Sniffle - Gotham - Oswald x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way through the mansion with a small tray in her hands, filled with all manner of items, pills and potions. Victor just shaking his head at her, as she came towards him; the assassin finding it quite amusing that his usually lethal sister, was now doing her best Florence Nightingale impression.

Everyone knew that Oswald had had a sniffle; boy, did they know that he had had the sniffles; but given the way that he was acting, anyone would think that he was about to die from some previously unknown, untreatable disease, rather than just having a simple cold that he would be over, in a matter of days. And as such, he was taking full advantage of it, though (Y/n) pandering to his every need, was certainly not going to make the crime boss recover any quicker; it obvious to all, that the once simple umbrella boy was enjoying every damn minute of being pampered and cared for by the beautiful younger Zsasz.

"What are you doing now........?" Victor asked, barring his sister's way as he moved to rest his leg up on the chair in front of him. The assassin pushing his gun back into the holster under his jacket, before looking up at his sibling.

"Ossie was hungry, so I made him a sandwich. And I thought I would make him the hot lemon tonic that grandma used to make us when we were little. I swear that he is getting worse, Victor, and I need to do something.........."

"Getting worse? The only thing that is getting worse is his acting; the only one that is still fooled that he might be sick, is you. Oswald has been fine for days, he just doesn't want to get up, because he is enjoying being looked after, too much." Victor scoffed, as he got to his feet; his sister pulling the tray away, as he tried to get a look at the filling of the sandwich she had made.

When he had first introduced his little sister to Oswald, the last thing that Victor had ever expected, was that the two would form anything but a business relationship; after all, he had seen the men that his sibling had gone for in the past, men that were nothing like the limping, skinny man, with the slightly pointed, beak-like nose, and messily styled dark hair that stuck up in all manner of directions; but here they were, (Y/n) as in love with their boss, as Oswald certainly seemed to be with her. Victor still not sure that he liked it, but he knew that there was no talking (Y/n) out of it; and as Oswald did usually treat her like she was the most wonderful woman in the world, he had to suppose that things could be worse. Though at the moment, as the man with the moniker 'Penguin' did his best 'I am going to die at any moment' routine, Victor had to wonder.

"Don't be cruel, Victor. Oswald really isn't well, he still had a temperature this morning............" Victor unable to stop himself from rolling his eyes, knowing that the only reason his boss still had a temperature, was because he had put the thermometer in his morning coffee when (Y/n) hadn't been looking.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, he is at death's door and won't survive unless you are there to rub his back.......and other things............"

"Victor..........!" A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as a rare blush kissed his sister's cheeks. It never being said out loud that she and Oswald were actually together, but anyone with eyes or ears had seen and heard enough to know that (Y/n) was not just some hired goon.

"What? Oh, come on sis. Its not like you two are all that subtle. Though I would never have thought Oswald could make a woman make noises........." Victor chuckling to himself as his sister pushed passed him. It obvious that she had no desire to hear any more about the noises that her lover was able to draw from her lips, and that their conversation was very much over.


Oswald brushed his hands over the nice crisp sheets and laid his head back on the plumped pillow. Alright, he was enjoying this; he was enjoying the fact that his beautiful, lethal angel was nursing him back to health. He was enjoying all the attention, the pampering, the way that she would cool his brow and just spend all her time with him. Oswald finding himself wishing that he could get the sniffles a little more often; wondering how much longer he could pretend that he was still sick, so that (Y/n) would continue to be his nursemaid.

From the moment that Victor had introduced his sister to him, Oswald had been mesmerised by the younger, yet no less deadly Zsasz. Everything about her making him more than a little hot under the collar. The crime boss unable to hold himself back any longer, when he had found himself alone with (Y/n) one evening. It quickly becoming obvious that it was not just him that had feelings; the pair now lovers, though Oswald had to admit that he wanted to make it known they were more than just that. That the younger Zsasz was his, and only his.

"Ossie.........." Oswald smiling weakly, as he lifted his head from the pillow.

"How are you feeling...........?" (Y/n) continued, as she placed the tray on a small side table and made her way over to the bed. Holding her hand to his forehead as he let out a cough.

"I will be fine, my dove........." Oswald replied, before coughing again. A little part of him feeling guilty, as she looked at him with concern; yet the other part, the bigger part enjoying the fact that she had just pulled him close, and his head was now nestled in her bosom.

"Oh, my poor Oswald. Is there anything I can do.........?" She cooed, as she moved her hand up and down his back. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, at the question. Oswald knowing that there was certainly one thing that would make him feel better, that always made him feel better. The crime boss placing a soft kiss to the top of her breast, before moving his way up to kiss her neck. His lips ghosting over her ear, as he told her just what he needed.

"Well, as long as you stop putting the thermometer in your coffee to try and convince me you still have a temperature, then yes.........." (Y/n) giggled, as Oswald pulled away and looked at her.


"Of course I know, that is the oldest trick in the book, you are just lucky that I like looking after you. And talking about looking after you........." She continued, as she got to her feet and began to undress.

"Lets see if we can't make you feel completely better........"The last of her clothing dropping to the floor before she crawled under the sheetswith him. His sniffle utterly forgotten about, as he indulged in (Y/n)'sparticular kind of medicine. 

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