The seahorse and the dragon - HotD - Vaemond Velaryon x Reader

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(Y/n) gripped her sister's hand, as she and Rhaenyra looked over the side of the ship, and across Blackwater Bay, as they sailed to Driftmark. The younger sister travelling to the seat of House Velaryon for one reason, and one reason only. Her marriage. Her marriage to Vaemond.

Corlys and Rhaenys seemed to have been delighted when the decision had been made by Viserys, that his second daughter should wed the commander of the Velaryon navy. The union intended to deepen the connection, between the two already close families. It quickly arranged that the princess should journey to Seat of the Sea, so that she and Vaemond could spend some time together, before they were bound before the Seven and the Merling King.



"Is everything alright...............?"

"Yes......well, I suppose. I just wish I could have brough Vhagar with me. Perhaps then I wouldn't feel so alone." (Y/n) replied, as she thought of the grey dragon that she had left in Kings Landing. Her father assuring her that when she returned to the capital with her husband, she would be able to retrieve her beloved mount. But for now, it was Vaemond that she should concern herself with. It was doing her duty and honouring her family.

"You aren't alone, you have me........." Rhaenyra replied. (Y/n) smiling, as she turned to look at her sister.

"I know, I.........I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. It is just that you will eventually have to leave, and Vhagar wouldn't. I am worrying about nothing. I am sure that everything will be fine; that Corlys and Rhaenys will make me welcome at Driftmark. I am sure that Vaemond............." Her voice drifting off, as her eyes turned back to the expanse of water before them. Her mind back on the man that she would be marrying.

She had of course met Vaemond before, and if truth be told, she did find him quite handsome. His white hair framing his features, quite pleasingly; especially when released from the binding that pulled it neatly away from his face. His eyes, deep and warm as he would look at her. His form strong, but not too large. But marriage.........though she supposed that it could be worse. The thought of being made to marry one of the Lannister brothers, not something that she had ever wanted to think about.

"What do you think he looks like under his clothes...........?"


"What? I was just wondering............." Rhaenyra replied, before the two of them began to laugh. This the first time that (Y/n) had done so since they had left Kings Landing.

"I think he will look quite handsome........." (Y/n) finally said. A heat coming to her cheeks, as she thought what awaited her.

"Though, I suppose that I will find out, soon enough. Once we arrive in Driftmark, it will be but a matter of days, before he and I are wed. I can only imagine that he will be eager for us to............I mean, given the strength of the belief he has in the Velaryon line, I am sure that he will want an heir as soon as I can provide him with one." The princess continued. Rhaenyra nodding in agreement, as she placed her arm in that of her sisters.

"I am sure that he will be good to you. And when you have bedded him, you will have to tell me all about it." Rhaenyra told her. The two laughing again, as they made their way from the deck to their room, below.


The ship from Kings Landing, would soon come to rest at the Blue Port. Coryls, Rhaenys, the children, and most importantly, Vaemond, stood waiting, as the dark speck on the water, got bigger and bigger. The commander of the Velaryon fleet, sure that he should have been the one to escort his bride to be, to Driftmark. That she would have been there much sooner, if she had been aboard his ship. The brother of the Lord of Tides, nervously looking down at his clothes, making sure that there was nothing to mar them. Corlys giving his wife a knowing smile, before he made his way over to his younger brother. Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You look well, brother. I am sure that (Y/n) will think that you look more than fine." Corlys said, Vaemond looking at him for a moment, before trying to pretend that he had no idea what his brother was talking about; despite the fact that anyone with eyes, could see how he felt for the daughter of the king. Vaemond taking to talking about her, whenever he could. And since the decision had been made that she and he should marry, he had done nothing but talk about her. The rest of the family hoping that he would stop now that she would be with him.

"She will be here soon. And I am sure that she will make you a wonderful bride. She is an intelligent young woman, just like my own Rhaenys. I have no doubt that she will support you; that she will give you sage advice. That, and heirs........." Coryls continued. Vaemond looking to his brother once again. A slight smile pulling at the corners of the younger man's lips, as he thought about being able to finally lay with her. As he thought about the strong sons that would following in his footsteps, and the beautiful daughters, that would make him a proud man. The breath catching in his throat, as the ship slowly pulled into the dock.


"We will be docking at any minute. Do hurry.........." Rhaenyra said, as she came into the room, to find her sister looking at herself in the mirror.

"Do you think that he will like it?" (Y/n) asked as she looked to her sibling. The princess straightening out her gown, as she looked at her reflection once again. Rhaenyra chuckling to herself, as she made her way over to her sister.

During the journey, it had become more than obvious that (Y/n) was not as averse to the notion of marrying Vaemond, as she might have first made out. The princess wondering if he would like her hair as it was; if he would approve of the perfume that she wore. And now, at this last minute, her obsession had obviously turned to her dress.

"(Y/n). You look beautiful. He will not be able to take his eyes off you. Now will you hurry. We will be there any minute." Rhaenyra told her, before taking (Y/n)'s arm and pulling her out of the room.


Vaemond watched as the ropes were thrown from the ship, to be tied up on the dock. A flurry of activity ensuing, as the gangway was raised. Coryls nudging his brother forward, as two figures slowly made their way down the wooden ramp. His smile returning, as he saw (Y/n). Holding out his hand for her to take, so that he could help her step from the gangway, onto the dock.

"Princess (Y/n).........."

"Ser Vaemond............" (Y/n) replied, curtsying as Vaemond brough her hand up to his lips.

"You look beautiful, if I may say.........."

"Thank you. And you, you look so handsome........."

"May I show you your rooms..........?" Vaemond continued. (Y/n) nodding before taking his arm. The two forgetting about the others, as the pair made their way from the docks. It seemingly that the ties between the seahorses and dragons, would last for some time to come.  

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