Heart of gold - Wizarding World - Lucius x Reader

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This is my first ever Wizarding World story. I hope that you all enjoy. And a big thank you to Venomaris69 for inspiring me. And Severus is alive and the headmaster, because I just will not have that he is dead.

He had always been cold and cruel; Abraxas had seen to that. To her, his family was the embodiment of the worst traits of some pure blood families. Families that had nothing but contempt and hatred for Muggles or the Muggle-born. And if there had been a poster child for the wealth and influence of certain member of the wizarding community; Lucius Malfoy would be it. Yet now the swagger that he had always carried himself with, before the Second Wizarding War, was gone; and what was left, only hinted at what he had once been.

She had known him when they were both at Hogwarts. Well, she hadn't really known him, she knew of him; after all, how could she not. From her first day at the wizarding school, she had been taken by the older boy with the pale hair that would make his way through the corridors with his nose in the air, looking down on anyone that may dare to get in his way. She had already been told to steer clear of him; to stay as far away from him and those that followed him, yet there had been something about him. Something that drew her in.

She had of course noticed that there were many other girls that felt the same as she did; Lucius was beautiful, and he knew it. And given that she was only a first year and he a fourth; given that he was Slytherin and she Ravenclaw, she had doubted that they would even interact, never mind that he would notice her. But she had continued to watch from a far, never liking the things he might do, or how he would treat others; yet sensing that there was something deep inside the boy, that was more than his cruel acts and words. Something that she had always felt sorry for; something that she had wanted to protect and.........and love. Her mother always telling her that it was because she had a heart of gold; a heart that wanted to fix the most broken of things. Yet it hadn't been until Lucius had received a visit that she had been able to use her heart on him.

It had been a strange day at the school, the arrival of Abraxas had caused quite the stir. Any child in their right mind doing all they could to avoid the older Malfoy. Yet she had been there in the shadows, hushing the portraits as she had caught sight of the interaction between father and son. Her hand quickly covering her mouth, as she had seen Abraxas hit his son with his cane. Shocked that she could see blood mix with Lucius' pale hair from a cut that had appeared over his eye, as he fell to the floor. His father just looking at him in disgust, before storming away.

"You're hurt............" Her voice sounded small, timid, as she had come to stand next him and reached out a hand.

"GO AWAY! Get your dirty hand off me. This has nothing to do with you.........." Lucius had growled in reply, as he got to his feet. His grey eyes burning into her as she had caught his arm before he could leave.

"If you let me look at it, no one else need know what happened. I am good with potions, tinctures, and balms. I have one with me that would heal you before the morning. You wouldn't even know that the cut had been there.........." She had told him. Her heart racing as he had looked between her and the hand that carefully gripped his wrist. A smile coming to her lips, as he had finally nodded, and let her lead him away. The pair not stopping until they were sat in the room that could be found by climbing the stairs in the Defence Against the Dark Arts tower.

She hadn't said much to begin with; really what could she say to him after what she had just seen. But then he had asked her name; sure, that she could see a smile pull at the corner of his lips, as he had said it. Also sure, that no one else had said it in quite the way he seemed to be able to.

"(Y/n).............thank you. You have a very rare thing, a heart of gold. Don't ever lose it..........."

He had never said anything to her after that night; after he had let his guard down, and had just been himself, not the boy that his father had created with cruelty. But she had always been positive that when they passed in the corridors, that he would give her a faint smile when they caught each other's eye. A smile that was meant for only her, and she had loved it; missing it every day when his time at Hogwarts had ended. Her remaining years at school not the same without the sight of the young man with the handsome face and grey eyes coming towards her in one of the busy corridors; his long pale hair flowing behind him. A part of her always hoping that they would meet again, and that when they did, he would once more allow her to see the part of him that she always knew had been there. And she had not stopped hoping that even when she had heard that he had become an exact copy of his vile father; nor when she had heard of his marriage to Cissy Black and had a son. The idea just moving to the back of her mind, as her job had taken precedence. Though the war had made his name rear its head again; (Y/n) knowing that she should not have been shocked to find out that he was a Death Eater; that he had played a role in that terrible part of their history, at the Battle of Hogwarts. Nor that he had been sent to Azkaban for his crimes. But what had surprised her, was that Narcissa had left him; Lucius now alone in a world that was reluctantly accepting him back. And that was why she and the boy that she had once helped, were now looking at one another.

"And this is our potions mistress, Miss (Y/n)." Severus said, as he had finally turned his attention to her, after introducing all the other members of staff to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts, teacher.

"Have we met..........?" Lucius began, as he took her hand and shook it. A glint of knowing in his eyes, as he looked at her. Yet before she could say anything in reply, the dark-haired headmaster had scurried him away. Leaving (Y/n) to stand there and wonder.

That introduction had been weeks ago now, and despite already being halfway through term she still hadn't been able to see Lucius, their jobs seeming to keep them apart. In fact, everything seemed to be keeping them apart. Yet (Y/n) could still feel that same desire to want to help him, to protect him, to look after him. A little part of her cursing her heart for caring so much for a man that she had never really had any interaction with, other than that one evening so many years ago.

"I remember you, you know............." (Y/n) turning at the sound of the voice. Nearly knocking some vials of potion over in the process. It obvious that she had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't heard him come into the room.


"It was you, that night. The night I had one of my arguments with my father. The time he hit me around the head with his cane." Lucius continued, as he made his way further into her classroom. His voice, his demeanour, so much softer than it had been when they were younger.


"You took me to the Room of Requirements, and you put a balm over the cut above my eye. I remember that it smelt terrible..........." The pale haired wizard continued with a slight chuckle, as he took a few more steps towards her. His hand reaching up to the place that the mark had been.

"But I also remember how good you were to me. How gentle. It was the first time............the first time that anyone had shown me such care. The first time that someone had been kind to me; just because that was what they were.........kind.............a girl with a heart of gold............" (Y/n) feeling the breath catching in her throat, as he now stood in front of her. His grey eyes looking into hers, and that small smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"I was wondering if you would care to join me in the Great Hall for dinner. I would very much like to learn more about you, Miss (Y/n)........." Her heart now beating frantically against her rib cage at his words.

"I..........I would like that very much, Mister Malfoy............"

"Lucius, please............" He interrupted, before offering her his arm.

"Thank you, Lucius..........."

"Not at all, my dear. It is the least I can do for my girl with the heart of gold." He replied, before taking her hand and placing it in the crook of his arm. A real, full smile spreading across his features, as he escorted her out of the classroom and down the corridors to the Great Hall; the pair talking all the way. 

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