Smell - Peaky Blinders - Alfie Solomons x Reader

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(Y/n) couldn't help but smile, as Alfie snored softly, his head resting on her lap. One of her hands holding the book that she was reading, while the other carefully brushed over the baker's hair. They had only just finished breakfast and had been about to take Cyril for a walk, but he had been working so much recently. He had had so much to think about given his dealings with the Shelby brothers from Birmingham and as well as the Italians, that she couldn't blame him for needing to sleep. In the late hours, when he would eventually return to the home that they shared, she would see the exhaustion in his eyes. The stress in the muscles of his shoulders, so, she had taken it upon herself to do something about it. To do what she could to help the man that she loved, before he found himself in an early grave. And after much cajoling from her, he had finally agreed to take a few days off. Finally agreed that they should take a small trip to the seaside. That she, he and big, slobbery Bullmastiff should have some time away from the city and the pressures that it brought with it. So, after a few final threats and not so subtle intimidation towards his workers, Alfie had left the bakery behind. (Y/n) smiling as she had seen a change in him as the smoky city had disappeared behind them. As she had seen some of the weight of responsibility leave his shoulders.

Quietly (Y/n) closed her book and looked at the large dog that had come to stand before her. Doing her best not to laugh as Cyril let out a huff before jumping up onto a nearby chair. The spot that Alfie's head was currently occupying was normally reserved for Cyril. The big, softy was her usual companion; he was her guard and protector when Alfie couldn't be with her. The only one that the big man trusted to keep an eye on her. He didn't really like her to go out on her own, nor did he want her to come to the bakery, Alfie not liking the idea of the eyes of men looking at her as she walked the streets. Not liking the notion of what his enemies, what the police might do to her if they got their hands on her; so, she and Cyril would spend much of their time just like this, Cyril asleep on her lap while (Y/n) read book after book, occasionally looking at the clock and hoping that soon her handsome man would come through the door. That he would take her up into his arms and carry her to bed. Telling poor Cyril to fuck off, as the large hound tried to join them in the bedroom; the door closed unceremoniously in the dog's face.

Slowly, she placed her book on the small table next to the couch and took a deep breath; the smell of Alfie filling her senses. She had always loved the smell of him. To be honest, she had always loved everything about him. From the moment that she had met him, and despite his reputation, she had felt herself drawn to him. Drawn to his smile, to the sparkle in his eyes, to how he held himself. Yet it was his smell that caught her the most. It pulled her like some unseen force, towards him. His odour was utterly masculine. It was strong and forceful just like the rest of him. Yet, to her at least, there was something that lay beneath that. Something much more subtle. Something that if you didn't know it was there, you could never detect beneath the odour of the dark capital city. Beneath the odour of the bakery and the alcohol and cigarettes. Beneath the occasional scent of blood. And that...........that was a sweetness. A sweetness that perfectly suited the other side of the feared Jewish gangster. A side that only really she got to see.

To most, Alfie was considered to be a violent and unpredictable, but intelligent and calculating man. A man that knew what he wanted and how to get it. A man that was a master negotiator who used tactical violent outbursts and confusing language to intimidate and dominate all others around him. But to (Y/n), he was so much more. He was the sweetest, kindest and most gentle man that she had ever met. He was the most caring of souls, protective and generous to his community and people, to all those that he truly cared about. And as a lover, oh, as a lover the big man was more than she could ever have hoped for. The feel of his rough hands against her body, his weathered lips against the soft flesh of her neck and breasts made her mind race. The sounds that filled the air, sounds that he was able to draw from her lips, as he pushed himself inside her over and over again, sweeter than any music created. But it was his smell, that smell of him that took everything to another level. The musk that seemed to surround her. The odour of his sweat, of sex as he spilled himself over her stomach or breasts. As he pulled her to his side and combed his fingers through her hair, telling her how perfect she was. How she was his and only his and would never allow anything to ever happen to her. Those smells, those smells were the best of all. Those smells were the ones that made her love him the most.

"Ya doin it again............." A slightly gruff, slight hoarse and still groggy voice suddenly said, as she took yet another deep breath.

"Doing what...............?"

"Ya know.........." Alfie continued, as he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"No I don't........and even if I did, I would never admit it..........." (Y/n) chuckled in reply. Moving as Alfie took her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap.

" long av I been out..........?"

"Not long, though I think that Cyril thinks it's been hours. He's been waiting for his walk that we promised him." (Y/n) replied, as she and Alfie looked over at the drooling beast that had just raised its head from the chair.

"Yeah........well, he's gonna av ta wait a bit fuckin longer, ain't he. I have sumfin else in mind that I want ta do." Alfie said, as he suddenly got to his feet taking (Y/n) with him. Her legs firmly wrapping themselves around his waist, as she carried her up the stairs to the bedroom. A smile gracing her lips as Alfie closed the door behind them, her favourite smell beginning to fill the air, as her beautiful baker placed her down and climbed on top of her. 

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