Chapter 575 - 576

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Chapter 575

What's even worse is that even if they know who did it, they just don't have the evidence or the strength to come looking for the phoenix! When I think of the expressions on Roblin's face at that time, I can't help but feel good.

Tang Ming thought it was fun when he thought about it, "It would have been quite fun if we had done this in the beginning, but it's even better now." He suddenly thought of a more fun way, "Tianlan, do you think we are like this..."

Tang Ming Tian Lan was a little speechless after hearing this, but still agreed, "Then do what you said."

After Tang Ming and the others went back, they had a good sleep and did what they thought of. That night the two of them set off to Roblin. In the small stronghold over there, two people who were patrolling and keeping vigil outside were captured.

In the dark shadow, they were beaten unconscious and ran away without anyone noticing.

It was very simple for Tang Ming and the others to lead people over the wall, wait until they were outside and then throw the people on the ground? Looking at the two unconscious people, Tang Ming poked one of them in the head with his finger.

"Tianlan, do you remember the information about them? The captains on both sides of the army seemed to have done some statistics before, and then sent some additional information. It was all about their appearance before plastic surgery and the bad things they did."

Tang Tianlan thought . After thinking about it, there were hundreds of people, and he couldn't remember them directly now. He first confirmed their identities, and then said, "If I remember correctly, they are responsible for human trafficking?"

Tang Ming, "Yes. Responsible for luring people to their base in remote or mixed areas of the capital base?"

At this point, Tang Tianlan also officially remembered, "That's right, the two of them go out to deceive people specifically for their power, and then If the color is good, it will be trained. If it doesn't look good, it will be sent to the laboratory to be used as a test product. "

Tang Ming said, "That means everyone deserves to die?"

Tang Tianlan said, "Everyone brought here by Roblin deserves to be punished. If they don't really help him, Roblin won't believe them and take them away safely. " Tang Ming breathed a sigh of relief. "Then kill them. It's a waste of resources for them

to stay in the world."

They really want to save people, but such scum may only lose more people, so they are doing a good deed by doing this, right?

Tang Tianlan took out his knife and cut off the heads of the two people, and then threw the bodies outside. The two of them left quickly, because not long after, mutated animals attracted by the smell of blood appeared here.

The smell of blood is still very fresh. The two corpses are still very fresh, and all mutant animals will like them.

Sure enough, less than two minutes after the two of them left, a mutant animal arrived first, came here, and directly took one of the corpses away. However, not long after running away, it was overtaken by a more powerful animal and bitten to death.

In the end, not even a trace of blood was left on the two corpses. They were eaten clean by the mutated animals one by one. Only a little smell of blood remained, but it gradually dissipated in the cold wind at night.

When Roblin learned about the two missing people the next day, he was silent for a long time. Did they do it? You sent the father and son to test them before, so why don't you just stop pretending and attack them directly?

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