New Year's kiss - Expendables - Barney Ross x Reader

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To say that Randy's was busy, would be an understatement. But it was New Year's Eve, so what else could you expect. The whole city was busy with people out enjoying themselves with friends, all waiting for the clock to reach twelve. All waiting for the next year; and the Expendable were no different. The entire team had been camped out in their regular haunt for hours, playing pool, darts, putting copious amounts of quarters in the jukebox, and just sitting at their usual table depleting the bars stock of beer.

This was something that the boys did every year. It was a time when they could really unwind. A time that they could try and forget all the things that they had been through. All the near misses. All the injuries. And now with having Doc and Galgo with them, there was a whole new interesting dimension to the celebrations. But what really gave the New Year party a different flavour, was the newest recruit. The only female on the team. (Y/n).

As an ex-Navy seal, (Y/n) was an exception to begin with. All the boys quite taken aback by her when Tool had introduced them. It was obvious that she had been special forces with just the way she held herself. She was quick, sharp and strong. She communicated well and took orders even better. But it wasn't just all that, that made her stand out. For despite her old job, she most definitely had another side to her. Because quietly, she was a bit of a rebel. The kind of rebel that Barney in particular, had found himself drawn to.

It hadn't taken her long to prove herself of worth to the team, and as Barney had taken her to get her Expendables tattoo from Tool, he had noticed the look between the pair. The tattooist breaking out into a laugh as he had asked (Y/n) if there was anywhere left. Barney quite amazed, as she had pulled her shirt over her head to reveal that both her arms were already covered in tattoos. That the art extended across her chest and back. The ex-seal telling Tool that he might as well start on the ribs. The big man watching on, as (Y/n) had sat through the usually painful tattoo without even flinching once. And since that day, Barney had found himself becoming more and more fascinated.............or should that be more and more besotted with the woman.

He knew that it was ridiculous. He was too old to be feeling like a love-struck teenager. But no matter what he did, even when she wasn't there, Barney found that he was thinking about her. He had been doing his best to come up with the perfect way of telling her how he felt. That he hoped they could spend some time together that didn't involve them getting shot at. The big man often chastising himself for his state. I mean, it wasn't as if he had ever had trouble expressing his feelings for women before. He had never had trouble getting a date or anything else. But maybe it was because he had done his best to close off his heart over the years. To not get involved with someone and then get shot in some godforsaken place and she would never know. To pretend that he didn't need love, because the work came first. But with (Y/n), it was different. She was one of them. She was as battle hardened and world weary as the rest of them were. And she wasn't a girl that he would have to leave behind, because she would be right there with him, watching his back. But still..................

"You really should say something..............." A voice suddenly said. Barney looking up to see Toll staring at him. Barney taking a drink of his beer, as he absentmindedly allowed his eyes to drift to where (Y/n) stood seemingly explaining all her tattoos to a rather wobbly Galgo and Caesar.

"Say what to who.................?" The big man replied. Toll rolling his eyes at the question. Shaking his head at Barney's attempt at ignorance. He had been through enough therapy for his Avoidant Personality Disorder and spent enough time striving for his own romantic enlightenment, to now considered himself quite the expert of affairs of the heart, and he was sure that even a blind man could see that Barney had feelings for (Y/n). Feelings that it was about time he expressed.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. (Y/n). Don't you think that its about time that you said something to her? I mean, none of us are getting any younger, and time can be shorter for us than the normal guy on the street. Hell, we could get shot, or blown up at any moment on any of these stupid missions that we get sent on. You are allowed to be happy, you know that don't you? Its not a bad thing to fall in love, Barney. And I think that (Y/n) would be the perfect woman for you. Why don't you give it a try...............I don't think that you'll regret it. But I would hurry up, because if you don't say something, someone else might..............." Toll explained. Nodding in the direction of where Gunnar sat, brooding by himself at a table that was covered in empty beer bottles. His eyes never leaving (Y/n), as she stopped Caesar from falling over.

Barney mused for a moment. Toll did have a point. Sooner or later he would get too old for this shit, and then what would he have............? Not much. He would certainly have no one to grow older with, and he didn't like the idea of ending his day in some hospital bed with no one to give a crap about his passing. And Toll was also right with the fact that any mission that they went on, could be their last. So, why not take a chance? Why not tell (Y/n) how he felt, and hope that she might feel the same. Barney watching as (Y/n) excused herself and made her way out of the bar. The big man quicky drinking down the rest of his beer before heading after her. Leaving Toll to just smile to himself.


"Mind if I join you.................." (Y/n) turning and smiling as she saw Barney make his way over to her.

"Not at all. Be my guest. I thought that I would get a little fresh air, and the fireworks will be going off in a minute. You would think that given the number of times I have had to avoid being blown up, I would do my best to stay clear of explosions. But there is just something about fireworks that I can't resist. It brings out in me a real childlike glee." The former seal explained. Smiling as Barney joined her. Pulling up one of the stools that had been left outside.

"So, boss...........any New Year's resolutions?" (Y/n) enquire, as she looked down at her watch. The hands getting closer and closer to the final moment of the old year.

"Don't really believe in them. And even if I did, I'm sure I'd break it before the day was out...................." Barney chuckled. Feeling his heart beat a little quicker, as she turned to smile at him.

"Yeah, I'm with you. I don't think that I have ever seen a resolution through. But.............but this year, I have given myself one............."

"Oh yeah, and what would that be..................?"

"Well, I don't know if you would call it a resolution..........I have just promised myself that when the clock strikes twelve, I would ask a certain guy for a kiss. That I would summon up the courage to tell him that I think he's my kind of guy and I wouldn't mind getting to know him much better............" (Y/n) explained. Barney feeling his heart sink, as she slowly got to her feet. The big man feeling as though his chance with her had gone before he had even been able to say anything. The sound of the countdown to the New Year beginning inside the bar. The fireworks suddenly lighting up the night sky, as (Y/n) turned to look at him.

"Ten.........nine..........eight........" Came the shout. Barney looking at (Y/n) as she came to stand in front of him.

"What do you say to a New Year's kiss, Barney...............?"


"Well yeah. I think that you are just my kind of guy, and I wouldn't mind getting to know you better................" The ex-servicewoman explained. Her arms snaking around his neck, as his wrapped around her waist. Barney not about to turn this down. Both of them having a feeling that the new year was going to bring with it all manner of possibilities. Their lips connecting as the people from inside the bar all shouted....................

"Happy New Year........................!" 

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