Sunday morning - Peaky Blinders - Tommy x Reader

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Tommy slowly sat up and pulled a cigarette from the packet that lay on the table next to the bed. Sunday morning.......a quiet Sunday morning. Such things were a rarity for Tommy; even if the day was supposed to be a day of rest, that didn't mean that it was for him; the head of the Shelby firm usually finding that he had to deal with something, whether it be business, fixing something Arthur had done after a long night of drinking, or whatever John had got himself into, Sundays tended to be just as busy for him as every other day of the week. But this morning was different; this morning it was nothing but peace and quiet. The only thing to break that silence, the soft murmur that came from the woman that slept by his side.

He couldn't help but let a smile come to his lips as he looked down at her. She was beautiful, wonderful......perfect, and in truth, he couldn't help but think that she was far too fucking good for him; but she was with him, she was his, all his, and he wasn't about to lose her to anything or anyone.

(Y/n) had changed his life since he had met her, and even though most would say that the pair shouldn't work; he a man born of Irish gypsies, and she the daughter of an MP and a socialite, everything just seemed to fall into place with them, as if they were the missing pieces of each other's puzzle; the two having met on one of his trips down to the capital to speak with Alfie. The night that he and his brothers had spent at a new club that was the toast of London, proving to be something that would change his life. His eyes unable to miss her, as he had surveyed the scene before him. She, like a beacon of light that had suddenly illuminated the darkness of his world. Tommy finding himself getting to his feet, ignoring the questioning calls from his older and younger brothers, as he made his way through the crowd, only stopping when he came to stand in front of her. His usual calm heart, beating violently, as she had smiled at him.

"Good morning........." Tommy, looking to his side at the sound of the greeting. Her already dulcet voice, deeper and huskier at that moment, still heavy with sleep, as she opened her eyes and looked at him. Tommy butting out what little was left of his cigarette, before moving back down in the bed, so that she could place her head on his chest. The two laying there in the most comfortable of silences, as they enjoyed the presence of the other.

"You know that this is too good to be true, don't you." (Y/n) finally said with a soft sigh, as Tommy pulled her closer. Her fingers softly drawing patterns on his pale flesh.

He wanted to tell her that she was wrong; that this, would last all day. That it would just be the two of them, no interferences, no business, no brothers, just he and her. But he knew that she was right; that sooner or later something would happen. That there would be voices, noises from downstairs, a knock on the door; and then reality would come crashing back in on this wonderful scene. It would take this moment from him; so, why not make the most of this, until one of those interruptions did come. Tommy kissing the top of (Y/n)'s head, which caused her to look at him. A smile coming to her lips, as she saw that look in his oh so stunning eyes.

There had been a party the night before; yet when it had been in full swing, Tommy had taken her hand and led her out of the establishment. The two making their way back to the house, so that they could just be together. Clothes quickly finding their way to the bedroom floor; lips, teeth and hands exploring naked flesh. It wasn't the first time that they had made love, far from it; but somehow, it always felt like the first time. The same thrill, the same lust; the same need and desire filling them both, as Tommy had pushed her up against the wall; grabbing one of her legs and pulling it up to his waist, so that he could get closer to her. So that he could rub his throbbing manhood, against her aching core. The room soon filling with the sounds that only the other could draw from their lips. (Y/n) now moving up so that she could kiss him; Tommy returning the gesture, hungrily pulling her to him; a moan leaving his lips, as her hand moved down from his side, to under the sheets; his head dropping back, as she held his manhood firmly and began to pleasure him. (Y/n) sure that there were very few more beautiful sights than when Tommy surrendered himself to her; when he let down all his walls and allowed her to see that he was as vulnerable as any other man. That he needed love and to be wanted, just like everyone else. Her lips softly kissing his neck, as she continued to stroke him.

"What did I do ta deserve you.........?" Tommy managed to ask, before a low groan left him, as her movements became firmer and faster.

"I don't know; but whatever it was, I am so glad that you did it." (Y/n) replied, as she knelt up so that she could kiss him on the lips. Tommy opening his eyes just enough so that he could see her lick her lips. The head of the Peaky Blinders knowing what was going to come next; and as he felt her lips move down his chest and then to his stomach, he couldn't help but hope that this quiet Sunday morning would last long enough so that he could show her how much he loved her too.   

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