The Lannister wolf - GoT - Tyrion x Reader

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"My lady (Y/n)......................." Tyrion said softly, as he walked into the bed chamber. The young woman standing and curtsying politely to the little man.

"Lord husband..................." She replied. Doing her best to not smile.

Their marriage had only been a short time before. Another insult made to the wolves of Winterfell by the Lannisters, by Joffrey. The she wolf only glad that this fate had fallen on her shoulders, rather than those of her younger sister. That Sansa had been overlooked. That this turn of events may somehow help her to get her sister out of Kings Landing and away from the hell that they had had to suffer. The murder of their father. The murder of her mother and older brother, now making her the rightful heir to Winterfell. The rightful lady of the north. The young Stark hoping that this fact. The fact that she had married Tyrion, would allow her to keep her sister safe. Hoping that the old lion would see that if he wanted any kind of control over the north, it would be better to keep her and the remaining members of her family alive, and hope that Tyrion would be able to put a child in her belly. (Y/n) swallowing deeply, knowing that it was time. That as the little man's bride she would be expected to do what a wife must do. The wolf slowly pulling at the strings that held her dress together. The material pooling around her feet, as it dropped from her form. Her skin flushing as the little man looked at her. A smile spreading across her lips, as he moved in front of her and placed his hand on her body.

"It worked................I can't believe it worked.............." Tyrion chuckled, as his new wife leant over to kiss him, before turning and making her way over to the bed. The little lord making light work of his own clothes before he joined her.

"Of course, it worked my love. We thought of it. Did you not believe that you and I could out play your family? Even the great Tywin Lannister. That bitch of a sister and sadistic fool of a nephew of yours. You shouldn't doubt us so." (Y/n) chuckled, as she pulled her husband close. Tyrion closing his eyes, as her lips moved over his flesh.

It was hard to believe, but this had all started so long ago. Neither of them knowing how things would change. How their worlds would be turned upside down when Tyrion and the rest of the royal court had made their way up to the north. As soon as the little man had laid eyes on the oldest daughter of the lord and lady of the north, thought of anything else had left his mind. She was every inch a Tully, yet still every inch a Stark. A young woman that would not look out of place with a crown on her head. But it was when her eyes had fallen on him and she had smiled, the little lord knew that he was completely lost. That despite what he was, and his belief that he would never find anything but whores that would want to spend time with him, he determined that one way or another, this wolf would be his.

During his time at the great northern castle, the youngest Lannister had found himself falling more and more under whatever spell the she wolf had managed to cast on him. The two spending every moment they could together. (Y/n) never minding the chuckles that were often heard as the two walked together. Though she did mind the way that he was treated by his family. How he was spoken to as if he were nothing. Tyrion often having to stop her from leaping to his defence, assuring her that whatever had been said, was of no concern to him. That he had heard and would probably hear far worse. The look in her beautiful Tully eyes telling him more than words could, as he held her hand.

Yet it was when he and Jon were to make their way to the Wall, that he discovered that his feeling for the she wolf were reciprocated. The night before they were due to leave, Tyrion shocked to find (Y/n) in his doorway. Even more shocked, as she had leant down and kissed him passionately. Telling him that she did not want him to leave. That she didn't want them to be separated. That during his stay with her family, she had come to care for him a great deal. The two spending the night on the bed, talking quietly. Tyrion making promises to return to her as he combed his small fingers through her hair.

When he had returned to the capital, he had expected (Y/n) to hate him for what his family had done to hers. And, she had certainly acted like it. The little lion believing that his heart would break, as she refused to even speak to him. Yet, one night, in the darkest hour, there she was again stood in his doorway. Quickly closing the ingress behind her before dropping to her knees and pulling him into her arms. The two kissing and holding one another, as she had begun to explain. As she had told him everything that had happened. As she told him that she still cared for him and had no desire to be with anyone else. The two hatching a plan. A plan to be together while having his family believe that it would be the worst thing for both of them.

"So, my little lion..........we've had to wait so long for this moment. And I don't know about you, but I don't wish to wait any longer." (Y/n) whispered in his ear. A loud groan leaving his lips, as his beautiful bride placed his hand over his manhood. The little man not needing any more of a hint. Tyrion pushing her onto her back and moving so that he could look down on her. The lord knowing that he wouldn't let her go again. And that no matter what happened, he and his Lannister wolf would never be separated again. 

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