A watchful eye - GoT - Bronn x Reader

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"Why didn't you come to one of us sooner, (Y/n)?" Tyrion scolded, as he looked at the large pile of parchments in his hands that his sister had just given him.

"I didn't want to worry any of you, you are all so busy and to begin with I didn't think anything of it; but now its not just the notes, I think that someone is following me." (Y/n) replied timidly, as she nervously looked at the floor. Both of her brothers coming to stand by the sides of the chair upon which she sat.

"What do you mean, following?" Jaime demanded to know as he knelt by his sister and took her hand.

"And neither of us are too busy to help you, I am just glad that you have confided in us before Cersei and father found out about this. I hate to think what either of them would do if they knew that someone was out to hurt you; but now that we know, you have to tell us everything." Jaime insisted, taking his younger sister in his arms as Tyrion continued to read the notes that (Y/n) had been receiving.

(Y/n) was the middle child, the only Lannister that was loved not only by all her siblings and father, but also anyone else that ever seemed to have met the radiant beauty.

"The notes started a while ago, they were innocuous enough to begin with, just little messages that said I looked beautiful; but then it changed, they started to say that they loved me, and that they were always watching me. And recently I found one on the pillow of my bed." (Y/n) told Jaime and Tyrion, as Tyrion continued to peruse the notes.

"And now........ I know its probably foolish, but everywhere I go in the Keep, it feels like there is someone watching me from the shadows. And when I venture into the city with a guard, it's like someone if following me." (Y/n) explained to her concerned brothers. The two looking at one another with worry.

Both brothers knew that their sister was more than capable of looking after herself, but the notes were becoming unpleasant. The writer suggesting all the things that he would like to do with the highly prized lioness, and both men knew that something had to be done.

"I will make sure that someone is with you day and night (Y/n). You do not go anywhere without a guard, and I will have someone posted outside your chamber all the time; one way or another we will find this man." Jaime said, doing his best to reassure his younger sister.

"I'm afraid that we can't do that, one of the guards could be the man sending the messages. Even one of the other Kingsguards could be responsible." Tyrion told Jaime, as he thought about the only other option.

"You or I must be with her, if she is not in the company of Cersei or father, then it is up to us to watch her." Tyrion said, Jaime nodding his head as he appreciated what his brother had said.

"Don't be ridiculous, you two are far too busy, and I am probably blowing this up out of all proportion." (Y/n) protested, despite the fact that she wanted nothing more than to keep Tyrion and Jaime as close as possible.

"Out of proportion?" Tyrion asked in disbelief at his sister's seeming foolishness.

"I'll do it, I'll watch over er." A voice said from the corner of the room, all three Lannister's turning around to see the man that had moved into the light.

Bronn had been sitting in the corner of Tyrion's chambers, listening as (Y/n) told her brothers about the unsavoury events; and after learning that she was being threatened, his blood had begun to boil. Bronn had always loved (Y/n), she was so unlike any other woman that he had ever met. And despite the fact that neither her father, nor the twins had really liked the idea of the older sellsword being around her, the two had formed a strong bond. And when Bronn was not with Tyrion, he would always find himself drawn back to the exquisite lioness.

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