Chapter 673 - 674

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Chapter 673

Tang Ming took them to the wall of the base. Duan Yuying felt the fresh air outside and gradually woke up. Then she covered her face and leaned against him and cried very sadly.

But he didn't cry. Silent crying is the saddest thing.

Then they saw the huge horned eagle standing on the edge of the wall, and they were all frightened. This was the aftermath of the tragedy they had experienced before.

Tang Ming explained: "This is a mutated horned eagle that Tian Lan and I raised. It is very gentle. If we don't take the initiative to provoke it, it usually ignores others."

Tao Muqi felt relieved when he heard that it was a mutated animal raised by them. Others raised it I don’t know, but the one raised by Tang Ming and Tang Tianlan must be fine.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You used mutated animals to take Tao Ankun away before, right? No wonder you don't

face anything to the west."rm〇Tang

Ming and Tang Tianlan took out all the supplies and placed them at a sentry on the wall to rest. In the room, I got them some easy-to-digest food here.

"Tianlan, just watch here. I want to go to the G city base to have a look again."

Tang Tianlan nodded, "Remember to be careful."

There is no danger in the A city base. All the mutated animals here have left, but in G city The base is different.

Tang Ming said, "I know. I will be careful. I just go over and

have a look and come back soon." He said, sitting on the horned eagle, he arrived near the G city base. He took a look from a distance at first, but soon he discovered The base in City G was also attacked like the base in City A.

Moreover, the situation of the entire base in City G seems to be worse than that of the base in City A. At least half of the walls in the base in City A are in good condition, and the buildings inside are in shabby condition, but at least there is still a place to live.

But all the walls of the base in G city collapsed, and nothing was left. Only the remains of the walls could be seen. As for the buildings inside the base, it was really hard to see.

Basically all the buildings were destroyed, nothing was left, and it looked like ruins.

Tang Ming was very familiar with this scene, really very familiar with it.

Many of the bases he lived in in his previous life would have a similar ending. They would be besieged by a wave of mutant beasts. After being breached, they would wreak havoc inside, and then they would eat people wantonly until they were all eaten.

Powerful mutant animals can eat people directly or be killed by people's resistance.

This is the first batch, and the second batch is after the first batch of predators have left with full stomachs, searching for mutant animals hidden in so-called safe basements in many corners. They are not powerful in combat, but they are very good at hunting.

Therefore, anyone who hides here and does not escape will be found and eaten, and at the same time, the remaining intact buildings will continue to be destroyed.

Of course, there is the third batch, which is also the last batch and the weakest batch. They came in completely crudely. They discarded the unwanted bones and flesh of the previous two batches of mutated animals, and even the blood stains on the ground and walls, etc. Eat it bit by bit and lick it off.

So the entire base seemed to have been destroyed, but no bodies were found. It doesn't mean that they all escaped, but that they were all eaten, and nothing left was eaten.

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