Double, double, toil and trouble - GoT - Ramsay x Reader

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"(Y/N)!" Ramsay bellowed, as he rushed into his sister's secret chambers, deep in the bowls of the Dreadfort.

(Y/n) rolling her eyes, nearly dropping the potion that she was decanting into small vials, as her younger brother rushed in to the room, dropping on to the floor in front of her and holding her tight as he buried his head into her stomach.

"What is it little one?" (Y/n) asked calmly, as she brushed her fingers gently through Ramsay's hair.

"It's my father, (Y/n); he does everything he can to embarrass me in front of everyone. He never loses the opportunity to remind me that I am a bastard. I hate him (Y/n), I hate him." Ramsay growled, as he shook with anger. His fingers gripping tightly onto his sister's gown.

"Well that is what happens when you have an evil monster for a father." (Y/n) told her brother, Ramsay staring up at her as he heard the venom in her every word.

(Y/n) despised Roose; she was the only child of Ramsay's mother, and the miller that Roose had hanged. She had watched in disbelief as her father dangled like a common criminal, and nearly screamed in horror when the Lord of Dreadfort raped her mother; but instead she had remained hidden, offering her soul to the Lord of the Seven Hells if he would give her revenge on the man that had killed her father, and dishonoured her mother.

Years later, Ramsay had managed to find his older sister, amazed that she had become a powerful practitioner of the darkest magic. And unbeknownst to Roose, Ramsay had brought his sister to the Dreadfort, concealing her in the depths of the great fort, ensuring that she could continue with her practices and rituals under the noses of all that lived above.

The two siblings had grown to care about one another a great deal since she had been in the fort, especially as the two shared the same desires; they desired power, they desired revenge, and they wanted to be feared, and (Y/n) was always the first one that Ramsay would turn to when he needed help, or love.

"Why are you here Ramsay?" (Y/n) said harshly, pushing the kneeling man away as she made her way over to the altar, her fingers brushing over ancient manuscripts.

"You come down here every time that creature berates you, every time he humiliates you in front of people that mean nothing; yet still you don't ask for my help. All you do is cry and whine like a small child. If you really hated Roose Bolton, you would do something about it." (Y/n) said coldly, turning her gaze from the old vellum, back towards her brother.

"Tell me what you want Ramsay!" (Y/n) hissed, watching as her brother rose to his feet, before he marched over to stand right in front of her, the pairs faces almost touching.

"I want to be Ramsay Bolton, I want to be the Lord of the Dreadfort. I want to be my father's heir; and I want revenge." (Y/n) growled, grabbing hold of his sister's arms, and holding her tight.

"Help me!"

(Y/n) looked into her brother's eyes. "But my love, Roose Bolton already has a son and heir, why would Roose legitimize you, and make you Lord of the Dreadfort if he already has Domeric?" (Y/n) enquired innocently, as she brushed her fingers over Ramsay's cheekbone. Within a moment Ramsay was nuzzling into (Y/n) neck as he held her close.

"Please help me (Y/n). I will do anything you say." Ramsay told her, as he slowly kissed her neck.

(Y/n) smiled evilly, knowing that after all these years, she would finally be able to begin to destroy Roose's life, as much as he had destroyed her all those years ago.

"Your father is holding a celebration within the next few days, Domeric will be present at the festivities will he not?" (Y/n) asked, as Ramsay slowly nodded, never taking his lips from her neck.

"Then my sweet, I think that it is about time that I met your brother and father." (Y/n) said seductively, as her wicked mind thought of a plan to hurt the man that she hated beyond belief.


The days passed quickly, and now Ramsay was proudly leading his sister through the corridors of the Dreadfort towards the Great Hall where Roose and his guests were assembled.

As the doors were opened, the mass of guests fell quiet as they looked not at the bastard son of their host, but at the dark beauty that stood to his side. As the pair entered, Ramsay's eyes fell on his father and Domeric, and slowly he led (Y/n) through the throng of wide eyed guests.

"Father, brother, I would like to introduce you to an old friend of mine; this is (Y/n)." Ramsay announced, watching smugly, as he saw his father's and Domeric's eyes explore his sisters' body.

(Y/n) curtsied politely, her eyes never leaving those of Domeric, as he took her hand and gently kissed her knuckles.

"Ramsay, you did not tell me that he knew such a beautiful woman; but I can understand why he would want to keep you a secret. Any man would wish to steal such beauty away." Domeric chuckled, drawing himself up closer to the innocently blushing (Y/n).

"Would you care to dance, my dear?" Domeric asked, elated when the woman agreed.

Ramsay couldn't help but feel jealous as he watched Domeric dance and laugh with his sister, desperately wanting to rush over and steal her away; but he knew that he had to do exactly what his sister had told him, and that meant that he had to let (Y/n) go for the moment.

"Oh, my lord." (Y/n) said, sounding as startled and concerned as she possibly could, when Domeric caught himself on the tiny dagger that she had hidden in her gown.

"Here, let me look at that for you." She told him, carefully taking his hand, and examining the small cut as she pulled a small favour out from her sleeve and dammed at the blood. Domeric grew wide eyed as (Y/n) slowly raised the injured finger and placed it into her mouth, sucking softly on the digit.

"Tell me my lord, if you were to leave the festivities, do you think that you would be missed?" (Y/n) asked seductively, as she swirled her tongue around his finger. Domeric frantically shaking his head, before (Y/n) led him out of the hall, and into his chambers.


Ramsay sat and watched as (Y/n) dropped the blooded favour into a pot that slowly bubbled with a mixture of herb and powders. And as she spoke incantations over the potion, Ramsay could hold his tongue no longer.

"Did you really have to bed Domeric, (Y/n)?" Ramsay asked angrily, as she continued to recite the ancient words.

"Do you really think that I would allow that animal to touch me if I did not need to? The only thing worse would have been if it was Roose himself." (Y/n) told him, as she added one final ingredient to the pot.

"Was he better than me?" Ramsay asked quietly, part of him concerned that his sister would turn her favour towards Domeric if he had proved to be a better lover.

(Y/n) sighed as she poured a small amount of clear liquid from the pot into a small vial.

"No on is better than you my love." (Y/n) said reassuringly as she walked over to Ramsay and placed the vial into his palm.

"Place this in the food that all of you will eat, the only one that it will be harmed will be Domeric. Do this, and you will have all you desire Ramsay; you will have the name, the title, and Dreadfort." (Y/n) explained, combing her fingers softly through her brother's hair.

"Do I get you as well (Y/n)?" Ramsay asked, standing up and pulling her close.

"You will always have me, my love." (Y/n) replied, smiling as Ramsay bite on the soft skin on her shoulders.

Not only would she take away Roose's real heir, but she would have his new heir at her back and call; and Roose's downfall would begin. 

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