In the eye of the beholder - Joker - Arthur Fleck x Reader

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To all those people out there that have issues with body image. No matter whether you are thin or fat, or short or tall, you are beautiful, and never let anyone ever tell you any different, not even yourself. Love yourself 😊

As Arthur stepped out of the shower, he couldn't help but look at himself in the mirror. How could he take his clothes of in front of (Y/n) if he couldn't even stand to look at himself?

He knew that he wanted to take their relationship to the next level. She had been so patient with him, never pushing him, giving him all the time, he needed to feel comfortable and confident in her presence. She told him all the time that she loved him, and not once had he ever doubted her sincerity; but as much as he wanted to love her, to give himself to her, the disgust he had for his own appearance was the thing that was now holding him back.

He had met (Y/n) eight months ago when he had been called into the office to see Hoyt. He knocked and entered, expecting the first face he would see would be his bosses. But he couldn't believe his eyes when the face he saw was hers. She had come in to help Hoyt in the office; a surge in bookings for clowns and other performers had prompted Hoyt to bring her in to assist him, and Arthur couldn't believe that such a beautiful creature could be working in a place like Ha-Ha's.

Despite feeling embarrassed, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was voluptuous, curvy in all the right places. A soft and supple body that Arthur could imagine burying himself deep inside. He blushed bright red at the thoughts that were coursing through his brain. He had never been so glad that people couldn't minds, because if she could, she would surly have slapped his face.

He couldn't help but smile as he saw the pink hue on her cheeks, as her eyes had never left him. At that moment Arthur couldn't help but think that if Cupid did exist, then he had just been hit by one of his arrows; and so, it seemed had she.

When he had finally plucked up the courage to ask her out, everything seemed so perfect, so natural, like it was meant to be. And he had found himself incredibly comfortable telling her all about himself, his condition, and many other things that he would never dream of telling anyone else.

She had never judged him, in fact, she had been nothing but supportive, instilling him a feeling of confidence that he had never had before. And it hadn't been long before he found himself falling head over heels in love with her. A feeling that he knew from her actions she reciprocated.

Now after all these months of feeling more loved than he had ever done before, he couldn't help but feel nervous. If only he looked like one of those Hollywood hunks, with a six pack and perfect pecks, then maybe he wouldn't feel this way. He knew that was what (Y/n) really deserved, a man as beautiful as she was, but instead, here he was, all skin and bone, a walking skeleton, wondering how he could possibly show the woman of his dreams how much he truly cared for her without taking his clothes off.

He dragged his eyes away from the mirror, drying himself with the big fluffy towel that (Y/n) had bought him to replace the old threadbare one that he had normally used. He knew deep down that (Y/n) didn't care about how he looked, if she did then she wouldn't be with him. But no matter what he knew deep down, he couldn't get away from that loud voice that screamed at him that he wasn't good enough.


As he stood outside her apartment, nervously fiddling with his collar, he found himself still fighting the negative feelings that were bombarding him. He shook his head violently, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind. She loved him, he knew she did; and as she opened the door, he finally could think of nothing else but her smiling face.

"Well, hello, don't you look handsome tonight." (Y/n) said, pulling Arthur in through the door into her warm, clean apartment. As she embraced him, Arthur could feel the warmth of her body as he held her close. He so wanted to feel her skin against his. To remove the hateful layers of material that separated him from the body he wanted to love. But there it was again, that awful feeling of inadequacy that he had felt all his life.

"Arthur baby, are you ok? You seem a little quiet, what's going on it that beautiful head of yours?" (Y/n) asked as she looked up at him.

He could see the concern in her face, and he couldn't help but feel guilty about making her worry, that was the last thing that he ever wanted to do, and as her hand softly caressed his cheek, he knew he had to tell her. He told her everything else, so why not this?

He took her hand and led her to the sofa, sitting her down before he sat next to her; taking a deep breath, he swallowed his nerves and looked into her eyes.

"(Y/n), you know I love you, don't you?" Arthur asked, as he took both her hands in his.

She nodded. "Of course I do Arthur, and I love you too." She replied, gripping on to his hands tightly.

"It's just that......... well, I was hoping that tonight we could take our relationship to the next level. I've never loved anyone like I've love you. Your beautiful, and sweet, and everything I've ever wanted, but....... but I can't." Arthur said, staring at the floor, unsure what else to say.

"Why can't you? Is it me? Is it something I said, or something I did? Is it the way I look? I knew I wasn't good enough for you, I knew that you would probably prefer a woman that was thinner, and better looking. I'm sorry Arthur."

Arthur's eyes shot up to see the tears rolling down her cheeks. How could she possibly think that she wasn't beautiful enough? She was perfect, yet here she was in tears, thinking that she wasn't good enough for him.

"(Y/n) no! You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, there is nothing wrong with you. Its me." He said, pulling her into his arms, his long fingers combing reassuringly through her hair.

"But Arthur, there is nothing wrong with you, you are amazing. I love every little part of you." She sniffed, nuzzling her head into his chest.

"Please, I don't know what you think you look like, but at least give me the chance to see for myself." She continued, as she pulled away from his arms, his body already missing her warmth.

"Please Arthur. Please."

As he looked at her tear soaked eyes, he felt incapable of denying her. With a slight nod of his head, he slowly removed his thin jacket, and then his white shirt, letting the lightweight material fall to the floor beside him.

Finally, he raised his head so that he could now see that her tears had been replaced by the beautiful smile that he loved so much.

"You know Arthur, there is an old proverb that states that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and what I see before me is the most beautiful man in the world. I don't need you to have perfect muscles, or a perfect smile, because what I want more than anything else, is right in front of me in all his glory." (Y/n) explained as she rose to her feet, taking his hand and pulling him up to join her.

"Come on Arthur, I want you to show me what other beautiful things you're hiding." She continued, giggling, as she pulled him towards her bedroom.

Arthur smiled as she pushed him down onto the bed; if (Y/n) thought he was beautiful, then maybe he was beautiful after all.  

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