Jōl - Vikings - Ivar x Reader

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Just a little something for Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful day with friends and family; and you haven't found yourself on Santa's naughty list.

The great hall was decorated for the night's festivities. Thralls rushing to and fro putting the last touches to the evergreen trees and their branches that hung from the beams above. Small figures of the gods, food and clothing, sitting amongst the deep green foliage. The great log, that had been carved with runes; waiting to be thrown into the already lit fire. The blót, the sacrifice for the evening's meal, a huge stag that had been caught the day before, was tied up outside the hall, enjoying its last meal. It was the eve of jōl, the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. The night when Odin would ride across the sky and visit them in their homes. The night when little ones would leave their shoes out by the hearth, with sugar and hay for the child of Loki; the eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, that the trickster god had presented to the allfather. The steed, Odin's trusty mount for the night. And it may have been many a year since the sons of Ragnar had placed their shoes by the fire, in hopes that they would receive something from the great god; but that didn't mean that they had stopped celebrating. That didn't mean that for one night, they would do their best to forget their usual animosities, so that they could celebrate as they should, as family.

"Are you coming, or not..............?" Ubbe asked, as he and Hvitserk made their way into Ivar's cabin. Sigurd deciding that it was better to go on ahead to the hall. It one way of stopping himself from teasing his younger brother, before the night had even started. All of them knowing that any arguments, any misbehaviour, would not be tolerated by their mother. Ubbe and Hvitserk chuckling to themselves, as their brother huffed about being rushed. That he had to make sure that he looked just right. The two older boys knowing exactly why Ivar wanted so much to look just so, that evening; and that was (Y/n).

(Y/n) was a girl that had been found by Aslaug, when she had gone to retrieve her crippled child from where Ragnar had left him in the woods. The daughter of the dragon slayer, seeing it as a sign from the gods. That by not allowing any harm to come to their son, she had been gifted with a perfect baby; the daughter that she so wanted. Aslaug raising (Y/n) with her sons, with Ivar, as their sister; yet all knowing that they shared no blood. And as Ivar and (Y/n) had got older, it had become obvious to all that there was much more than just a familial love between the two. That despite his denials, the dark prince wished more than anything, to claim her as his own. Ivar and Sigurd fighting on more than one occasion, about Sigurd's belief that she would not want to be with a cripple. That (Y/n) was a princess and could have any man she wanted, including him. Ubbe and Hvitserk struggling, several times, to pull a weapon from Ivar's hand, so that it didn't end up in Sigurd.

"What's that...............?" Hvitserk asked, as Ivar leant over and pulled something out from under his bed. The long item wrapped neatly in a fur. Hvitserk chuckling to himself as their younger brother muttered something about it not being any of his business, in reply. Ubbe concealing his own amusement, as he offered to help carry Ivar to the hall, so that he didn't dirty himself. The young prince reluctantly accepting, before the three left the cabin, and made their way towards the celebration.


(Y/n) sat in her room, looking at the items on the small square of cloth in front of her. She had got something for each of her brothers. Two new combs made from bronze for Ubbe, one for his beard and one for his hair; a fine leather scabbard for Sigurd dagger, the old one having seen better days. For Hvitserk, a horn tankard with an etched metal band. And for Ivar, her Ivar, she had found the best thing she could, a torc fashioned from gold. One end showing a dragon, the other a wolf.

"Are you coming.............?" A voice asked. (Y/n) wrapping all the items up in the cloth, before she looked up to see her mother smiling at her.

"The night's festivities are already underway; we don't want to miss any more.........I am sure that everyone is waiting to see you." The queen continued. Coming over and offering (Y/n) her hand. The two women making their way into the great hall. A smile coming to the lips of the princess, as she saw her brothers sat together, talking and laughing, as the sacrificed stag cooked over the burning Jōl log. Her heart beating faster, as she caught the eye of Ivar. The dark-haired son of Ragnar's own smile growing, as she and his mother, made their way over.


He still hadn't found the right moment. (Y/n) had given her gifts to the others, but nothing to him yet. Ivar presuming that just like him, she was waiting for the perfect time. A time when it could be just the two of them, alone; like they had done for years now. The youngest prince catching sight of (Y/n) leaving the revelries; making sure that the rest of his family were preoccupied, before he followed her. No one seeming to notice him dragging himself, with something on his back, towards the doors, and out into the cold night air.

"(Y/n).........?!" He called out, as he looked around the still, silent snow.

"Ivar.............." Came a familiar voice in reply. (Y/n) making her way over to him and helping him up onto an empty barrel.

"I am sorry that I did not give you this sooner; but I did not wish to break our tradition. And I wanted only you to see it............." The princess explained, as she handed the piece of material to Ivar. Ivar opening it to find the golden torc; taking it into his hand before placing it around his wrist. Sure, that the beauty of the gift, came second only to the beauty of the woman that had given it to him. The prince speechless for a moment, before he remembered his own gift. Ivar placing the fur in her hands; tears pricking at her eyes, as she pulled out an exquisitely carved bow.


"I promised that I would teach you how to use a bow. I can't do that if you don't have one.............." The prince explained, as he smiled up at her. His eyes growing wide, as his smile was suddenly caught by (Y/n)'s lips. His hand reaching up into her hair, so that he could pull her closer. Moving her so that she was sat across his lap.

"I love you Ivar................" The princess said breathlessly, as she placed her forehead against his. Ivar wrapping his arms around her; shielding her from the frigid breeze that swept past them.

"I love you too, Be mine.........?" Ivar replied. The young prince pulling her into another kiss, as she nodded. Swearing that he would never let her go. And that she, his (Y/n), was the only gift that he needed.  

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