Same time; same place - Avengers - Tony x Reader

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"Usual place...........?" Happy asked, as Tony climbed into the back of the SUV.

"Usual place. And don't spare the horses; I'm already late." Tony replied. Happy shaking his head, as he stated the engine.

"What? Yeah, ok, I know. But better late than never. And I'll make up for it." The billionaire continued, as he saw his head of security's reaction. Happy just shrugging, before driving the SUV out of the underground garage.


Tony watched, as the familiar scenery flew by. Every month or so, he would make this same trip. He would have Happy drive the same way to the same little Italian place that served the most mouthwatering bistecca alla Fiorentina, that he had ever tasted; accompanying it with one or two glasses of a rather nice chianti.

It may seem boring to others; but it had become a habit. And given that most of his habits had been bad ones, until something had changed his life; he wasn't too concerned about this one. Plus, it was comforting; something normal, something real. Something that he could cling to, when all around him was chaos. That, and it meant that he didn't have to babysit the kids that called themselves the other Avengers. And he did include Rogers and Barnes in that, despite them both being over a hundred.


Finally Happy pulled the car up outside the small restaurant. From the outside, it was nothing much to look at; but he knew not to judge this particular book by its cover. The place had been in the same family since the 1960s, and it was obvious from the slightly shabby outside; but the inside was warm, welcoming and had everything he needed. The family always making him welcome, and he had never felt like he had to be the Tony Stark that the world saw; but the Tony Stark he really was. The Tony Stark that only a privileged few ever got to see.

"Usual time for pick up?" Harold enquired, as he turned around in the driver's seat.

"No, better leave it a little later tonight. I'm not rushing my steak." Tony replied, Happy simply nodding and shaking his head again, as his boss climbed out of the car.


"Mister Stark." A cheery voice called out, as Tony stepped into the restaurant. A small smile pulling at his lips, as he inhaled deeply; the smell of the food filling his senses.

"Gino." Tomy replied, as he made his way over to the little bar and took a seat on one of the barstools. The billionaire not failing to notice, the rather beautiful woman at the other end of the bar. Chuckling to himself as he saw the Iron Man t-shirt she was wearing, that had been cut down the front just enough so that he could see the right amount of her ample cleavage.

"A little late tonight..........The usual........? The old man continued, chuckling to himself as he reached for a glass and watched his famous customer continue to stare at the woman that was taking no notice of him.

"Yeah, a little; but in my defence, it was Banner's fault. And please, a glass of the chianti will be good to start.......and whatever the pretty lady over there is having." Tony replied. The proprietor nodding his head before taking another glass and filling one with red wine, and the other with a gin martini.

"Put it on the tab........" The billionaire smiled, as he took the two glasses, and slowly made his way to the other end of the bar.


"So........." A voice came. Her attention turning from her empty glass to the man that had just leant on the bar next to her. A man that had just placed a full glass on the countertop in front of her.

"You like Iron Man?" He continued, as he gestured to her t-shirt. Her eyes rolling, as she saw that his eyes were more focused on her bust, than the image on her shirt.

"He's okay, I guess. But really, I prefer Captain America; that tight suit of his does wonderful things for a girl's imagination." She replied with a chuckle, as she took the glass that he had brought her and raised it to her lips.

"I wouldn't believe everything you see. It's all hype. None of that is really him, its all padding. America's ass is actually as flat as a pancake." The man told her, before taking a seat on the stool next to her.

"I'm Tony, by the way..........."

"(Y/n)." She replied, as she took the hand that was offered and shook it.

"You here alone, (Y/n)........?"

"I was actually waiting for someone; but he seems to be late. Which is actually nothing new." (Y/n) explained, as she took another sip of her drink.

"How could any man in his right mind, keep a lovely lady like you waiting. If I were you, I would leave him and find someone better........"

"Really? And what kind of person do you think would be better........."

"One that wouldn't be late for a date, unless it was really wasn't his fault. One that would love you and be thankful every day that he met you. One that was grateful that you had saved him and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you." Tony told her, before taking a drink of his wine. His deep brown eyes gazing at her over the rim of the glass.

"Well, I like the sound of a man like that. If you know where I can find one, please let me know." (Y/n) replied. The two sitting and smiling at one another for a moment.

"I tell you what." Tony said, as he got down from the stool.

"I'm here on my own, you're here on your own; why don't you join me for treat........." The billionaire continued, holding out his hand for her to take. (Y/n) looking between his smiling face and his hand for a moment, before finishing her drink and slipping her palm into his.


Happy rolled his eyes as he pulled the car up to a stop, and saw his boss waiting outside the little restaurant, with a woman in his arms, the two kissing. A soft honk of the horn, the only thing to force them apart. Tony brushing some of her hair back behind her ear and giving her a quick peck on the nose, before taking her arm and leading her to the SUV.

"Home, Happy." Tony said cheerily, as he opened the car door so that (Y/n) could get in, before he made his way to the other side of the vehicle; quickly climbing in beside her, and pulling her close, as Happy began to drive into the night; doing his best to ignore the pair in the back seat, that had they picked up where they had left off.

"Really........?" Happy suddenly said, as she saw that the kissing was turning into something a little more. His voice making his passengers reluctantly move apart; but only slightly.

"Every month I say this.......but will you two get a room........."

"Oh, we will, Harold. So, the quicker you get us home, the more chance you have of being able to look us both in the eye tomorrow." (Y/n) replied, as she took Tony's face in her hands and turned him to look at her.

"You heard, my wife, Happy. Put your foot down." Tony agreed, before he went back to kissing (Y/n). His hand slowly sneaking up under the hem of her t-shirt, as Happy turned his attention back to the road. The big man softly muttering to himself about the fact that it would be the same thing, same time and same place next month.   

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