Angels and Demons - GoT - Ramsay x Reader

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(Y/n) shuddered as she watched the huge black Dreadfort come into view, she had been betrothed to Roose Bolton's newly legitimised bastard son, Ramsay, and she was on her way to the great fort to meet the man to whom she would be wed.

(Y/n) had been given no choice in the marriage, and if she had, she most certainly would have protested the match; but she was from a small, yet noble house that had an allegiance with the House of Bolton and (Y/n) had been informed that Roose believe that she was a perfect match for his son, even if Ramsay seemed to be of a different opinion.

(Y/n) grew more and more nervous as her carriage drew closer to the ominous building, she had heard the rumours that the flayed skins of the Bolton enemies were displayed on the walls of the fort, and from what she knew of the Bolton's she could only presume that these rumours were not too far from the truth; and then there was her husband to be himself. Everyone one knew of Ramsay Bolton's feared reputation, he was a demon who took great delight in torturing and flaying his victims, seemingly bereft of any goodness or kindness, and (Y/n) could not help but fear what her new life held in store for her.

"My lady, riders and a carriage are coming from the fort." One of her father's guards called out, as she peaked her head through the heavy curtain that covered the window in the door of the carriage, watching as the speeding entourage got closer and closer.

"Stay close, Adian; I do not trust anything that comes from that castle." (Y/n) said softly, the guard nodding respectfully as he drew his horse closer to the side of her landeau.

"Lady (Y/n)!" A voice called out, as her carriage and men came to a stop, Adian opening the door and helping her from the inside.

"I am the Lady (Y/n), why are you stopping us?" (Y/n) enquired, looking up at four men at arms on horseback, and a dark landeau that sat behind them, seemingly waiting for an occupant.

One of the men dismounted his horse and came before (Y/n) bowing respectfully as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"My lady, I am Luton, a man at arms for your husband to be. Lord Bolton has respectfully asked that you leave your people here and allow us to take you to your new life." Luton told her, indicating for some bannermen to take her belongings from her wagon.

"But my men were instructed to accompany me to the fort to ensure my safe arrival, I can not just leave them." (Y/n) tried to protest, watching in vain as the Bolton's bannermen transferred her luggage.

"My lady, I assure you that you could not be in safer hands than ours, your father in law is most anxious to meet you." Luton told her, as (Y/n) turned around to look at her father's men, some of whom she had known all her life.

"Adian, thank you for everything, and please tell my father and mother that I love them." (Y/n) told her most trusted guard before Luton opened the door to the great black landeau and helped her inside.


"Where is Ramsay?" Roose growled, as he waited in the courtyard for his soon to be daughter to arrive, annoyed that his son seemed unwilling to even meet the young woman.

"I believe that he is in his chambers, my lord." A nervous bannerman replied, as both men watched the carriage arrive through the great gates.

"Then get him down from his chambers." Roose hissed, watching as a vision in pure white was helped from the carriage.

"My lady (Y/n), I thought that your father was sending me a daughter, instead I see that he has sent an angel to grace my humble home." Roose hummed, taking (Y/n)'s hand, and kissing her knuckles softly.

"Maybe I should marry you myself and make you the true lady of the Dreadfort." Roose told her, drawing up closer to a wide eyed (Y/n).

"My lord, you do me too much honour, I am not worthy of a great and noble lord such as yourself." (Y/n) said, trying desperately to avoid any further suggestion of marriage to the Lord of Dreadfort himself; having to marry a man that she had never met was one thing, having to marry the bastard of a Bolton was even worse, but the notion of being forced to wed Roose was just a step too far.


Ramsay sat in his chambers, a full glass of wine pressed against his lips as he sat in front of the fire, he had no intention of meeting the woman his father was forcing him to marry, he could have any woman he wanted, he was after all the new heir of the House of Bolton, so why should he not be able to choose a wife of his own.

"My lord." Luton called out, as he, Sour Alyn, Skinner and Grunt pushed their way into his room.

"She's here." Luton declared, as the bastard's boys all looked at their disgruntled looking master.

"What is she, some piggy, ugly, simpering little creature, with no brain and the appeal of wild boar?" Ramsay asked, pouting like a child that was being forced to do something he didn't want to.

"Not unless you regard, exquisite feature, beautiful eyes, a voluptuous figure and from what we witness, a kind nature, piggy and ugly, my lord." Skinner told a now slightly more interested Ramsay.

Ramsay mussed for a moment. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go and meet her, she might not be too bad." Ramsay declared, as he rose from his seat and made his way to the courtyard.

"If he doesn't want her, I'll have her." Luton told the other men, as they hurried to catch up Ramsay.


Ramsay stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widening as he saw the woman that was dressed head to toe in white, a colour that made her stand out from the dark surroundings of the bleak fort, like a red rose stands out in the snow.

As he stood there, the breath hitching in his throat, Ramsay knew that he had never seen anything so beautiful, anything so perfect in his life, and for once all he could think about was making someone other than himself happy, this vision before him deserved nothing but the best.

"What do her rooms look like?" Ramsay quietly asked his confused men at arms.

"I'm not sure, my lord. Why?" Luton asked, as Ramsay turned to look at his men, his heart beating violently in his chest as his desire for the lady grew.

"I want her room filled with flowers, sweet smelling perfumes, and the finest furs that the Dreadfort has to offer. I want only the best for my lady." Ramsay said, as he turned back to see his father gripping onto an uncomfortable (Y/n) by the waist.

"My lady (Y/n)." Ramsay said, trying not to glare at his father as he walked towards the pair.

(Y/n) was taken a back, she had heard so many grisly stories about the man that she was to be married to, but as he came up to her, and took her from his father's grasp, she couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised; she had expected a creature that had crawled out of the pit of the Seven Hells, yet instead she stood face to face with a handsome young man, with intense eyes and a wicked yet strangely pleasing smile.

The two stood there momentarily looking into the others eyes, the angel and the demon of Dreadfort staring at their future, and as Ramsay gripped (Y/n)'s hand tightly, he knew that whatever she wanted, whatever she needed, it would be hers; he would give her his heart, but most of all he would give her his love.

"Let me show you your new home, my lady." Ramsay said softly, as he placed his arm around her and escorted (Y/n) into the Dreadfort, knowing that the old gods of the forest had sent him a gift, a gift that he would always keep close, and would defend with his life. 

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