Damn bard - The Witcher - Jaskier x Reader

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"Would you please stop for five minutes!" (Y/n) called out to Jaskier, as she, the bard, and Geralt made their way to find their next job.

Jaskier had been strumming on his lute and making up idiotic songs for what seemed like hours, and (Y/n) had finally had enough.

"You are insufferable, you know that don't you?" She asked, as Jaskier continued to strum, smiling broadly as he looked at the female warrior.

"Why thank you." Jaskier said smugly, feeling happy that (Y/n) was starting to glow a shade of murderous red.

"It wasn't meant as a compliment you idiot." (Y/n) growled, as she tried her best to stay calm.

"I know, but I shall take it as one just to annoy you." The bard chuckled, trying to stay just out of swing distance of her blade.

"Will you two please shut up; it's like listening to a pair of bickering children." An exacerbated Geralt groaned, tired of the squabbling duo.

"I'm not a child, he is!" (Y/n) protested, glaring at Jaskier.

"No, you are." Jaskier chuckled, stopping only when Geralt turned around to stare at him.

"STOP!" Geralt commanded, glaring between the two, before he rode off in front to get away from the pairs verbal stoush.

Verbal battles between (Y/n) and Jaskier was nothing new, but recently it had been getting worse. Geralt knew of (Y/n)'s secret crush on the bard thanks to a rather heavy drinking session the three had had in a tavern one night. When Jaskier had finally passed out face first onto the table in front of him, (Y/n) had let it slip that she had feelings for him, a secret that Geralt had been happy to keep for his old friend; but after she had seen the bard trying to snuggle up to some pretty young woman, Geralt had noticed an unnerving change in her demeanour.

(Y/n) had once been a feared assassin whose services could be bought by the anyone with enough gold; she was known simply as "The Scorpion" due to her use of blades that were dipped in the venom of one of the many species of scorpions that were endemic to her adopted homeland, and she was as quick and deadly as the sting of the creature itself.

(Y/n) was an elf, but she had been taken from her people, sold to an ancient order who had trained her to fight so that she could be used to kill their enemies; and over time she had become the orders greatest asset. When Geralt had originally come across her, he had rescued her from the order, and had attempted to help her return to her people, but she had been shunned and had returned to the only thing she knew, and that was being an assassin.

When the two had crossed paths again, he had been able to persuade her that there was a better way, and so she had joined him on his journey. Geralt knew that she was unlike other elves in the fact that due to the beatings and lessons she had endured during her time with the order, she had scars, scars that she believed marred any beauty that she have previously have possessed, and no matter how many times, he or others may have tried to dissuade her from this belief, she was unable to see anything but the scars.


Geralt couldn't help but look at his friend as she poked at the campfire, her eyes occasionally looking from the flames to the sleeping form of Jaskier.

"Why don't you tell him (Y/n)?" Geralt said, as he took her hand.

"What? And suffer the indignity of being told that I am even too ugly for the attentions of a dumb bard? I thought you were my friend, Geralt." (Y/n) said angrily as she stood up, grabbed her swords and made her way into the night before he could stop her.

"Where is she? She's been gone for days; did you say something to upset her?" Jaskier asked, as he and Geralt made their way into a village that they had been told may have a job for a Witcher.

It had been days since (Y/n) had disappeared into the night, but Geralt knew instinctively that she would be watching from somewhere.

"I didn't say anything, I think that you will find that this all your fault." Geralt scoffed, trying his best to ignore the man next to him.

"What do you mean, my fault? I didn't say anything to her." Jaskier said indignantly as the two men continued on their way.

"And I suppose that you weren't the one kissing that pretty young barmaid right in front of (Y/n) when its more than obvious to even a blind man that she likes you; but no, you can't see passed (Y/n)'s scares to truly appreciate how beautiful she really is." Geralt growled, as he rode off ahead of Jaskier.

"(Y/n) likes me? She really likes me?" Jaskier shouted out as he tried to catch up to Geralt.

"How do you know she likes me, and why didn't you tell before?" Jaskier asked, as he finally caught up with the big man.

"It doesn't matter how I know, and I didn't tell you because it isn't my business to tell you." Geralt grumbled, as he and Jaskier got to the tavern where they had been told to meet the head man of the village.


The werewolf was proving a little harder to handle than Geralt had first thought, as the creature's claws ripped at the air, its teeth glinting brilliant white in the moonlight as it snarled at the Witcher and his bard.

Without warning the shapeshifter grabbed for Jaskier, its claws ripping into his flesh, as it brought the bard closer, saliva dripping from its mouth; before the creature could bite, a fireball blasted the creature away from Jaskier, Jaskier watching wide eyed as out of thin air (Y/n) appeared, her blade coming down on the neck of the beast severing its head from its body.

Before she could move, Jaskier had pulled her into his arms, his lips crashing against hers.

"I love you (Y/n), I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but I didn't think that you would like someone like me." Jaskier confessed, as he looked into (Y/n)'s beautiful eyes.

"You...... you love me?" (Y/n) asked, unable to believe what she was hearing.

"Who wouldn't? You are beautiful and I swear that you are even better with a sword than Geralt himself. You can do all that magic, and you just saved me from that beast." Jaskier declared, kissing a flustered (Y/n) once again.

"You think that I'm beautiful?" (Y/n) asked hesitantly, as she rested her head on Jaskier's shoulder.

"You are as beautiful as the sun and moon combined, your voice could enchant the birds from the trees, and your eyes are two beautiful pools of perfect blue water. Yes (Y/n), I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Jaskier told her, his hand combing gently through her long light grey hair,

"I love you too Jaskier." (Y/n) said, smiling as she felt his arms tighten around her.

"Thank goodness for that, now maybe you two will give me some peace and stop all that childish squabbling of yours." Geralt said from behind the pair as he picked up the head of the beast.

"Now let's get this thing back to the village, collect our gold, and celebrate you two getting together." Geralt told them, as he threw the head into a bag.

"What do you think love?" Jaskier asked, as he and (Y/n) looked at one another.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea." (Y/n) replied as the two helped Geralt heave the lifeless body of the creature onto his horse.

"Just promise me one thing......... no singing." (Y/n) said, chuckling as Jaskier began to protest.

Geralt shook his head, as he smiled to himself; it didn't matter that they loved one another, he knew that he was never going to hear the last of their quarrelling. 

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