Sins of the flesh - Vikings - Heahmund x Reader

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Please forgive me if any of the Christianity stuff is wrong, its not my faith. In fact, I don't have one; but I hope I've done alright.

Heahmund knelt before the altar, once more begging God for forgiveness for his sins. The bishop was proud of his position, had strong faith, and a deep love for Christianity; but he was weak. Like most men he was susceptible to the sins of the flesh, no matter how much he tried to refuse them. His weakness for drink and women often causing him much self castigation. Causing him to question whether his God was testing him, and if he was, each time he would fall short. Each time, he would let the devil win. But God forgives. If you repent your sins and ask for the almighty's forgiveness, he will give your transgressions. Won't he.............?"

"On your knees again, Bishop? How many times is it that you have had to ask for forgiveness................?" A voice suddenly enquired, Heahmund quickly getting to his feet and turning. Pointing his sword at the person that had just appeared in the chapel, seemingly from nowhere, without making so much as a sound. The bishop furrowing his brow, as the figure of a woman, dressed all in black, appeared from the long shadows; even her head covered in a dark veil.

"Please.........put it away, before you do yourself an injury. That, and I doubt that your God would appreciate it if you were to shed blood in his house." The female continued, as she took a few more steps, and pressed her chest up against the point of his sword.

"I always find these places really rather dark and gloomy. There is nothing that I can see that would instil joy or happiness in the hearts of believers.............."

"God gives us joy............He is our happiness. Our light in the darkness. That is all we need............"

"But in your case.........Bishop, that isn't it?" The woman continued, smiling to herself, as the man before her slowly lowered his sword.

"Your God is not enough, at least not for you. You require so much more to make you happy. To give you joy. I mean, among so many others, there was the Widow Ordlaf. You gave her husband the funeral rites, and immediately began fucking her. You might as well have done it over the coffin, for how long you waited. The poor man's body wasn't even cold, before you took his place. That little..........dalliance lasted for weeks. And of course, the multitude of serving girls and maids that have found their way into your bed, or bent over the nearest piece of furniture with their skirts up over their shoulders. That........Bishop, in drink and women, is where you find your true happiness. And then, to appease your guilt, your conscience, you come here and bend your knee. Offering God your sword and your soul. As well as a few heads of heathens." The visitor chuckled, as she took a seat and looked up at the man.

Heahmund couldn't help but stare. He had no idea how she could know all these things. It was if she had been there with him; as if she had been watching him or could see into his mind, into his sinful heart. As if she were mocking him. As if she were testing him.

"Who are you? Who sent you? How do you know all those things..........?" Heahmund enquired, as he took a seat across from her.

"Ah, yes. The all important questions. Well.........let me see...........I am known by many names, but you can call me (Y/n). As to whom sent me.........well, I am sure that you have and idea; and if you do, then you will know how I know these things." (Y/n) explained, as she slowly reached up and took the hem of her veil. Carefully pulling it away from her face. Her smile broadening, as the sword fell from the bishop's hands. The blade clattering loudly against the cold stone floor.

Heahmund couldn't breathe. It was as if all the air had been taken from his lungs. He had never seen anything like this woman before. He had seen beauty, it was true. He saw it everywhere and in the everything that God had created; but this woman, this was even greater than any of the creator's wonders. Yet there was something about her; something about the look in her eyes that told him that she was not of this world. That she was not of his God. That she was wicked.

"You are a demon..............."

"Demon...........? I am an angel.........a fallen one perhaps; but an angel none the less." She continued, as she pulled her veil back and got to her feet. A huge pair of dark wings unfurling behind her, as the bishop dropped to his knees.

"What do you want of me................."

"I want you Bishop of Sherborne, holy warrior. I have been watching you for some time. Watching as you fall prey to the sins of the mortal flesh; and I have found myself growing jealous of the women you give your attention to. Of those that you make scream out your name. And if there is one thing that I do not like, it is being envious of a mortal. So, I have come to you. I have come to give myself to you. To show you what true sins of the flesh can feel like. To give you what no other man has ever had." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled on the strings that held her gown together. The black dress falling to her feet. Heahmund feeling his heart pound, his ardour harden, and his will weaken. A demon........a fallen angel, wanted him. Wanted to give herself to him. He wanted to refuse; he wanted to cast her down, back into the fiery pits from whence she had come. But.............he couldn't. Despite everything in him telling him that he should turn his back and walk away. That he should throw her out of the house of his Lord, he just couldn't. The bishop finally getting to his feet and walking towards her. A smile spreading across her lips, as she wrapped her wings around him. Both of them knowing that the bishop was going to have to ask his God for more than forgiveness, for this sin of the flesh. 

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