Rocket's girl - Guardians of the Galaxy - Rocket x Reader

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Rocket was (Y/n)'s best friend, there was no doubt about it. The two of them had been inseparable since she had stepped foot on the Milano a year ago. She was an Avenger really, the younger sister of Tony Stark himself; but unlike her brother she had a mutation, and her ability in probability field manipulation had allowed the team to turn many a bad situation to their advantage. When the Guardians had made a pit stop on Terra, (Y/n) had easily made friends with all of them and eventually asked if she could join them in space.

"We'd love to have you (Y/n), you'd make a great Guardian, and I could always use extra help when I play cards." Quill laughed as he came and sat close to her on a sofa in the common room of Stark tower. Rocket eyes darted up from his latest project and growled under his breath as Quill moved even closer.

"I agree with the ass hat for once." Rocket said, jumping down from the stool and pushing his way in between (Y/n) and Quill.

"I think (Y/n) would be great, plus she can help me build bombs, we've already built two since we've been here." Rocket said, smiling up at (Y/n), obviously proud of their achievement.

"BOMB!!! WHAT BOMB?! I DON'T WANT BOMBS IN MY TOWER (Y/N)." Tony's voice shouted from the kitchen before he suddenly appeared.

"You're unnerving attraction to high explosives is very worrying (Y/n)." Tony said, slumping down on the sofa next to her.

"Oh, that's good coming from a man who used to make weapons for governments, and anyone else that could afford them." (Y/n) retorted, as she and rocket crossed their arms defiantly across their chests and glared at Tony.

"Ouch, touché." Tony muttered, looking down into the liquid in his glass.

"Maybe you do need a little time in space; between you, Loki, and your prank wars with Barton, I'm going crazy, I could do with the peace!" Tony said, as he puts his glass to his lips and took a gulp of the brown liqueur.

"Tony! You want rid of me? That hurts! You really know how to cut a girl to the quick." (Y/n) said, putting her hand over her heart, and pretending to be hurt.

Tony sighed and pulled (Y/n) to his side, as she lay her head happily on his shoulder; being the sister of the great Tony Stark had its advantages, and one of those advantages was that he was the best big brother in the world. Many wouldn't believe how different Tony was with the younger woman that he held to his side, but she was one of the only people that he would sacrifice anything, and everything for.

"It's not that I want rid of you, I love you honey, it's just that Loki's getting a bit too close to you and I don't like it; he's still a bad guy as far as I'm concerned." Tony said, trying to ignore the looks from Quill, Rocket, and Groot, who were all watching the scene between the siblings.

"I know Tony, but I like Loki, and he's not so bad once you get to know him." (Y/n) said, trying to reassure her brother as he lay his head on top of hers.

"You're sometimes too nice for your own good (Y/n). Anyway, I think some time with these guys would be great, and I've already been working on a suit for you." Tony told (Y/n), smiling as her head shot up, and she grabbed his hands.

"Wouldn't we have to get permission from Fury? I mean I'd love to spend more time with Rocket and Groot, but would Fury let me go?" (Y/n) asked, as Tony reached down and kissed her on the forehead.

"Don't worry little sis, let Iron Man fix it for you!" Tony grinned, as (Y/n) threw her arms around him, pulling him into a big hug.

"Thanks Tony." (Y/n) said happily, before leaning over Rocket and giving Peter a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Star Lord." (Y/n) said, as she grabbed hold of Rocket's paw and Groot's hand and made for her room.

"Come on guys, help me pack for space!"

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