Fearsome - The Hobbit - Dwalin x Reader

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The Mountain was slowly coming back to life. Those that had heard of the success of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield in reclaiming their home, had begun to return to the great dwarven realm from all across Middle-Earth. Yet many of the Company were still waiting for their loved ones from Ered Luin to arrive. Thorin, Fili and Kili, hoping that any day they would find Dis outside the gates, demanding to be let in so that she could chastise them all for nearly dying. Glóin hoping to see his wife and boy, Gimli, soon coming up from Dale, to make a new home, back in the Mountain. Bombur never stopping talking about his wife and his many little ones; Bofur laughing and telling everyone what they should expect when the dwarflings arrived. And then there was Dwalin............

"You'll know when she is coming, brother........." A voice said from behind the warrior dwarf, as he looked over the entrance to the Mountain.

"We will be able ta see tha steam coming from her ears, from miles away......" Balin chuckled, as he joined his brother. His amusement only growing, as Dwalin let out a groan.

Dwalin knew that he should have brought her with them. That she should have joined him on his journey to the Shire. But he had done what any decent dwarven male would do and left her in the safety of the Blue Mountains, despite knowing what it might mean.........that she would never forgive him.

(Y/n)'s family were some of the greatest dwarven warriors to ever live; her kin having stood by the side of many a lord and king, fighting whatever foe may threaten their homes and peoples. And she......well, she was no different. Her father having raised her to be the most formidable of fighters. Dwalin knowing that he was smitten from the first moment he had seen her just practicing; and then, when he had caught sight of her at the Battle of Moria, the fearsome beauty streaked with the black blood of their foes. Her own blood mixing with that of the orcs, as she cut through one dark creature after another; he knew that he was in love. That she was his one, his only. Yet there was one problem with courting such a dwarrowdam; a dwarrowdam that would put the fear of Mahal into the heart of many a strong dwarf, and that was she would be angry at him for leaving her alone in the Mountain, and not letting her fight by his, and Thorin's side. Angry that it seemed that he had underestimated her abilities in battle, that he had judged her not worthy to join them on their quest. Yet the truth was, he had doubted nothing; the truth was, that he had known that she would probably have been the first to throw herself into any fray, that she would have instilled nothing but dread into the black hearts of any orc, warg or goblin that they had come across. But that was the problem; the possibility that he could have lost her, a real concern, and it was something he could not allow. No matter how much she might hate him for it.

"She'll forgive you........eventually. Might find ya ears boxed a few times afore she does. But there ain't a dwarrowdam that could love ya more, than that lass does........" Balin continued, as he placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. The moment between the two sons of Fundin, quiet, until there was a loud banging, followed by a rather disgruntled yell.

"Is anyone gonna let me in, or do I have ta do more damage than that damn dragon seems ta have done..........?" Dwalin and Balin looking at one another, before peering over the top of the ramparts. The large dwarf's eyes growing wide, as he saw (Y/n) staring up at him.

"You........." The dwarrowdam pointing her axe up at him.

"Get ya backside down here and let me in, or when I get my hands on ya, ya face'll be as bald as ya head." (Y/n) threatened. Balin unable to stop himself from laughing again, as his younger brother rushed off. The elder dwarf sure that (Y/n), and only (Y/n), could make Dwalin move like that. That if Mahal had made a more suitable pairing, he was yet to meet them. The two together, quite the most fearsome pair to face; yet at other times, they could both bring out the softer sides in the other, that very few really saw. Balin quickly following after his brother. Not wanting to miss their reunion.


"Lass............OW!" Dwalin grumbled, (Y/n)'s hand connecting with the back of his head, as they met at the entrance. The large warrior hoping that she would at least have hugged him; kissed him. Told him how much she had missed him, before anything else.

"What was that fa..........?"

"What was........what was that fa?" (Y/n) countered in disbelief, as Dwalin rubbed the back of his head.

"Need I remind ya, that ya left me in Ered Luin, while you, Balin, Thorin and tha rest of the lads went swanning off, halfway across Middle-Earth, facing goodness only knows what, while I could only twiddle my thumbs and hope ya didn't die." The dwarrowdam continued, as she slapped him around the back of the head again. (Y/n) shaking her head, as Dwalin did his best to splutter out his explanation. That he had done what he had done, because he loved her, not because he doubted her. That he knew that she could fight, it just that he didn't want to lose her. The rest of his words left unsaid, as without warning, a pair of lips crashed into his. Dwalin wrapping his arms around her waist, as she snaked her arms around his neck. The pair pouring out all their emotions, all their fears, into that kiss. Balin smiling from the shadows, as he watched the two for a moment longer, before turning to leave them. Sure, that he would see (Y/n) later, when the dwarrowdam had had the chance to punish his brother a little more. The elder dwarf having a feeling that despite the kiss, the fearsome female had not yet finished making Dwalin regret not bringing her along.    

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