The Mountain needs a queen - The Hobbit - Thorin x Reader

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Thorin paced around his rooms. Why was it he could make his way across half of Middle-Earth, with only a handful of dwarves and a hobbit for company; he could fight orcs, wargs, goblins, elves, giant spiders, and a fire breathing dragon, that Bofur had described to Bilbo when they had all first met him, as the chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. An airborne fire-breather, with teeth like razors and claws like meat hooks. With an extreme fondness for precious metals. Yet when it came to a certain dwarrowdam, he felt incapable of even talking to her, never mind anything else. It as if he became a young, nervous dwarrow once more, whenever he so much as looked at that beautiful visage.

For Aulë's sake, he was the King of the Lonely Mountain. He had made peace with the people of Dale. The dwarves, Bard, and the people of the city not far below the entrance to his kingdom, helping one another to rebuild, after what the last fire drake, war and time had done to both their homes. But at this moment, he would rather face all those terrors again, than leave his rooms, and make his way to the celebration, where he knew she would be. Thorin sure that he would do little more than embarrass himself.

The festivities for the night, which had been organised for a number of reasons; as thanks to all those that had followed him, as a farewell to Bilbo, before he journeyed back to the Shire. To remember those that had fallen during the battle, that had given their lives so that he may claim what was rightfully his, and that his people could return to where they belonged. And finally, to invite Bard and his family to be the first ever sons and daughters of men, to see what lay beyond the great rock edifice of the mountain. But as well as all that, if that wasn't enough, it would be the perfect opportunity to finally ask one that had returned to the Lonely Mountain, something he really should have asked her, before he had gone to look for his father. Something that he should have asked, long before he had even thought about the quest. The only problem being, he just didn't know if he could get the words out, before he turned into a stumbling, bumbling, blushing mess. Which was the usual effect that she had on him. An effect that was not fitting for a king; but there it was.

Even in his darkest moments, when even he had thought it was impossible, she had been in his mind; the image of her smile in his memory, pushing him on. Thorin knowing that he had to survive, so that he could see her again; even if all else failed, even if the Lonely Mountain was not taken back from the dragon, he knew that she would still be there, waiting, back in the Blue Mountains. The dwarven beauty turning him back into that stumbling, yet happy fool.

"Ya ready, lad.............?" A voice asked from the doorway. Thorin turning to see Balin smiling at him, dressed in the best clothes that he could find.

"Ya guests are waitin..................."

"Is she there.............?" Thorin asked, as he straightened out his royal garb and placed the crown atop his head.

"Do ya mean, (Y/n)..............?" Even the sound of her name brought heat to the king's cheeks. Balin chuckling to himself, as he made his way further into the room. The pale haired dwarf reaching up and moving the crown so that it looked just so.

There had never been any denying that Thorin would one day make the quite beautiful (Y/n), his bride. Even before Smaug had taken the Mountain, it was expected that the prince, when he finally stopped blushing every time he saw her, would ask her to be his. Yet Balin, nor any of the others knew he loved her so much, that he would do what he had done. Thorin having the Arkenstone refashioned, so that two pieces could be taken from it. Pieces that could be made into courting beads. The new king stating that the Kings Jewel was the only thing that could compete with her beauty.

"Aye, she's waitin for ya. Lookin as breathtakin as she always does." Balin continued, looking Thorin up and down.

"You'll do. Not that she wouldn't marry ya, anyway. Even if ya were covered in orc blood, and wearing nothin but rags, that lass would still happily be yours." The advisor added, taking to pushing the king out of his room, as Thorin just stood there.


Thorin stopped, as he got to the entrance of the Great Hall, all eyes turning to look at him, the king though only able to see one pair of sparkling orbs; to see one smile. (Y/n) slowly making her way through the crowd, as everyone waited for Thorin the make the next move. The son of Thráin reaching into his pocket; relief filling him. as he felt the box within which sat the Arkenstone beads.

"Well, laddie, the Mountain needs a queen..........and that throne need an heir." Balin said quietly, giving his old friend a smile, before he gave him a nudge. Thorin quickly righting himself, then stepping forward with all the confidence he could muster. Fighting back the nervousness, as he came to stand in front of (Y/n).

He knew that he should do this with some pomp and ceremony. That he should make some great display; it not every day that his kin and people welcomed their queen. Yet as she smiled up at him, it just blurted out.

"Be mine. Be my queen. Marry me............?" Thorin asked, as he brought out the box and presented her with the beads. (Y/n) and everyone around her and Thorin, gasping as they saw them. The king taking them in his hands, as he waited for her answer. The exquisite dwarrowdam pushing herself up onto her tiptoes and placed a kiss to the end of Thorin's nose.

"I thought that you would never ask, Thorin Oakenshield. Yes, I will be yours, be your queen; yes, I will marry you." She replied, a cheer going up through the guests, as the king placed the shimmering beads into (Y/n)'s hair. The Mountain now having its queen; the king, his bride. And once he could stop blushing whenever he saw her, hopefully an heir to the kingdom too. 

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