Be my girl - Avengers - Natasha Romanoff x Reader

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Nat watched as (Y/n) sparred with Sam. She always hoped that no one would notice that her eyes tended to linger whenever (Y/n) was in the room. How she would take in every subtle and sublime dip and curve of the former mercenary's body. Natasha was sure that she had never seen anything quite like (Y/n) before. It was true that she had been surrounded by other girls in the Red Room, and there had always been one or two that had caught her eye. Yet anything between them had been impossible. But now, now Natasha could be, and love whoever she wanted. And she wanted (Y/n).

There was something in the way that (Y/n) would laugh at Sam or Scott's jokes, that created a maelstrom inside Natasha's stomach. Something in her smile that could light up a room. Something in the sparkle in her eyes that could make the usually cool and calm Natasha forget where she was, and what she should be doing. Yet it was the touch of (Y/n)'s hand that sent the former assassin's mind truly reeling. Natasha finding her thoughts filled with images of them making love in her bed. Of (Y/n) wrapped protectively in her arms. Both of them covered in sweat as they recovered from their euphoric highs. (Y/n)'s hot breath fanning over her neck as she held her close and hummed words of love into her ear.

On movie nights, as the entire team congregated in the common room with bowls overflowing with popcorn, Natasha would always make sure that she got to sit by (Y/n)'s side. The Widow knowing that whenever the scenes became too dramatic, scary or emotional, (Y/n) would slip her hand into hers and grip it tight. Natasha always finding it funny that someone as tough as (Y/n) seemed to be, could show so much emotion. Could have such a soft feminine side that only Natasha seemed to see. A side that she wanted to see more of. Much more of.

"Sorry, (Y/n). You, ok?" Natasha heard. The sound of Sam's voice bringing her back from her thoughts. Nat looking over to see (Y/n) flat on her back looking slightly dazed. The Widow growling under her breath as she made her way over to where Sam was helping (Y/n) up from the floor.

Natasha hated watching (Y/n) spar with the boys. She knew it was crazy, ludicrous, but it was as if they were taunting her. Showing her that they could get closer to (Y/n) than she could. The Widow sometimes finding it hard to control herself if she saw (Y/n) wriggle and writhe beneath them, when they were lucky enough to pin her to the deck. Nat wishing that she could be the one to have the mercenary's body, so close. And now, as Sam helped up a wobbly (Y/n) to her feet, Nat couldn't stop herself from intervening.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Sam. You got me with a good one there. I wasn't expecting...........Nat! What the hell are you doing? Get off him!" (Y/n) called out. Watching in disbelief as Nat knocked Sam violently to the floor and stood over him menacingly. The look in the Widow's eyes telling (Y/n) that she had to intervein before Nat did something that she would regret.

"If you've hurt her. I'll............."

"Nat. What the hell's gotten into you? It was an accident. I wasn't watching. For god's sake. Leave him alone." (Y/n) said, pulling the angry looking Widow away from a very confused Sam.

"Nat. I'm fine. Look. No bones broken. Not even a scratch. I just banged my head a little. But I'm good now." (Y/n) added. Placing her hand on Natasha's cheek. The agent's eyes suddenly softening as she looked into (Y/n)'s beautiful orbs.

"I'm.......I'm........I have to go." Natasha tried to apologise. Quickly making her way to the door and pushing her way out of the gym. Bucky joining (Y/n), as Steve helped Sam from the floor.

"What the hell's got into her?" Bucky asked, as he and (Y/n) looked at the door. Steve and a confused Sam, joining the duo.

"I don't know, Buck. She's been being acting really strange recently. She's even stopped going with me on our daily run. Maybe I should go talk to Clint. He always seems to know what's going on with Nat. But whatever it is, I have to fix it." (Y/n) replied with a sigh. The ex-mercenary making sure that Sam was ok, before heading out of the gym to find the archer.


"Clint. There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." (Y/n) declared with relief, as she finally located the archer in the kitchen. Clint looking up and smiling softly as (Y/n) made her way over to him.

"Hi, trouble. What's wrong?" Clint chuckled.

"I'm fine, its not me I'm worried about. It's Nat. There's something wrong with her. Sam accidently caught me when we were practicing in the gym, and the next thing I know, Nat has knocked him to the floor, and looked like she was going to kill him. I'm worried about her. She doesn't seem to want to talk to me, Clint. But I need to know what's going on with her." (Y/n) explained, as she took a seat next to the archer at the breakfast bar.

"Ah...........I see." Clint replied cryptically. Sighing as he placed his hand over (Y/n)'s. He knew that it wasn't his place to tell (Y/n) what was happening with Nat. That it was something that the Widow should tell (Y/n) herself. But the archer himself had noticed that Natasha's mood had begun to change, and not for the better. So, if he explained to (Y/n). Let her know what was going on. Then even if (Y/n) didn't feel the same for Natasha as the Widow felt for her, at least she could try and let her down easy.

"(Y/n) look. There's something you need to know about Nat............"


Natasha looked up as the sound of a knock at her door, split the silence of the quiet room. She knew that she shouldn't have gone for Sam. Being hurt, knocked down, was just part of what could sometimes happen when you sparred. None of them were big on going easy. Especially not (Y/n). The former mercenary always fighting as though her very life depended on it. So, to blame Sam for accidentally catching (Y/n) was wrong. But when she had seen the woman she loved looking dazed, possibly hurt, Nat had just lost it. And since the incident, she had been in her rooms trying to figure out the best way to tell (Y/n) how she felt, before she lost her mind completely.

"Come in." Nat called out. The Widow swallowing hard as (Y/n)'s face suddenly appeared around the door.

"Hi. Can we talk?" (Y/n) asked. Smiling as Nat slowly nodded. (Y/n) closing the door behind her and making her way over to join Nat on the sofa.

"So, I've been talking to Clint. I wanted to know what was wrong with you. Why you would go for Sam. And as you don't seem to want to talk to me recently, I knew that the only one that might know anything, was him." (Y/n) began. Taking Nat's hand as she moved so that their bodies were touching. Nat's heart pounding as (Y/n) placed her forehead against the agents.

"Why didn't you tell me, Nat? All this time, and you never said anything." (Y/n) said, her fingers delicately brushing over Nat's cheek.

"And what would you have said, if I had told you what was wrong. If I had told you how I felt about you? That I want you to be my girl." Nat asked. Her heart beating quicker as (Y/n) smiled softly.

"I would have said........that I couldn't think of anything I'd like more than to be your girl, Nat. That I love you too. And I can't think of anyone else that I would rather to be with, than you. Now, are you going to kiss me, and show me how much you love me. Or are you going to keep a girl hanging?" (Y/n) chuckled. Her eyes fluttering closed as Nat's lips met hers. Natasha slowly pushing (Y/n) down onto the sofa. The Widow determined to not let her girl leave the room, until she showed her exactly how she felt. 

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