Daughter of Rán - Vikings - Ragnar x Reader

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Ragnar knew much of the Gods. He even claimed kinship to the great god Odin. But even though he had taken his great ancestor as his patron god, there was a goddess that he, and any other Viking that had ever sailed the seas, gave their respect to; and that.........was Rán, the goddess and personification of the sea. Yet it was not the goddess that concerned him now, as he sat at the end of the dock, it was one of her daughters.

Rán and her husband Ægir had nine daughters who were the personification of the waves. Each was said to be beautiful, each wild and free, and though he was not sure if that was true for all of them, it was most definitely true for the one that he had taken to calling (Y/n).

He had met her the first time on the way to Lindisfarne. He had been thrown overboard in a storm, the turbulent water pushing him further and further down towards rán-beðr, the bed of the sea. But, as he took what he believed would be his last look at the world of the living; hoping that somehow he might still find himself called to the halls of Valhalla, he had seen something, something moving with great speed towards him. His eyes growing wide as he finally realised that it was a woman, but one unlike any he had seen before. Her torso and face that of an exquisite woman, yet her legs............her legs, well, there were no legs; instead, there was a tail, a long, shimmering, scale covered tail.

For a moment, the two had looked at one another, before she had wrapped her arms around him, and placed her lips to his; Ragnar finding that he could breathe, that he no longer had a fear of the raging water that surrounded him. The son Sigurd Hring, placing his own arms around her, as the two made their way back to the surface. Ragnar reluctantly pulling away, as they broke through the waves; the air stinging his lungs, as he took a desperate gulp. The wonderous creature giving him a smile, before quickly leaving him. His arms grabbed from above, before he was hauled back onto his ship.

From that moment, he had seen her often. When he would stand at the prow of the ship, the wind billowing in the sail and sea spray hitting his face, he would catch sight of her swimming next to hull. The scales of her tail glinting in the sunlight. The beautiful creature vanishing whenever someone would join him, as if she knew, as if she were meant for his eyes only. Ragnar never mentioning that such a female had saved him from drowning. That they were followed on their raids by such a wonderous creature, fearing that if he did, he would never see her again.

It was a long time after that before he actually got to speak to her. He had been sat at the end of the dock, just like he was now, staring out over the dark water; looking up at the great hills that surrounded his home, that were lit by moonlight, Ragnar contemplating how his life had changed, how he had gone from being a farmer, to a king. The younger son of Sigurd not thinking as he heard a splash, not thinking until he had heard his name called out in a soft, lyrical tone that had kissed his ears. The big man almost falling into the water when he had seen her head bob above the gently waves. For a moment, he was dumbstruck; despite all the questions that he wanted to ask her, it was as if words would not form, as if he didn't even need to say anything for her to know that he was grateful for what she had done for him. And that he found her to be the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen.

He had been taken aback for a moment, as she had swum towards him and smiled. His heart beating violently in his chest, as she had reached up and touched his legs. This the first time that he had realised that she really was real. That his rescue, and all the times that he had seen her before, hadn't been just his imagination. The two finally beginning to speak, Ragnar and the daughter of Rán talking to one another until the sun began to light up the sky. (Y/n) promising to return, and so she had; Ragnar falling more and more in love with each visit.

"You have got older since last I saw you.............." A dulcet tone came, interrupting his thoughts. Ragnar smiling to himself, as heard a familiar splash.

"I always forgot that mortals age so quickly. That from birth to death, can pass in the blink of an eye. But that does not mean that you are any less beautiful than the first time that met you, Ragnar Lothbrok..........." (Y/n) continued, as she held up her arms; Ragnar carefully pulling her out of the water and placing her on the dock, next to him. The end of her tail still dipping into the fjord.

"And you, you are even more beautiful." Ragnar replied, as he placed a fur around her.

"I love you............." The king suddenly said, as she placed her head on his shoulder.

"And I love you, Ragnar Lothbrok. But your world is here, on the land; and mine.........mine is below the waves. But that does not mean that I will not be there whenever your boats leave the safety of this harbour. It does not mean that we cannot be together. Come and swim with me. Come and join me in the water and I will show you the wonders that lie beneath the waves." (Y/n) told him, before she dove back into the water, holding up her hand and beckoning him to join her. Ragnar quickly getting to his feet and pulling the clothes from his body, before jumping into the fjord after her. The king ignoring the cold, as his daughter of Rán wrapped her arms around him. Their lips connecting, before the two disappeared below the surface.  

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