Confessions - LotR - Lindir x Reader

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Lindir moved into the alcove as the two ladies walked by. It was not that he wished to avoid them.........or maybe he did, he wasn't sure. It was more that he did not trust himself not to say anything, if she were to smile at him. The ellon feeling his heart begin to pound, as the two elleths stopped on the balcony and took a seat on one of the pale stone benches; their eyes looking out over the great fall.

He knew that he should leave, that he should let the ladies enjoy their time together; but no matter what his mind might think, his heart was telling him to stay. To let his eyes look upon the elleth that he loved, for as long as possible.

Lindir knew that he was only torturing himself; that moments like this only made it harder for him to convince himself that something between them could never be. That given who she was, and who he, her father would never agree to the match. She was destined for something, someone far greater than he. But still, Lindir knew that he would never want another.

Lady (Y/n) was the second, and younger daughter of Lord Elrond. Sister of the Lady Arwen, whom she sat with now; and the twin lords, Elladan and Elrohir, and to Lindir's eyes, the most beautiful elleth, in that, or any elven realm. More beautiful that her older sister, and even her grandmother, the Lady Galadriel. Yet no matter how much he had always wanted to tell her that; no matter how much he wanted to tell her of the feelings that he harboured for her, he doubted that such an elleth could return his feelings. The ellon letting out a heavy sigh, before he finally forced his feet to move; to take him away from the lady that he adored.


Arwen gripped her sister's hands, as they sat together on the balcony. The older elleth hated to see her sister upset; hated to see her distressed. And Arwen could tell that there had been something playing on her younger sibling's mind for some time. Yet as much as the Evenstar had tried to convince her sister to speak of what worried her, she would always insist that it was nothing. (Y/n) doing her best to smile, as she changed the subject. Arwen wishing that their brothers were not off with the Dúnedain far to the north; the lady sure that Elladan and Elrohir would be able to convince her to speak. The twins always having the ability to get their little sister to tell them anything.

"(Y/n). Please you must tell me what is weighing on your mind. You have not been yourself for some time, and I fear that if you continue like this, I will have to speak to father............"

"No, please Arwen, you can say nothing to father......." (Y/n) quickly interjected, as she turned her attention from the falls to her sister. Pleading evident in her eyes, as she gripped Arwen's hands a little tighter.

"(Y/n) whatever it is, father will understand............"

"And does father understand your love for Estel? Does he accept it.........?" (Y/n) interrupted again. Realisation of what was causing her sister to be so quiet, bringing a soft smile to Arwen's lips.

"You are in love, (Y/n)? That is wonderful, who is he? Is he of Imladris.......?" Arwen enquired. The Evenstar aware that her father did not necessarily approve of her feelings for Estel, but unless her sister had also lost her heart to a mortal that she didn't know, then she had no idea why (Y/n) would be so worried about their father's opinion.

"It does not matter, Arwen. I do not believe that father would approve of the match, as the ellon in question is not high born. Therefore, I do not want to make his position difficult; especially given that I do not know whether he returns my feelings.........." (Y/n) told her. Arwen placing her arm around her sister's shoulder and pulling her close.

"Oh, my dear sister; how could anyone not love you. You are as bright and as wonderful as the Morningstar, and I am sure that whomever the ellon is that has captured your heart, he cares for you, as much as you obviously care for him. All I wish to do is help you. I do not want to see you fade away from denying yourself the one that will make you happy. At least just give me his name........" Arwen told her, as she brushed some of her sister's hair, back behind her ear. The elder elleth smiling as (Y/n) looked up at her.



Lindir quickly made his way through the corridors of Imladris. Lord Elrond had called for him, and he knew that there was no time to waste. Not that he knew what the call had been for, but whatever it was, must be important, given the urgency of the message. And if it was, if his lord were to give him some affairs to deal with, it would mean that his mind would have other things to think about other than the lady that he loved. His thoughts once more being plagued by the exquisite elleth, thanks to having seen her earlier that day. Lindir doing his best to appear as his normal self, as he finally got to the door of his lord's rooms. Straightening down his robe, before he raised his hand to knock, and then entering as he heard the peredhel's voice. Lindir's eyes growing wide, as he saw that the Lady (Y/n) was already in the room.


(Y/n) could feel her breathing become short, as the dark-haired ellon made his way into her father's rooms; Lindir bowing to her and her father as he came to stand next to her. Her heart dropping as she looked to her father who was sat behind his large desk and stared down at them. Arwen had told her not to worry, when she had confessed that it was Lindir that she loved; that all would be well. It seeming obvious now that Arwen had been and spoken to their father on the matter that they had discussed. (Y/n) not sure what to think of what her sister had done; but sure, that she and Lindir had been called so that her father could tell them that nothing could be, between them. And that perhaps he was going to send her to the realm of her grandmother.

"Certain matters have been brought to my attention........." Elrond began, as he looked at the younger elves.

"Matters that involve my beloved daughter's heart........." He continued, as he slowly got up from his chair and made his way around the desk to stand in front of the pair. Lindir doing his best to keep attention on his lord and not let his eyes move to the beautiful elleth to his side.

"My Lord, I.............." Elrond holding up his hand, to stop him.

"I only wish to know one thing, Lindir; and that is, do you love my daughter, as much as she loves you........?" The question taking both Lindir and (Y/n) aback. The two turning to look at one another.

" love me........?" Lindir asked in disbelief, as he turned to look at the elleth. A soft glow making its way onto her cheeks, as she looked up at him.

"I............." (Y/n) taking a deep breath, before she nodded.

"Yes, Lindir.......I love you........"

"And.......I love you..........." Lindir confessed. The pair forgetting for a moment that the lord was there, as they reached for one another's hands. The two only brought back to the moment, as Elrond placed his hands on their shoulders.

"Then that is settled. I wish for nothing more than for you both to be happy. And if your hearts want one another; then who am I to refuse that." Lord told them. Elrond smiling, as his daughter threw herself into his arms, and Lindir nodded with thanks.

"Now, I believe that there is no more important business to be taken care of, than you escorting my daughter for a walk in the gardens. And perhaps later, we can speak of your betrothal........" Elrond continued, placing a kiss to his daughter's cheek, before giving her hand back to Lindir. Lindir bowing deeply, before placing (Y/n), hand in the crook of his arm and leading her out of the room. The lady aware that she would have to thank her sister later; but for now, all she wanted to do, was be with the ellon that she loved.  

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