Disgraceful man - RDJ Sherlock x Reader

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"Holmes.......?" (Y/n) called out, as she stepped over all the things that littered the floor. It obvious to her now why John and Misses Hudson had wanted her to check in on Sherlock.

"Please Sherlock. I am supposed to be meeting her majesty this afternoon, and I do not have the time to play these silly games........."

"Silly games.........?" (Y/n) rolling her eyes as she heard the indignant tone of the younger Holmes.

"What are you doing here anyway?" The lady quickly turning on her heels to come face to face with Sherlock who appeared not to have slept for a number of days.

"Well, Misses Hudson........."

"Ah yes, dear sickly-sweet nanny has been telling tales out of school........."

"Sherlock. Shut up!" (Y/n) warned, as she took the glass out of his hand. Looking at the liquid it contained, not sure what it was; but given the odour and colour, it was certainly not alcohol. The lady recalling that one of the last conversations that she and John had shared, the doctor had informed her that Sherlock had been drinking embalming fluid, again.

"Now, as I was saying, Misses Hudson and John called and asked me to come and see you. They are both worried about you, Sherlock; and given how you look and the state of these rooms, I can see why they are so concerned........." She continued, placing the glass in the table next to her and watching as the consulting detective moved around her and dropped into his chair that was full of copies of The Times.

"How long is it since you have had a case........." (Y/n) enquired, as she pushed more of the broadsheets off the other chair and took a seat.

"Days.......weeks.......months.......what does it matter..........?"

"It matters because I know you all too well, Sherlock Holmes. You become so self-destructive when you are bored. And please stop being so overly dramatic; the petulant child act does not help anyone. Now, you are going to get yourself dressed in your best clothes, put a comb through your hair and come with me." She continued, scrunching up her nose as her fingers touched something sticky on the arm of the chair.

"Why would I want to go with you when the queen will only be asking you about a possible marriage.........." Sherlock retorted, before quickly sitting forward, grabbing the glass that (Y/n) had taken off him, then downing to contents in one gulp. Smiling at her, as she shook her head at his antics.

"Sherlock, you don't..........."

"Of course, I do. Your father has just died, and as you are his only child, you now hold all his titles and his land; but cannot bear them yourself, as you are a woman. So, the queen and her advisors will want to speak to you about possible suitors, who can become the next lord......." Sherlock interrupted, as he pulled his handkerchief from his pocket, and handed it to her. (Y/n) just nodding silently in thanks, it obvious that he had overstepped the mark with his comment, as always. The last thing that he had wanted to do, was upset her.

Sherlock had met Lady (Y/n), because Mycroft and her father had both been members of the Diogenes Club. The older Holmes being invited to a weekend house party at (Y/n)'s father's sprawling estate; and despite Mycroft trying to tell the Lord that Sherlock wasn't someone that he would probably want to attend, the Lord had insisted. Sherlock able to insult every other guest in the stately home, in his own inimitable style. Yet when it had come to (Y/n), he had found himself struck by her; intrigued by the beautiful woman. Not wanting to deduce her, but to get to know her; and while doing so, he had found that......well, that he had come to have feelings for her. Feelings that he would never have thought he would have.

"I.....I am sorry that I did go to the funeral..........."

"It's alright, Sherlock; I didn't expect you to. But John and Mary were there, Misses Hudson came to show her support and even Lestrade made an appearance; but I suppose that he had to, given my father's friendship with the chief of police. It was only a simple affair; my father was never really one for all the pomp and ceremony of his status." (Y/n) told him, as she wiped whatever the sticky substance was from her hand, before she got to her feet.

"And you are right, as always; the queen does wish to speak to me of any possible suitors. To do the job that my father could never face, after my mother passed. I think the thought of losing his daughter to another man, when he had already lost his wife, was more than he could take. But now, now I have little chose but to face it........." The lady explained, as she placed the handkerchief on the table next to her.

"Though, I am afraid that I am going to have to tell the queen that I will not be marrying some odious lump of a man, just because he already has a title of his own. But I will be able to inform her, that I am already in love........." Sherlock looking up at her, as she mentioned being in love.

"You are in love.........?"

"Oh, yes. Torturously so. He is completely disgraceful, of course; though that said, I have a strange feeling that my father would have approved of my choice; despite the fact that many other wouldn't. He is far too intelligent for his, or anyone else's good. The most gifted man I have ever met at being able to insult an entire roomful of people, with only a few words. And he can be the most insufferable arse that I have even lain my eyes on. But that said, and whether he realises it or not, I completely and utterly adore him; and have done since he livened up what was probably going to be the most tedious of weekends." (Y/n) explained, as she moved over to his chair and leant over, softly kissing his cheek.

"So, if you don't want to join me in disappointing her majesty; perhaps you would like to join me at the Savoy for dinner this evening; say......seven? I will have my usual table booked." The lady continued, as she made her way to the door.

"Will we be able to discuss more about you and this rather disgraceful man of yours. And what the future might hold.......?" Sherlock asked as he got up and walked over to where she stood, slowly opening the door for her.

"Oh, I think that could be rather fun. I will see you at seven then........." The lady replied, this time placing a kiss to Sherlock's lips, before moving out of the rooms and down the stairs. The younger Holmes smiling as he watched her go, quiet looking forward to discussing with her how this disgraceful man, loved her in return.    

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