Walls come tumbling down - Sherlock - Sherlock x Reader

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Sherlock hadn't really noticed it until now, but as he sat in his flat looking at the woman that sat in the chair that once was Johns, he realised that she had chipped away at the walls he had built up around his heart. She had done it slowly, gently, quietly, chip after chip until now the wall that had been so thick, was nothing more than a mere pile of rubble, and at the top of that pile stood the new ruler of his heart, (Y/n) Watson.

John had never spoken to Sherlock about his younger sister, it wasn't that he was in anyway ashamed of her, the opposite was in fact the case, and he couldn't be more proud; (Y/n) had followed him into medicine, but whereas he had joined the army, she had taken a different path, working for bodies such as The World Health Organisation and Médecins Sans Frontieres; she was a highly gifted surgeon, and had worked in many a war torn country, helping the people that need her expertise the most.

The reason John hadn't told Sherlock about (Y/n) was that to begin with he had expected his friend to somehow deduce that he had a younger sibling, but when he hadn't, (Y/n) became John's little secret, his own personal private, special little thing, that the great Sherlock Holmes had not been able to see; but things had changed when John had received an email from (Y/n) telling him that she was moving permanently to London after being offered a position helping out the British Government, and that could only mean one thing, that Mycroft knew about her, and if Mycroft knew, then Sherlock would soon know too.

As usual, Sherlock seemed to take John's disclosure about his younger sibling as he did with most things he wasn't interested in, with silence; but there was something different behind his eyes that John noticed, it was only subtle, but it was there. It was annoyance at himself for not having deduced John completely, confusion as to why his friend had kept this information to himself for so long; but most of all there was a curiosity, and the more that John told him about his sister, the more secretly intrigued Sherlock became.

It wasn't until a few days before John and Mary's wedding that Sherlock finally met the other Doctor Watson; but when he did, the foundations of his walls had begun to shake, like the trumpets at the walls of Jericho had reduced them to rubble, so was (Y/n) Watson having the same effect on him.

For some reason, Sherlock had believed that she would be a small, mousy, non-descript woman with a kind heart, in short, a female version of her brother; but when John had hesitantly introduced the two, Sherlock couldn't have been more shocked to see that his deductive powers seemed to have failed him once again; (Y/n) Watson was distractingly beautiful, a fact that Sherlock found disconcerting, and as soon as she had opened her mouth and began to speak, it was more than obvious that she was not just a pretty face, she was, in fact, for Sherlock, what his perfect woman should be, intelligent without equal.

Sherlock had found himself talking to (Y/n) the whole evening of that first meeting, completely ignoring John as all his attention fixed itself on the new Doctor Watson in his life. He found himself fascinated by everything about her, the way she never took her gaze from his as he attempted to deduce her, how she subtly smiled as she watched him too, Sherlock finding himself smiling back as he watched her pupils dilate.

He had listened intently as she spoke about all the places she had been, and the things she had seen, yet never once mentioning all the things she had achieved, preferring instead to listen to him tell her about his work.

When John had finally been able to prise the two apart in the early hours of the next morning, Sherlock had followed the pair to the front door of Baker Street, before taking (Y/n)'s hand and kissing it gently and insisting that as she currently had nowhere to live in London, that maybe it would be a good idea to replace one Doctor Watson with another, Sherlock explaining that now John had new responsibilities, and given she was basically working for his brother, it would be prudent to have her already on hand for when either of the Holmes brothers required her services, a suggestion, that despite her brother's annoyed looks, (Y/n) had readily agreed to.

As soon as she had moved into Baker Street, Sherlock's world had begun to change; there was a calmness that (Y/n) brought to his life, a steady hand that was steering him to safe waters.

(Y/n) spent most of her time working either through Mycroft, with New Scotland Yard, or with Sherlock directly, her medical opinions and her own deductive powers, proving of assistance to the great consulting detective, his new, softer demeanour causing quite a stir with everyone at the Yard.

Now all these long months later, as (Y/n) sat quietly reading her book, and as he plucked at the strings of his violin, he finally realised something had happened to him that he never believed or had ever previously desired, he had fallen in love, and he knew that there was only one thing he could do, only one thing he could say.

"(Y/n)." Sherlock said softly as he placed his violin on the table in front of him, (Y/n) looking up from her book and smiling at him.

"Yes Sherlock?" (Y/n) asked, as she slowly closed her book.

"I need to tell you something." Sherlock told her, as he straightened in his chair.

"I er...... well, I ........" Sherlock began, his usual calm, cool heart now racing a million miles an hour as he felt his palms begin to sweat.

"I know Sherlock, and I love you too." (Y/n) said calmly, as she rose from her chair, chuckling softly as she crouched down in front of a shocked Sherlock, taking his face in her hands.

"You........ you love me too?" Sherlock asked, trying his best to remain his usual stoic self.

"Well, I presumed that that was what you were going to say, but if I'm wrong........" (Y/n) said, slowly getting to her feet, only to be pulled back down so that she was sat on Sherlock's lap.

"No, as always you are quite correct, my dear (Y/n). And......... what do you think about, in the not too distant future, you becoming Doctor (Y/n) Holmes?" Sherlock asked, closing his eye as (Y/n)'s fingers brushed through his hair.

'If that is a Holmes version of a marriage proposal, then I think that there is only one thing that I can say in reply......... Yes!" (Y/n) replied, kissing Sherlock softly on the lips, Sherlock knowing that his walls were now nothing more than pebbles and dust, the cold fortifications replaced by (Y/n)'s warm arms, and a whole new world. 

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