In the heat of the night - Avengers - Sam x Reader

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Upstate New York was absolutely stifling. The heat of the summer had already hit with full force. And Sam felt as though he was cooking in his own skin. The air in the room was thick and heavy despite the air conditioning being on at full force. And must be, to his imagination anyway, what it was like to be in an oven. The Falcon sure that he was self-basting in his own sweat. And this was the dead of night.

The days were proving even worse. Even though the sun, and good weather in general, seemed to make people happier in one sense. It also made them worse in another. The rising temperature, appearing to be in direct correlation with the rise of tempers. Sam sure that since the sun had shown its face in all its glory, the city and its surrounds had been filled with the wail of more sirens than normal. The flash of blue and red lights indicating another fire. Another fight. Or something worse. And it definitely didn't make missions any easier either. It wasn't too bad for him. At least he was in the air, the rush of the wind cooling him slightly as he flew along. But for those on the ground, for Steve, Bucky, Clint and Natasha, it was causing all manner of problems. And it seemed to be making Banner turn into the Hulk a lot quicker. Sam sure that the big green guy was even angrier than normal. Yet what could they do? Bad guys didn't stop being bad guys because the mercury in the thermometer had risen. Hydra didn't put a halt to their nefarious plans for the world, just because Captain America and the Winter Soldier were a little hotter around the collar than normal, when they were trying to destroy one of their hideouts. So, they just had to continue as they normally would. All of them hoping that the already sweltering summer, couldn't get any worse.

Turning over in the bed for what felt like the hundredth time that minute, Sam knew that there was no way he was going to get any sleep. Not that that he had actually expected to, but still. He had thought about going for a cold shower, but remembered that he had already had two. Yet he needed to do something. Something that would take his mind off the oppressive heat. Something that could get him out of the furnace, that was his room. But what? There was no way that he was going to go for a run. The last thing he needed was to build up any more of a sweat than what was already dripping from him. He didn't want to go down to the gym and try and relieve some stress. The Falcon knowing that the gym was a warm room even at the best of times, and he could only imagine that walking through those doors would be like entering the seventh circle of hell. Then it came to him. The back roof. The part of the building that was closer to the trees. It wasn't much, most of it was covered in the crap of the local birds. But he had always found it cooler there. And maybe at the top of the building there could be a wisp of air. A slight breeze. Anything. But even if there wasn't, it couldn't be any worse than staying in the oven of a room. Sam sure that the thin sheet that covered him, was getting damper even with him just lying there.

With a heavy sigh, he peeled off the wet sheet. Using it to wipe his brow, before pulling on his favourite old pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. In truth, he wished that he could just make his way up to the top of the building in only his underwear. But even at this time of the night, he had a feeling that Stark would be up and about. Ready to get F.R.I.D.A.Y to record his every move so that he could show the rest of the team in the morning. Sam really not wanting to give the billionaire or Barnes for that matter, any more ammunition to use against him, than they already had.


With a heavy sigh, Sam opened the door to his room. He had thought that his humble dwelling was bad enough. But the halls and stairwells seemed to be storing the heat. As if the bricks and metal of the building were trying to suck up as much of the warmth as possible, so that they could save it for when the weather turned inclement once again.

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