Mystery man - Avengers/ X-Men - Logan x Reader

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"I'm gonna tell the press, I'm gonna tell everyone." The angry blonde yelled, as (Y/n) snatched the phone from her hands and snapped it in two.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you and the rest. Now get lost before I lose my temper." (Y/n) growled, as the woman flipped her the bird, and stomped out of the tower.

"You ok (Y/n)?" A voice asked from behind her, as she spun around ready to burst into flames, only to come face to face with Peter.

"Geez Peter, will you not do that! One of these days you are gonna end up as a crispy spider." (Y/n) told the young man as she made her way back to the elevator.

"I see the Mr. Stark had another good night." Peter remarked, as he stepped inside the elevator, joining (Y/n) as it lifted the pair back up the tower.

"Yeah, that's the fourth one I've had to dispose of this week; I'm getting a little sick of taking out my brother's trash, one of these days its all gonna all come back and bite him on the ass. I miss Pepper." (Y/n) sighed, as she and Peter stepped out of the elevator, and made their way to the common room.

"(Y/n), you don't always have to be responsible for your brother; not once have I seen you go out and have a good time, you don't always have to be the sensible one you know." Peter told her, as they both grabbed a drink from the kitchen and made their way over to one of the sofas.

Peter couldn't help but feel for (Y/n), the two of them had got close over his time with the Avengers, and he viewed the younger Stark as a big sister. She was Tony's rock, the one he could always turn to no matter what, the one woman in his life that was a constant; she was the sensible, level headed one of the two siblings, and sometimes the responsibility took its toll.

"You know the best thing to do if you want to make Mr. Stark deal with his own problems, don't you?" Peter asked as (Y/n) looked him, smiling as she saw the mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"I think that its about time that we found you a boyfriend, some nice guy that will drag you out of this tower." Peter smiled, teasing the younger Stark.

"I ...... er, well, I already....... sort of ......." (Y/n) said nervously, glowing bright red as Peter's eyes lit up.

"You already had a boyfriend, and you didn't tell me? I thought we were friends (Y/n), which one of the guys is it?" Peter asked, taking hold of the uncomfortable looking (Y/n)'s hand.

"It's not ....... it's not one of the others, and no one else knows so don't tell anyone, especially not Tony." (Y/n) said, looking more and more uncomfortable as Peter pushed her for more information.

"So why don't you want anyone to know? Who is he?" Peter asked, seeming to be more excited by the prospect of his friend having someone, than she was.

"I haven't told anyone because he's older than me, quite a bit older than me, and he's different, he's more like me than the rest of you guys; there's also the fact that he and Tony have met, and Tony didn't like him." (Y/n) told Peter, the younger man now being eaten alive with curiosity.

"Who doesn't Stark like?" A voice asked, as (Y/n) and Peter turned around to find Natasha walking into the room.

"(Y/n)'s boyfriend!" Peter blurted out, as Natasha rushed over and sat next to (Y/n).

"You have a boyfriend that Stark doesn't like, and you didn't tell me? WHY?" Natasha asked, taking hold of (Y/n)'s hands.

"Thanks Peter, thanks a lot." (Y/n) groaned, as she went to stand up, only to find herself pulled back down by the other two Avengers.

"Oh no you don't! I want all the details." Natasha said, nearly holding (Y/n) in place, as the spy stared her down.

"Look, all I'm saying is that he's a mutant like me, and we met when Professor Xavier sent him over with some information for Bruce. We've kept it secret because he's a private man, and we both wanted to make sure that it was serious before we told everyone, especially Tony, and like I said, the two of them butt heads when they are together so I don't want the great Iron Man going and trying to threaten him, because believe me, it wouldn't end well. And well...... I've invited him to the party on Saturday, and he's agreed to come, so you'll all get a chance to meet him then. Happy now?" (Y/n) said, pulling her hands away from her friends, and leaving the room.

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