Secret love - Gotham - Oswald x Reader

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Contains lyrics from Secret Love by Doris Day. 

Oswald was rushing to his club, he couldn't be late, he couldn't miss a day of hearing her practice, he couldn't miss a day of seeing her.

(Y/n) had been working for Oswald at his club for a while now as his headline singer, and ever since she had started, she had proved most popular, particularly with the male customers who would flood the club whenever she was performing.

Oswald had taken an instant liking to the young woman the moment she had walked into his office for her interview; as soon as he lay eyes on her he forgot about any questions he wanted to ask, and simply told her to sing. As the first bars of the song left her lips, Oswald had fallen in love with what he truly believed was an angel that had come down to earth and landed in Gotham.

When she practiced during the day, Oswald would hide in the shadows, watching her sing or play the grand piano that he had specially bought for her to perform. He always found it difficult to concentrate on anything other than her when she was in the room; her dark beauty, deep eyes, and kind nature, sweeping his consciousness away to a plane where nothing existed but her.

Security in the club was under strict instructions to watch her while she worked, and outside the club, Oswald had some of his henchmen follow (Y/n) to make sure that she came to no harm, and no man came near her. Oswald wanted to ensure that she was as safe as anyone could be in Gotham, and he also wanted to ensure that he never had any competition for her heart.

Despite his best efforts, Oswald had always found himself tongue-tied when he tried to speak to his angel; he would often catch her looking over at him, an embarrassed smile coming to her lips when she realised that she had been caught. He wanted to ask her to come to the mansion for an intimate dinner, where the two could get to know one another better, where he could sweep her off her feet and pull her into a dance without being judged by others for his two left feet, where he could kiss her and tell her how he felt; but every time he tried, her beautiful smile would make him turn into a fumbling, stuttering mess, and he would have to rush away, leaving a bewildered (Y/n) behind.

Finally, Oswald made it to the club, and he hurried in, as best he could, to find his normal hiding place where he could watch from. These times were like she was performing just for him, he didn't have to compete with the hundreds of other eyes that stared at her when she performed at night, here her eyes were just for him, she was singing just for him, every word and every emotion was just to him.

He looked on quietly as she brushed her fingers lightly across the keys of the piano at which she sat, softly humming a tune to herself that Oswald couldn't quite make out.

Suddenly (Y/n) sat up straighter, turning so that she faced the seemingly empty club, singing out to the non-existent audience.

"Once I had a secret love
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impatient to be free."

Oswald couldn't help but smile, he knew the song that she was singing, it was old, but he remembered it from his childhood as it had been one of his mother's favourites; and as (Y/n) continued, Oswald believed that his mother would love how (Y/n) was singing it.

"So I told a friendly star
The way that dreamers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why I am so in love with you."

Oswald watched as (Y/n) swayed to the imaginary music that must have been flowing through her mind, he could hear the want and longing in her voice as she sang, like she was singing out to someone in particular, wanting to tell him of her own secret love.

"Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils

At last my heart's an open door
And my secret love's no secret anymore."

As (Y/n) finished the song she sighed heavily. "Oh Oswald, if only I could tell you my secret." She said, as she got to her feet and began gathering up her music sheets.

Oswald couldn't believe his ears. Had she been singing the song for him? Did (Y/n) feel the same for him as he did for her? He had to know, and he was not going to let his usual nervousness around her get in his way.

(Y/n) spun around as she heard a cough from behind her, her eyes growing wide as she saw Oswald in front of her.

"O-o-oh, hello Mr's Cobblepot. I er.......... I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. I hope I didn't interrupt you at all, I hope I wasn't singing to loud. (Y/n) said nervously as she looked at the smiling Oswald.

"Not at all my dear (Y/n), quite the opposite in fact. I do so enjoy listening to you sing, and I especially enjoyed the last song you sang." Oswald told her, taking her hand and kissing it lightly, causing (Y/n) to blush brightly.

"Oh, yes......... it's just something I remember from when I was young, my mother used to love it, and would listen to it often." (Y/n) told him, looking slightly embarrassed that he had heard her.

"What a coincidence, it was one of my dear mother's favourites too; I know that she would have so enjoyed listening to you sing it." Oswald said, kissing (Y/n)'s hand again.

"I particularly enjoyed what you said after you finished the song. I would very much like to know what you secret is my angel." Oswald asked, as a shocked (Y/n) sat back down on the piano bench behind her.

"I ....... well, I'm so sorry Mr. Cobblepot, I didn't mean anything." (Y/n) told him, not daring to meet his gaze.

"That is a shame my dove, because I myself have a secret, one that I feel I need to share. I love you (Y/n), from the moment you stepped foot in my office, I've loved you, and I very much hope that you feel the same." Oswald told a stunned (Y/n).

"Oh Oswald, you don't know how much I've wanted to tell you that I love you." (Y/n) told him, smiling widely at Oswald as he pulled her up and into his arms.

"Well my dove, it would appear that you just have." Oswald hummed, as he kissed his angel's lips, glad that their secret love, was no secret anymore. 

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