Why you pirate! - GoT - Yara Greyjoy x Reader

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(Y/n) hated having to deal with the Ironborns. She had always been told that they were all pirates. The bullies of the sea. People conceited enough to believe that they controlled the waters. Rough scoundrels that for centuries had pillaged the western coasts of Westeros. Yet this time she had no option but to make a deal with these devotees of the Drowned God. She needed passage back to Westeros, and her only choice had been the Ironborn. Her only choice a ship by the name of The Black Wind. Her only choice, a captain by the name of Yara Greyjoy.

So, here she was, stuck in a ship full of hardened men, that would hungrily look her up and down every time that she stepped foot on deck for air. That would lick their lips like starving beasts that were eyeing a meal, whenever she so much as made her way out of the small room that she had paid more than handsomely for. (Y/n) in the beginning finding herself praying that she would make it home without losing her honour, or life to one of the men. Yet, as the days had passed, she had found that there was one saving grace. And that was the ships captain. Yara Greyjoy proving to not be like any other woman that she had ever met. And even thought she was definitely an Ironborn. As much of a pirate as the rest of her kin. There was something different about her.

(Y/n) herself would admit, that she did not think of herself like other women. When her parents had passed, she had run away from home, for fear that her older brother would sell her into a marriage that she did not want. Sell her to a man that she cared nothing for. Just sell her to a man. (Y/n) knowing from a young age that she had no desire to be with a man. That her wants only lent themselves to other women. So, she had fled. Roaming the lands of Westeros. Looking for a place to belong. A place where she would not be judged. And she believed that she had found that when she had made her way to Dorne. (Y/n) happy that the Dornish' more liberal attitudes towards love and sex made it possible for her to indulge her passions without being looked down upon. Without being condemned. Yet soon, she had felt the need to move on. To try pastures new. To find a woman that she could love and would love her in return. But here she was, after years exploring not only Westeros, but also Essos, making her way back to her homeland without anyone to call hers. Without anyone to love.............

"Ya staring out of that window again. I swear that every time I come to see you, you're just looking out over the water. What's so fascinating?" A voice came. (Y/n) turning her gaze to see that Yara had made her way into the room. The captain holding a tray with some food on it.

"And what else would you suggest I do, captain? If I step foot out onto your deck, your crew look at me like I am a piece of meat. Ready to devour me if they get a chance. And it is not that I find anything particularly fascinating. Thought the sea does look beautiful today. It is just that I am thinking........"

"Thinking about what?" Yara enquired bluntly, as she placed the tray down on the wooden table and made her way to join the lady on the small seat below the equally small window. Her heart beating a little quicker, as her passenger chuckled at her directness.

Yara had to admit, that she had never seen anything quite as beautiful as (Y/n). The captain of The Black Wind had not known what to expect when she had been told by one of the dockworkers that there was a lady that required passage on a ship that would be making its way back to Westeros. Yara originally only agreeing to meet her, after she was told that the possible passenger was willing to pay well. Yet as (Y/n) had been brought to see her. As the young woman had removed the dark hood from her head, Yara had known that there was no way that she could say no. That she would happily take the beautiful creature anywhere her heart desired. That she would happily keep her by her side for all their days to come, if she so chose.

Yara had always known that she preferred women. Even before her older brothers had been killed and Theon taken by Eddard Stark, she had felt a closer connection to other women. A love for other women. And as she had grown, her father treating her as more of a son than a daughter, encouraging her to become a reaver in her own right. Those proclivities had not subsided. Her desires for the fairer sex only growing. Yet even though she had been able to indulge in these desires in certain brothels while on shore, Yara had never found a woman that was strong enough. That was brave, and courageous enough to stand by her side. One that was happy to tell the world that they loved one another despite what the gods and society may say. Thought that had never stopped her from hoping.

"I swear Yara Greyjoy, that I have never met another woman like you. Other women are quiet little things. Most of them spending their days sewing or squarking to one another like hens in a hen house. Doing only what they are told by their husbands. What is expected of them. Not even allowed to think. Just there to be used to give their men, heirs. But you..........you are, and do, none of those things. You are formidable and headstrong. Brave and fierce. A true leader of men, if I have ever met one. And the bluntest person I have ever met. Not one to stand on ceremony or let the morals of society tell you what you should do. I must admit that I find it quite refreshing." (Y/n) chuckled again, as she looked into the Kraken's eyes.

"If you must know, I was...........I was thinking about the one thing I had never found during my travels. The one thing I have always wanted. How I will have to return to my family home, and hope that my brother will not marry me off to some man............."

"What haven't you found?" Yara once again enquired without a thought. The captain finding herself moving a little closer to the beautiful woman by her side.

"I............" (Y/n) began nervously, as she turned her gaze from Yara back to the sea.

"I...........haven't found a woman that is brave enough to love me. A woman that would happily be by my side no matter what the rest of the world might think. I thought I might have found something in Dorne. But even though my desires were not frowned upon there, I never found a woman that was what I truly wanted." (Y/n) explained. Her eyes flying back to Yara, as the captain took her hand.

"And what is it that you truly want in a woman, (Y/n)." Yara asked. Her heart beating a little quicker. The young kraken not able to believe what she was hearing.

"I don't know. I had........I had always wanted a formidable and headstrong woman. A brave and fierce woman. A true leader of men. A blunt woman. One not willing to stand on ceremony or let the morals of society tell her what to do." (Y/n) replied. A smile pulling at the corner of her lips, as Yara reached up and placed her had on (Y/n)'s cheek.

"So, you truly want me, then?" Yara retorted. Her turn to laugh, as (Y/n) began to blush.

"It does sound like that, doesn't it? Though I doubt that you would want someone like me. You probably have your eyes on some brave and handsome Ironborn man................" (Y/n) tried to tell her. The rest of her words leaving her mind, as the lips of the captain crashed into hers. The lady snaking her arms around Yara's neck, as the Ironborn princess wrapped hers around (Y/n)'s waist and pulled her close. The two only pulling apart, as the need for oxygen grew too great.

"I am afraid, my lady, that I have changed my mind about your passage. I will not be returning you to Westeros. Not be returning to your brother. That is unless he is willing to pay the ransom I will be demanding for your return. So, until he does, you will be staying here with me, (Y/n). And I will give you everything that you have ever wanted in a woman." Yara said, as she slowly got to her feet, and offered (Y/n) her hand. (Y/n) taking it and allowing the captain to lead her over to the bed in the corner of the room. The only daughter of Balon Greyjoy, kissing the naked flesh on the lady's neck, as she began to pull on the strings that held (Y/n)'s gown together. The material falling to the floor, before Yara moved her body onto the bed. (Y/n) moaning as she felt rough hands roam her form. Lips kissing at her rounded flesh.

"Why, you pirate." (Y/n) managed to say, as Yara crawled over her. (Y/n) well aware that her brother would never pay a ransom, even if Yara did ask for one. The lady happy to have finally found a woman to stand by her side. Happy to stay with her pirate for the rest of her days.  

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