Forgiven - Avengers - Bruce x Reader

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"Oh, jeez, Bruce. You didn't forget again did you.........?" Tony asked, as he walked into Bruce's lab, and saw the big......well, huge bouquet of flowers that lay atop one of the workbenches.

"Not even I'm that bad at remembering people's birthdays........"

"Yes, but you had J.A.R.V.I.S and now F.R.I.D.A.Y to remind you of everything........"

"But we aren't talking about me, Bruce. Nor are we talking about my girlfriend's birthday. And it's not just once you've forgotten; you forgot last year and the year before that too. You keep this up, and you won't have to worry about forgetting her birthday, because you won't have a girlfriend anymore." Tony retorted, as he made his way over to the bouquet, and pulled out one of the roses, broke off the stem and placed the bright red bloom into the buttonhole of his suit jacket. Bruce quickly making his way over and grabbing the bunch of flowers and moving them out of the way, before the billionaire could do any more to them.

But Bruce had to admit that Tony was right; this wasn't the first time that he had forgotten; in fact, it wasn't just the third time, either. The first time that he had forgotten her birthday, (Y/n) had just brushed it off; told him not to worry about it, as she knew that he had so much to do. Though the second time, well, even though she had told him the same thing, it was obvious that she had been a little........irked. And then there had been the time that he hadn't remembered, until two weeks after the event. That time resulting in him having to spend the next two weeks, anywhere, but in bed with (Y/n). His excuse that she had been on a mission with Nat and Clint on the actual day, not helping as he had hoped. The sofa in his lab still having a pillow and some blankets underneath it, just in case. But at least this year he was only one day late, and he had left the compound and not only got the flowers; but also champagne and a bottle of her favourite perfume. Bruce just hoping that these simple gestures and a heartfelt apology, for forgetting, again; would mean that she didn't hate him for the foreseeable future.

It wasn't that Bruce forgot about birthday, anniversaries and well, lots of other things, on purpose. It wasn't that he didn't love her, because he did; more than words could ever express. (Y/n) the one that he had finally been able to let his guard down with; to truly be himself with. The first one that, despite his continued concerns to that day, about the other guy coming out and hurting her, could calm him, before the green one even got a chance to make an appearance, unless he was needed of course. No, it was just that........well, he got so caught up in his experiments, in his work and research, that he had a tendency of not only losing track of time; but also days, weeks and months. And if it wasn't for the fact that he was needed on some missions, he would probably spend all day, every day in the lab. But even though he had told (Y/n) what she was getting into before they started their relationship; even though she had said that she didn't mind, and would be able to cope with him not necessarily always being there; and most of the time, she could; Bruce had realised that, after missing her birthday again, that it was always (Y/n) that had had to bend for him. That had always had to make the concessions. That had denied herself a relationship with a guy that could give her all the time that she might need, so that she could be with him. That in itself telling Bruce how much she really did love him. So, he had promised himself that from now on, he would spend far less time in the labs. That he would take her out and do a real boyfriend to her; show her how much he loved and appreciated her.

"Hi (Y/n).........." Tony said cheerily, as the door to the lab opened. The glasses nearly falling from the end of Bruce's nose as he spun around. The breath catching in his throat, as he saw his beautiful girl.

"You look beautiful.........." The billionaire continued, as he made his way over to her.

"I hope you liked my gift.............?"

"Thank you, and yes; the concert tickets were such a surprise. It's been so long since I have been able to do anything like that. All I need now, is someone to use that second ticket............." (Y/n) replied, as she looked between Tony and Bruce. The billionaire getting the feeling that it was about time that he left.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. And if you can't find anyone else, I'll make sure that I'm free that night, just in case." Tony told her. Giving (Y/n) a wink before leaving the lab.

"(Y/n)......I can........." Bruce began. Stopping when (Y/n) held up her hand.

"It's ok Bruce. I understand. It is just a birthday, no big deal. I knew what was going to happen when we started seeing one another. I could whine and moan about things; but it's not going to get me anywhere. I love you Bruce, wart and all; and I don't care if you miss every birthday and anniversary for the rest of our lives, as long as I'm with you, it's fine........." (Y/n) told him, as she made her way over to him, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Now, I should probably let you get on with what you were doing. I'll see you later, hopefully......" She chuckled, kissing his cheek again, before heading for the door, only to find herself stopped, as Bruce grabbed her wrist.

"(Y/n). Wait.........." Bruce said, turning here around before going to retrieve the bouquet that he had hidden from Tony; along with the champagne and two glasses that had been chilling in the lab's refrigeration unit, and the gift-wrapped bottle of perfume. The doctor coming back to stand in front of her.

"I know it won't make up for everything I've missed and forgotten about; but I'm sorry. I love you (Y/n) and I know how lucky I am to have someone so beautiful and kind in my life. And I promise from now on, I will leave the labs more often. We will go out and do things; things that don't involve my work, the Avengers or anything like that............"

" could go to the concert with me...........?" (Y/n) asked, as Bruce handed her the bouquet.

"I would love to. When is it............?"

"This Saturday.............." She replied. Her brows furrowing as Bruce's expression dropped.

"Oh, I can't.............."


"I'm kidding......I'm kidding.........." Bruce laughed, as he did his best to shield himself as she punched him on the arms.

"You are not funny, Robert Bruce Banner. Not funny at all." (Y/n) laughing as well, as Bruce pulled her into his arms.

"So, am I forgiven.............?"

"Maybe..........I'll have to think about it. Though if all goes well on Saturday, then yes. But for now, pop that champagne and have a drink with me, Doctor Banner." (Y/n) told him, before kissing him on the nose. Bruce happily forgetting about his experiments, as he reached for the bottle. Sure, that he wasn't completely forgiven just yet; but he was going to work on it. 

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