Cold nose - Avengers - Tony x Reader

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Tony rolled his eyes, as a rather large dog.......well, more a big wolf came trotting into his workshop, before taking a seat and staring up at him. The billionaire pushing his glitching glove to one side, before looking over the top of his work bench at the beast.

"(Y/n), what did I tell you about coming in here looking like that. I told you, you shed, and your fur get everywhere........" The animal just seeming to smile back up at him, before wagging its tale.

"You aren't going to win me over like that, even if you are cute. And anyway, why are you like that?" Tony continued, sure that if someone could hear him and they didn't know what was going on, they might just think that he had completely lost the plot. Yet thankfully, anyone else that called the compound home, or even visited regularly, knew that conversations with all manner of birds and beasts had become quite the norm for the team, these days.

(Y/n) had joined the Avengers after Fury had made his way to a special school in Westchester County. The director returning with a woman that for all intents and purposes looked like any other, apart from her quite breathtaking appearance and form; a form that was clothed in a rather strange, skintight outfit, that had certainly caught the eye of most of the men in the room. Certain members of the team, believing that the one-eyed man was finally ready for the funny farm, when he had told them what she was capable of. Well, they had done until the director had gestured for her to join him; Fury whispering something into her ear, before she smiled and nodded. All those present, almost falling off their seats as within the blink of an eye, the woman had been replaced by a large lioness. The beautiful creature roaring loudly, before stalking over to them. The whole scene, making Fury, actually chuckle in amusement. And since then, not one of them had ever doubted what she was capable of. Her abilities proving to be more than helpful, when out on missions; and as a spy, well, even Nat had to admit that she had not met better. The fact that the fully grown woman could take on the form of a mouse, allowing her to get into all manner of places.

"Have you been out chasing down Rogers again? I bet he enjoyed that....... I thought you always did the peregrine falcon thing, when Captain stars and stripes went on his morning jog." The billionaire shaking his head as the animal in front of him, just moved to lay on its back and showed Tony its belly.

"Oh, no, not again. I got a cold nose in a very strange place the last time I did that........."

"I beg your pardon...........?" A voice suddenly said. Tony looking up to the doorway, to see (Y/n) with her arms crossed, leaning up against the jamb. The wolf quickly getting to its feet and making its way over to her, before taking a seat by her side like a loyal hound.

"And there you are, I have been looking all over for you. Was uncle Tony being a big meany? Was he being a grump and not playing with you? Well don't you worry, I will take care of him.........." (Y/n) crouching down and making a fuss of the wolf, before turning her attention back to the billionaire.

"(Y/n), what..........?"

"This is Fenrir.......well, my version anyway. He's a little smaller than the real thing I have been assured. Thor found him in Asgard and brought him here for me, as a gift. He said that it would be safer for him on Midgard, and that he could keep me company when a certain billionaire locks himself up in his workshop. I have found that he is the sweetest thing; but he does like to go exploring. I should have known he would find his way here, eventually. And you aren't the first one that thought he was me. I found Bucky having quite the best conversation with him the other day, in the common room. He seemed to be quite enjoying the fact that he thought my head was resting on his lap..........."

"Barnes liked the thought of your head resting on his lap. Oh, he and I are going to have words........" Tony interrupted, as he came out from behind his work bench and marched his way to the door; only to find (Y/n)'s hand placed on his chest.

"No, you won't. You will leave poor Bucky alone; anyway, you know that I would never lay my head in another man's lap, no matter what the form, so you can stop being jealous. And as far as my cold nose ending up in an odd place, you only have yourself to blame for that one; you moved funny. Not that you complain the rest of the time when I have my head, or my nose, in that position. In fact, normally you seem to like it." (Y/n) chuckled, before leaning in, to place a kiss to Tony's nose.

"Now, I should probably get him out of here. I don't want you complaining about him shedding fur like when I come here looking like this. Maybe I shall go and find Loki and see how he reacts to Fenrir; that could be fun. I wonder if I can pull off turning into an eight-legged horse........" She continued, before turning to leave, her new friend right on her heels.

"Though if you want to find me and my cold nose later, you know where I will be.........." (Y/n) called out. Tony smiling as he watched the pair make their way down the corridor. The billionaire reminding himself to not only have words with Barnes, but also with Thor for giving his girl, big furry animals, as gifts. Though for now, Tony deciding that his glove could wait, as he closed the door to the workshop behind him; watching (Y/n) make the God of Mischief squirm, sounded like much more fun. And then, then he would be having a word with her about that cold nose of hers. 

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