Mischief and lightning - Avengers - Loki x Reader

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Thor couldn't help but smile, as he watched his brother do his best to pretend that he wasn't looking at the beautiful woman that was laughing at something Steve had said. The God of Thunder sure that if Loki's looks could kill, the captain would most definitely not be breathing; although the God of Mischief's burning glare was not restricted to just the old soldier, it aimed at anyone that seemed to be able to make the female Avenger even so much as smile.

(Y/n) was a little different to the others; whereas the rest of the Avengers were simple Midgardians, who had become extraordinary thanks to serums, training, fancy suits or accidents in a lab; (Y/n) had been born with the ability to control electricity, and although she could not call lightning from the heavens like Thor could, she did have the ability to create electrical strikes; anything from just enough of a jolt to knock someone unconscious, to full on bolts that lit up the sky and even impressed the God of Thunder himself. So, when she and Thor worked together, they had proved to be quite the force to be reckoned with. It a sight to see them side by side on the battlefield with electricity cracking around them both, and lightning filling the darkening sky. And given the fact that (Y/n) shared similarities to him, Thor would have thought that she would be the last woman that Loki would let his eye fall on; but as a Steve kissed (Y/n) on the cheek and a low growl left his brother's lips, it was obvious that Thor couldn't be more wrong.

"Brother.........." Loki reluctantly pulling his attention from Rogers and the beautiful woman and rolling his eyes as Thor took a seat across from him.


"Why don't you go and talk to her..........?"

"Her, who? What are you talking about now, you big oaf......?" The God of Mischief retorted. Doing all he could to keep his eyes on the chess board in front of him, instead of his brother, or letting them move back to (Y/n) and the captain. Loki's long fingers picking up the rather ornate queen from his side of the board and the let the tips gently ghost over the piece's face.

"(Y/n)........I have seen the way that you look at her.........."

"(Y/n).......really? You are imagining things, brother, as I do not look at her in any way; what possible interest would I have in her.......? Its not that she is anything special.......it not that she is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. Not that she is wonderfully unique and unlike anyone I have ever met before." Loki retorted. Doing his best to sound as aloof and cold as he normally would but failing abysmally. A soft sigh leaving his lips, as he slowly placed the queen back on the board.

"That.........." Loki continued, as another laugh came from (Y/n). The God of Mischief's eyes suddenly darkening, and as hands gripped tightly to the arms of his chair.

"And it would appear that she is far more interested in your Captain Rogers, than she could be in anyone else............" Loki looking up and glaring at his brother, as Thor let out an amused snort.

It was true that Thor knew of his brother's worst traits; that he was bitter, particularly against him and their father. That he arrogant, narcissistic and megalomaniac. That he could kill without caring, just as he had in New York. But the God of Thunder knew that there was another side to Loki, a side that could love, and wished to be loved in return. The side that had always lived in Thor's shadow and had taken a wrong turn in trying to prove that he was his brother's equal. And it was this side, this man that Thor truly cared for. The one that had been utterly heartbroken, when he had heard of Frigga's death. So, all Thor wanted to do, was see that part of his brother, happy. Thor sure that if anyone could make Loki happy, that could really bring his brother back to him, it would be (Y/n).

"And what are you snorting at...........?"

"You, Loki. You may think you know everything; but it is obvious that you know nothing of the hearts of Midgardian women." Loki rolling his eyes, as Thor leant forward in his chair.

"I have seen the way that Lady (Y/n) looks at you, how she smiles when you come into the room, and blushes when she catches your eye. And as far as Captain Rogers, they are just friends; as she is with everyone else." Thor explained, as he got to his feet. The God of Thunder placing his hand on his brother's shoulder, as they both watched (Y/n) leave the room.

"She would make you happy, brother; but you will not know that unless you go and talk to her........." The son of Odin continued, patting Loki on the back, before leaving his brother to think.


Loki had managed to find (Y/n); watching as she made her way out onto the roof of the compound. The God of Mischief, was sure that Thor had lost his mind; but still..........still the things that his brother had said, had made him leave the room to find the beautiful women. Loki thinking about the times that he had caught her looking at him, smiling at him. How she would blush just like Thor, had said; the son of the Frost Giant king, slowly opening the door that led to the roof; the God of Mischief hesitating for a moment, as he heard a rumble of thunder in the distance. But if he was going to get a chance to speak with (Y/n) about things, while no one else was around, he should probably take it now. Loki making his way out onto the roof, and walking over to where the beautiful Midgardian stood, watching as the oncoming storm, got closer.

"(Y/n)............" The Avenger turning at the sound of her name. Her eyes growing wide, as she saw the exquisite god making his way over to her.

"Loki.......? Is.....is everything alright..........?"

"Everything is fine.........I just.......I just came out to enjoy the thunder and lightning.........." Loki replied, as he came to her side and pointed to the distant strike that brightened up the sky.

"You came out to enjoy lightning........? Now I never thought I would hear you say that........." (Y/n) chuckled, not blind to the interactions between the two gods, nor how Loki appeared not to enjoy his brother's abilities.

"Well, perhaps I had another reason........." (Y/n) looking up at him, as she waited for him to continue. Her heart beating frantically in her chest as he reached out and placed his hand softly on her cheek. Sparks of electricity surrounding both of them, as Loki moved closer.

"Perhaps I have come to see you; to tell you that I have feelings for you. That I believe you have feelings for me too........" The lightning suddenly getting closer, as if pulled to them by (Y/n).

"You........you have feelings for me...........?" Loki nodding at the question, before gradually leaning over and placing his forehead against hers and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I am in love with you, (Y/n). From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. That I would never find anyone else like you. I know I have done many things wrong, many things that I should never be forgiven for; but I believe that you could make me a better man; that you could make me happy, and I want nothing more than to make you happy too. To love you and protect you with my life........." Loki confessed. (Y/n) sure that she would cry from joy at his words. The Avenger taking the chance that she had hoped for, for so long, as she placed her lips on his. The lightning now surrounding them as the kiss grew; became more passionate with every moment. Neither noticing that rain had begun to fall and soak them; for what care mischief about rain, now that he finally had his own lightning to light up his world.    

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