Chapter 790 - 792

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Chapter 790

Because of their height advantage, they could easily see what was surrounded by them.

They were two people, dressed very well, with famous brands all over them. Before the apocalypse, famous brands were brands, but after the apocalypse, famous brands symbolized strength.

Because today's brand-name clothes are all made of the fur of mutated animals, especially when the weather is cold in winter, what you wear can really show your status or the amount of money you have.

It's just a period of time when the snow is thawing. It's really cold outside and can freeze the whole person. Even ordinary mutants need to wear more clothes to survive.

So these two people obviously look like relatively weak mutants, so they are wrapped in a lot of clothes and look like two balls, but now the two balls are very arrogant.

They pointed their fingers at the noses of the staff here and cursed. The curse words were not repeated, but contained insulting words, and they were sprayed out of that mouth.

Even Tang Ming and Tang Tianlan found it very unpleasant, but after listening for a while they realized that they wanted to come here to borrow a car, but they had to show their ID to borrow a car here.

Not only did these two people not show their identity documents, but several staff members discovered that they had borrowed a car before but had not returned it yet.

Therefore, there is no intention to lend them cars. These people will not return the cars at all, and the previous cars are nowhere to be found.

Maybe they bought these two pieces of equipment after selling them for money. After all, I still remember their staff here saying that they were all dressed in ordinary clothes when they came here last time.

Tang Tianlan and the others just stood there and watched them make trouble. Anyway, someone like this would definitely come over soon to teach them how to be a good person. After all, the transit base is not a place where just some trash can cause trouble.

All the staff here are basically elites sent from various bases. Even the cleaners are very powerful people, but... maybe everyone who comes here knows this?

Are these two people still causing trouble here despite knowing that they cannot cause trouble at will in the transit base? Could it be that someone else arranged to come here to cause trouble?

Tang Ming said, "Hey... No matter what, let's deal with it quickly. I want to go out and travel as soon as possible."

Wasting time here made them feel very unhappy.

Tang Tianlan said, "If you don't want to waste time, you can just go and return the car now."

After all, there were only two people making trouble, so it would be no problem to separate some people to help them. Tang Ming thought about it, so he walked over and the car was parked. Here, someone will come over later to check the recycling.

Tang Ming walked behind a staff member standing at the outermost edge and patted him on the shoulder. The staff member turned around and saw Tang Ming.

"Ah! Mr. Tang!"

Tang Ming nodded and pointed to the car behind him, "Let's return the car. Let's take a look."

The staff obviously knew them, or everyone in the entire transfer base knew Tang Tianlan. With Tang Ming, everyone who comes here must clearly remember their appearance to avoid making a fool of themselves in the future.

"Okay Mr. Tang, you don't have to return it. This car is specially prepared for you."

Tang Ming said, "I understand, but just leave the car at the transfer base. If we need to use it, we will come and get it. Now if we have anything to do, we'll leave first."

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