsguard. His eye growing wide as his opponent removed her helmet and threw it to the ground; waves of long hair falling down her back and over her shoulders.

"I told you, (Y/n). The prince needs a new opponent........."

"New opponent? He needs to be trained, full stop. What have you been teaching him since you left me for Kings Landing.......needlepoint........?"

"Be good, (Y/n); and be respectful. Remember you are speaking of a prince......"

"Yes, Criston. And he will be a dead prince if you don't do something with him. I have managed to knock him on his backside three times without even trying. You put him in a proper battle, and he will die. I doubt the queen would like that very much........"

"And that is why you are here. Who better to give him the training that I couldn't........." Criston and (Y/n) turning as they heard a cough from behind them. Aemond giving Cole a look that suggested that he better explain who and what this outspoken woman was.

"Prince Aemond, may I introduce my younger sister, (Y/n) Cole. The best swordswoman in Westeros." Cole explained. Aemond finding his heart thump frantically against the inside of his chest, as his opponent finally looked at him properly. The prince realising, as he gazed at her, that he had been wrong, that she wasn't beautiful.......she was exquisite. Aemond knowing that he had to get her to stay in the capital, so that he could get to know her better.

"Stay." Aemond said. It seeming to be the only word that would come from his lips as he continued to stare at her. (Y/n) looking between the prince and her brother. Cole nodding, happy to have his sister back with him after all these years, and to have her on their side, when the battle that was looming, finally came.

"Well, I suppose I should do something about stopping that pretty princely head of yours from leaving your shoulders. After all there is only so much that you can learn from someone that fights with honour........." (Y/n) said, as she winked at her brother.

"So, now, you learn to fight, my way, prince......." She continued, before making her way to stand in front of Aemond.

"Now, pick up your sword and let's see how many more times I can knock you on your backside, before I knock some sense into you........" (Y/n) making her way back to her place on the training floor. Aemond quickly doing as he was told and joining her; a small smile creeping across his lips, as he picked up his sword. The prince not longer underestimating his opponent; no longer questioning her abilities. Though hoping that with some time, her tricks in the training arena, wouldn't be the only ones that she would want to teach him.

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