All I want for Christmas - Sherlock - Greg x Reader

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Greg sat in the office, his head firmly in his hands. Why did it have to be so difficult? He could question murderers, confront armed robbers. He could even deal with Sherlock. Yet when it came to (Y/n) he was lost.

After how he had been treated and cheated on by his wife, Greg never thought that he would let down the walls that he had built up around his heart again. He had come to terms with the single life. But as soon as he thought that he was done with love, she had appeared. She was a vision dressed in dark blue dress, with a booked gripped between her elegant fingers. And from that moment, Greg had fallen, and fallen hard.

Lestrade couldn't believe his eyes when he had walked into Sherlock's flat. The consulting detective reluctantly introducing the stunning creature as his youngest sibling. A beautiful smile appearing on her face as she had risen from John's chair and walked over to shake his hand.

As she stood before him, something told Greg that she was different from her brothers. There was a warmth that seemed to surround her, a sweetness and sensitivity that neither Holmes brother possessed. Traits that made the young Holmes actually human.

"Greg. It's only a Christmas gift. I am sure whatever you give (Y/n) she will love it." John tried to reassure the detective, as he sat across from him.

"Yeah, I know. But I want to make it special. It's our first real Christmas together and I want it to be something she won't forget. Neither Sherlock or Mycroft like the fact that (Y/n) and I are together. And I just want to show her that she hasn't made a mistake by not listening to them." Greg groaned as he finally raised his head.

It was stupid. If Sherlock could see him, he would probably just shake his head and give his usual speech about sentiment. Tell him that he wasn't good enough or intelligent enough for (Y/n), but Greg didn't care. (Y/n) wasn't like any other woman he had ever met. She was the first one he had been able to tell everything. The only woman that seemed to completely understand what he had been through and what he thought. And whatever he did, she had supported him, especially against her brothers.

For Greg, she ought to have diamonds and pearls, gold and champagne. Yet he hadn't been able to think of anything that told (Y/n) how he really felt. And now he was running out of time.

Greg had first plucked up the courage to really talk to (Y/n) at a New Year's party that had been organised for the staff at New Scotland Yard. As everyone had celebrated, Greg could only watch as (Y/n) sat quietly by herself with a glass of champagne in her hand. The beautiful woman looking out of the window, as the sky outside was filled with millions of twinkling snowflakes. He couldn't believe that she had actually turned up when he had asked John if he and (Y/n) would like to join them. But she had. And now that she sat there with a melancholic look that Greg knew all too well, he had decided that no one as perfect as (Y/n) should ever look so sad.

"I have something for you." Greg had said quietly, not wanting to shock the younger woman.

"I.......beg your pardon." She had replied, looking slightly shocked as the detective had handed her a vivid red balloon dog, created by some silly entertainer that had been hired for some unknown reason.

"You looked a little sad, and I thought that you could use a friend." Greg told her, a smile growing across his lips as she took it gratefully.

"Thank you, Greg. He's lovely. And red is my favourite colour." (Y/n) replied, as he reluctantly turned to leave.

"You don't have to go. I don't mind some company. That's if you want to." (Y/n) had called out. Greg suddenly turning on his heels and making his way back to sit by her side.

"I'm sorry Greg. I don't mean to be a party pooper. It's just, unlike some of your colleagues I have no desire to get drunk and do something that I will not live down for the coming year. Especially if Mycroft or Sherlock find out." (Y/n) had said with a chuckle, as she spied Anderson and Donovan flirting.

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