Who's the daddy - Avengers - Tony x ? x Reader

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(Y/n) rolled her eyes as Tony crouched down and looked at her rounded belly.

"Now, you'll tell Uncle Tony who your daddy is, won't you. Because your momma certainly won't........." The billionaire, having his hand swatted away when he poked at the baby bump.

It wasn't that she didn't want to tell her big brother who the father of her child was. It not that she was ashamed of him, or the fact that together they had made something wonderful, who before long would be making an appearance into the world. It was more that she wasn't sure how her brother would take the news that the father to be, was not only an older man, but knew him as a friend. (Y/n) not sure whether her brother would take the news badly or would mercilessly tease the poor man. Neither circumstance anything she needed; especially now that she didn't have too much longer to go. The younger Stark, more than ready to meet her baby.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you. There is no big conspiracy about all this, Tony. It's just that.......well, he's a very private man, a quiet man; a man that tends to keep people at an arm's length until he gets to know them. And I know you well enough to know, that if you had known who he was from the beginning, you would probably have teased him for the entire pregnancy. Not that I won't have to tell you soon anyway........."

"Well, he obviously didn't keep you at arm's length for too long, did he........?" Tony chuckled, earning a smack around the back of the head for his trouble, as he got to his feet. Getting (Y/n) a pleasing 'OW!' for her efforts.

"If you are worried about me teasing him, that means I must know him........oh jeez, it's not Fury is it...........?"

"What.......? Jesus, Tony. No, it is not the director. What on earth would make you ask that..............?"

"Well, you do spend a lot of time at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. And..........."

"No, Tony, the father is not Nick Fury........."

"Ok. But at least tell me that the mystery daddy is gonna make an honest woman out of my little sister, after you give me my nephew.........because if he doesn't......" The billionaire continued, as he placed a kiss to her cheek. (Y/n) knowing that she should have also probably told Tony that the father had already married her, even before they had found out that she was carrying his child. But they had agreed that they would sit down and tell everyone, not just Tony, about everything, when the little one was born. This, even though he had been married before, new for both of them. Her husband never believing that he would be wed again, never mind know the joy of being able to call himself a father.

"We.........well, we will talk about all that once this one is born. Now........" (Y/n) groaning a little as she felt a sudden pain.

"If you will excuse me, I think I need to go and put my feet up for a little while. If that is ok with you, boss........"

"Well, I suppose so. But just remember that your maternity leave doesn't start for another week......" Tony chuckled in reply.

"Rest as much as you like, sweetheart. And if you need anything, just tell F.R.I.D.A.Y and I'll get it for you........."

"Have I ever told you that you are the best big brother in the world........?"

"Yeah, but not enough..........."

"Well, that is only because your head is big enough as it is, and you don't need any more praise. But.......just for this once......you are the best big brother in the whole wide world." (Y/n) said, before she kissed him on the nose. Tony suddenly holding her, as she let out a pained groan. The two looking down, as liquid surrounded their feet.


"Tony...........!" The billionaire calling out to F.R.I.D.A.Y, out to Bruce in the next room, as he carefully moved his sister over to the sofa.

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