Fantasy - Avengers - Loki x Reader

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(Y/n) sighed, leaning against the wall, as she looked out the invited guests. It not that she minded Tony's parties, it was just that eventually they all seemed to roll into one. The same people, the same faces; the same idiots trying to out drink Thor. The same morons talking in hushed tones about how they thought that Steve was little more than a boy scout with a fancy shield and that Bucky still couldn't be trusted; all that, because their girlfriends would be swooning over every word that both the old soldiers said. It not unheard of, that she or Nat would have to rescue one, or both of the two men, from women that had got a little handsy. The only part of evenings like this that she enjoyed, was when all the guests had left, and it was just the team.

Suddenly she felt something, a presence behind her that sent a familiar cold shiver down her spine. The breath catching in her throat, as she felt soft fingers gently move her hair away from where it fell around her neck, and a pair of lips ghost over her ear.

"Hello, darling.........."

"And what are you doing here? I can't imagine that Tony or anyone else invited you.........."

"You are quite right..........." (Y/n) doing all she could to not moan at the loss of his touch, as Loki moved around her, so that he was stood in front of her.

"But that makes it all the more fun, doesn't it? You better than anyone knows how much fun doing things you shouldn't, can be........" The God of Mischief continued, as he reached up and placed his fingertips on her collarbone; slowly letting them slip down towards the top of her breasts.

"You look exquisite, by the way. Just the right amount of material to allow a man's mind to wander to what beauty may lay beneath; but still the right amount of flesh showing to give him a glimpse. Not that I have to wonder, as I know firsthand how truly perfect you are. How wonderful you feel.........." Loki moving closer, his cool body pressed up against hers. (Y/n)'s breath becoming shallow, laboured, as his eyes looked deep into hers and his fingertips continued to softly caress the tops of her breasts.

He was right of course; she did know how much fun it could be to do things that you shouldn't; to be with someone that you shouldn't. (Y/n) not sure what the others would think if they were to find out that she and the dark-haired god knew one another well, in much more than the platonic sense. That many a night, the God of Mischief could be found in her bed, fulfilling any number of her fantasies. Their relationship, though it was still to be decided what their relationship really was, was not something that she was about to give up on, even if the others found out and did not approve. For even though Loki may not be the best of men, or the best man for her; he was most definitely what she wanted. And given the fact that he kept coming back to her, it seemed obvious that she also had something that he wanted, too.

"But tell you believed I wouldn't be here, who is it that you are wearing this little dress, for? brother.....?"

"Is that a hint of jealousy that I see in your eyes, Loki? Does the thought of me wearing this for another man, of him touching me, when you have been neglecting me, twist you up inside...........?" (Y/n) finding herself pulled into his body. His long fingers, making their way up into her hair, as he made her look at him.

"Jealous? I see nothing and no one here to be jealous of. We both know that there is not another man here that can give you what I can give you. Can do for you, what I can do." Loki retorted, as he pulled her even closer.

"You know as well as I do, that you are mine............" (Y/n) letting her hand move up from his chest, to entwine her fingers in his jet-black locks, before pulling his head down so that her lips just touched his.

"I am wearing the dress for myself, if you must know. But that still does not answer my question as to why you are here now, after it being so long since I have seen you.........."

"Would you believe me if I were to tell you that I have missed you? That I thought it was about time that we made some more of our fantasies come true........."

"And what fantasies did you have in mind? Mine or yours.........?"

"Why don't we say it is a little of both. You know I am aware of all your wickedest desires and wants. All the naughty dreams, that you would not dare to share with anyone else here. I know you like the idea of more than one man taking you at once. Of two or more of them pleasuring you; and though I will not share you with another, that does not mean that I will not share you with myself.........." Loki smiled, before kissing her properly. The exchange becoming more passionate by the moment. A wicked smile coming to his lips, as the god heard his lover whine softly, when his lips moved away from hers.

"You of course know that I can make copies of myself. Copies that are indistinguishable from me, that can do everything I can do. That can pleasure you in all the ways that you like.........And I must admit that the notion of taking all of you, of feeling all of you at once, is something that I would like to experience......."

"Then what are we waiting for.........?" (Y/n) slowly pulled herself away. Not worried that someone might see her; that someone might miss her, as she placed her hand in the crook of Loki's arm and led his out of the large room.

"Lets go and make some fantasies come true..........." 

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