Stubborn - Avengers - Tony x Reader

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"Boss......." The dulcet tone of the AI making Tony roll his eyes.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.......?" The billionaire replied, as he placed the screwdriver down on the top of the workbench and let out a heavy sigh.

In truth, Tony didn't really need the AI to tell him why she was calling him; in truth, he knew that at the moment, there was only one person that F.R.I.D.A.Y had been told to alert him about, and that was (Y/n).

A week before, a routine exploration of what was supposed to be a disused HYDRA base, had turned into a full on fire fight between the team and enemy agents, when it became abundantly clear that the base wasn't as abandoned as it had been suggested; and though the team had been as prepared for anything as they usually were, that didn't mean that there had not been injuries, and (Y/n) seemed to have borne the brunt of the worst ones. Tony cursing at himself, at his own ineptitude, as he sat in the back of the Quinjet, with her hand in his, while Clint flew them all back to base. The billionaire refusing to leave her side, as Bruce did his best to stem the blood that came from the woman's multiple wounds. It only when the doctor had looked to Nat for help, that Tony had reluctantly moved away from the patient, so that Bruce could do what he needed to do. Yet since she had woken up, it had become obvious that (Y/n) was going to be the most stubborn of patients. Poor Bruce finally agreeing to let her out of the medical bay as long as she agreed to stay in her and Tony's rooms, and not to do too much; but her promising to do that, and her actually doing that, were two very different things.

"Let me guess, she's out of bed, again.........." Tony continued, as he lay down the malfunctioning leg of his suit.

"I think you could say that..........." F.R.I.D.A.Y retorted, before an image of the shared bedroom flashed up in front of the billionaire. Tony pinching the top of his nose as he saw his stubborn girl, not only out of bed, but also shadow boxing. His eyes rolling again as he got down from the stool.

"I swear that woman will be the death of me.........." He continued, as he made his way out of the workshop. This time determined to make her lay down and rest until Bruce gave her the all clear, even if he had to tie her to the bed.


(Y/n) winced as she got up from the bed; she knew that she shouldn't, that she should, as both Bruce and Tony had told her on more than one occasion, be laying down and resting until she was in a much better state; but she had always been stubborn, always been the worst kind of patient, and lying down and just looking at a ceiling wasn't something that she wanted to do. She wanted to be up, to be doing things, to exercise her aching muscles so that they didn't feel so stiff. To prove, more to herself than anyone else, that she was not weak, that she could deal with the same punishment as any of the others. The agent wiping a thin sheen of sweat from her brow, before she took up her stance, and then began to start punching at the invisible opponent in front of her. Each blow, in her mind's eye, connecting with the bodies of the HYDRA agents that had put her in this situation in the first place.

Suddenly she heard something. (Y/n), as quickly as she could, making her way over to the bed, climbing back onto the mattress and pulling the covers back over herself, before the door to the room opened; Tony looking at her, as he stood in the doorway.

"Hi, honey............" She said innocently, as the billionaire crossed his arms and made his way into the room. (Y/n) letting out a fake yawn, as Tony came over and took a seat on the bed.

"Just woke up, huh........?"

"Oh yeah, just doing what you and Bruce told me............"

"I don't remember either me or Banner telling you to keep getting out of bed so that you could box............" Tony retorted. (Y/n) rolling her eyes, knowing full well that F.R.I.D.A.Y had snitched on her.

"Tony.....I was just..........."

"You were just trying to drive me crazy." The billionaire interrupted, (Y/n) suddenly feeling like a naughty child being admonished by a concerned father.

"Bruce only agreed to you coming here to recover, as you said you would rest; yet what do I not only out of bed, again; but out of bed and trying to fight........."

"Tony, I............"

"No, (Y/n)........." The billionaire interrupted, as he took her hand in his.

"I thought I had lost you.......I really thought I had lost you. All I could do was sit there in the back of that damn plane and watch as you bled, not knowing if you would last long enough to even get back to the compound. Then, when Bruce tells me you will be ok as long as you rest and let yourself heal, instead of doing that, you are not only up walking around but trying to fight.......have you lost your mind, or are you really just that stubborn.........?" He continued with the same concerned air, it obvious that he was not happy with her, that he wanted to shout, but was doing all he could to restrain himself. It not very often that she saw a vulnerable, hurt look in his eyes; but she saw it now, and she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, Tony. I..........I am stubborn, I know that; and........ok, I am a bit dumb when it comes to my own wellbeing; but I promise.......I promise that from now on I will do as I was told." (Y/n) told him, as she gripped his hand a little tighter and placed her forehead against his.

"You better..........."

"I will. But there is one thing that would help......." Tony moving away and looking at her. His brows quirked in the way only Tony could do, when her was questioning what she was up to. A small smile coming to his lips, as she pulled back the covers and patted the mattress next to her. The billionaire dramatically rolling his eyes, before pulling off his shoes and climbing under the sheets with her and bringing her to rest on his chest.

"Now, stop being so damn stubborn, and actually get some sleep." Tony told her, before kissing her on top of the head. (Y/n) snuggling down and wrapping her arm around his waist, simply nodding in reply. Promising herself to not be so stubborn in the future, as she for once, did as she was told.  

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