Beautiful, gentle Viking - Vikings - Ubbe x Reader

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He had been watching her all night. The shieldmaiden that had come to Kattegat with King Harald and his brother, had caught his eye, as soon as she had joined her monarch for the feast. Ubbe feeling himself drawn to her. Lured by everything she had done during the evening; from the sound of her laughter that seemed to ring out above all the other noises, to the sparkle in her eyes, when he caught her gaze. Ubbe not even bothering to excuse himself as he got up from the table and followed after her; ignoring his brothers calls, as he made his way after her, into the cool night air.

"Prince Ubbe........." A soft voice came, as soon as he moved off the final step. The oldest son of Queen Aslaug turning to see the exquisite maid, slowly walking towards him.

"You know who I am..........?"

"Well, it is hard to be here and remain ignorant as to whom the sons of Ragnar are. That, and I asked about you..........."

"You asked about me............?" Ubbe enquired. A smile coming to his lips as she circled him; her eyes wandering over his form.

"Of course. One cannot lay eyes on such beauty, and not want to know more about it." She replied. Ubbe feeling as though she had taken the words right out of his mouth. That he wanted to learn all he could about her, too. That he would give anything to know everything about her.

"Beautiful.........? You think I am beautiful...........?"

"I could have said handsome, rugged, if you prefer........but there are many handsome, rugged men. And if I wanted just that, I would have surrendered myself to Harald or his brother, long ago. No, Ubbe Ragnarsson, you are beautiful........just as I have heard that your father was at your age. You have a gentleness that is rare in many men. A look in your eyes that speaks of so much more than what I see in others. Even your own brothers." She continued, as she placed her hands gently on his cheek. Ubbe finding his eyes closing as he nuzzled into the warmth of her palm.

"I want you to show me that gentleness, Ubbe. Show me what it is to be loved by true beauty.........." Ubbe feeling a shiver go down his spine, as she whispered those last words into his ear. The second son of Ragnar, slowly opening his eyes; a smile coming to his lips, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. His lips softly connecting with hers.


Ubbe pushed the door closed behind him with his foot. Neither his lips nor his hands leaving her, as they moved further into his room. Soft moans coming from both of them, as fingers found their way under clothes to the heated skin underneath.

It was strange, given that he had only just met this woman. Given that he knew little more about her than she was a shieldmaiden Vestfold, and her name was (Y/n); which he had discovered when the two had had to catch their breath. But he felt as though what they were about to share, would be more than just a quick fuck. For if he had wanted that, there was many a thrall that he could take to his bed. No, he wanted to make love to her. He wanted to touch her, to kiss every last part of her flesh; to taste her. And he needed her to do that for him. Ubbe's mind racing, as her fingers tugged at the strings of his pants. The material being pulled away to reveal him in all his aroused glory. The prince dropping his head back, as she took his manhood in her hand and began to stroke him, slowly, rhythmically. Her kiss swollen lips moving over his neck, as his hand crept further up underneath her skirt.

"Are.......are you wet for me.........?" Ubbe managed to ask. His voice catching in his throat, as her grip on him tightened and movements quickened. His fingers gripping tightly to her thigh.

"Soaked.........feel.........." (Y/n) replied breathlessly. Ubbe nodding, before slowly moving his hand to the patch of hair that nestled between her legs. A loud groan coming from deep inside of him, as her arousal covered his fingers. The prince pulling his hand out from under her skirt, so that he could place his wet fingers in his mouth. His cock twitching in her palm, as he savoured her taste. Ubbe wanting more, wanting so much more. Wanting to be between her legs, to let his tongue explore every part of her womanhood, outside and in. To not stop pleasing her until he drowned in her. And then.......then he would push himself inside her. His cock already begging to be sheathed in her tightness. His mind filled with all the ways that he wanted to take her; with all the things that he would do to her. His eyes suddenly flying open as he felt her move her hand away from his cock; her body away from him.

"(Y/n).....what..........?" His confusion replaced by a smile, as her dress fell to the floor around her feet. Ubbe unable to stop himself from taking his stiff member in his hand and pleasuring himself, as he watched (Y/n) let her fingers ghost over her heated flesh. The prince sure that he had never seen anything more exquisite, anything more arousing, in all his days.

"Take me Ubbe. I want you to know me.......every part of me. And I want to know you too; my beautiful, gentle Viking." She told him. Tugging at the bottom of his tunic until he raised his arms and let her pull it over his head. The prince pulling her to his now naked body; rubbing his already weeping cock between her legs. Ubbe unable to deny himself any longer, as his manhood became slick with her juices. The prince taking her into his arms and carrying her to his bed. Ubbe more than happy to show her, what a beautiful, gentle Viking was really capable of. 

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