Chapter 781 - 783

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Chapter 781

"The essence of our research on this thing is actually to deal with the tide of mutant beasts. After all, the tide of mutant beasts is really terrifying. If there is no way to deal with it, it will be really difficult to survive."

"But this country has a base that can fight against the tide of mutant beasts . , basically there are not many. Even the other bases in the three major bases except the capital base need to seek help from other bases when encountering a wave of mutant beasts, not to mention many other small bases. Now there are Although this thing may not change the fate of many small bases, it can still help as much as it can. This is also our original intention."

Tang Ming was very satisfied with his statement. If it is really researched to deal with the mutant beast tide. The things that come out are really great.

And now for the capital base, a very natural test site is ready, which is the mutated animals on the plateau.

There are a lot of them, and there is basically a battle between mutated animals and mutated animals every few days, so it is very convenient for the capital base to conduct experiments there.

Tang Ming, "What you said makes me very brave and satisfied. The country will thank you for your contribution. In this case, let's take this thing away first."

Tang Tianlan, "You can follow. I'll stay here."

Tang Ming nodded lightly, "Okay, I'll follow."

This time the horned eagle grabbed the container and flew towards it. This time the guide stayed, and he looked around him with a little fear. Tang Tianlan stood, not knowing what to do or what to say, feeling very uncomfortable.

The researcher had just said goodbye and left, could he leave as well?

Even if you just follow the person to the laboratory to help pack things, it's better than staying here!

Tang Tianlan turned to look at the main gate of the base again, and said to him, "I'll walk around first, and you can figure it out yourself."

The guide nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, no problem, no problem!"

Tang Ming looked at it. Looking at the small base that was gradually becoming less clear, he turned back and looked at the scenery ahead. Below, he could see a long line of rescue vehicles, all of which were slowly moving away from this dangerous place.

From his height, he could still see the undulating sea in the distance. He looked at the sea in the distance with a deep expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Maybe he was thinking about some things in his previous life, or he was thinking about some plans for the future in this life. In short, by the time he came to his senses, the horned eagle was already descending.

It landed slowly on the ground, put the container on the ground, walked aside, and turned its head to look at Tang Ming, who was still on its back.

Tang Ming touched its feathers and said, "Baby, do you want to go back now or rest here for a while?" "There is also a container at the end. It's okay to wait until tomorrow to bring it here anyway." The horned eagle may be feeling it


Now that Tang Ming was in a bad mood, he leaned over and nuzzled him. Tang Ming felt much better instantly. His baby was good and knew how to comfort himself.

"Then go back to the base to join Tianlan now. You can go out and play by yourself at night. When daytime comes, you can come back to the base to find us."

The horned eagle chirped, then took off and left here.

The people at this base who had just negotiated with Tang Ming and were preparing to transport the container just stared blankly at the horned eagle that had left. Fortunately, the negotiation had been finished.

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